Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 262 The big thing is bad, hurry up and report to the headquarters!

In space above the moon.

Ōtsutsuki Sea Style finally stopped his body, and at the same time calmed down the almost violent energy in his body.

He glanced at the four subordinates in the corpse space, as well as Ōtsutsuki Shishi and the housekeeper who were coughing blood, his face was extremely gloomy!

Obviously, he never imagined that such a terrifying powerhouse would exist on a backward civilized planet in such a border zone. One move would take away his four servants and wound him as well!

After the shock, it was replaced by incomparable anger!

The wolf entered the flock and was wounded by the sheep. This is simply a great shame for him!


Ōtsutsuki let out a roar, and wanted to rush back to fight Lin Xuan.

However, his servant Ōtsutsuki Shishi and the old housekeeper Ōtsutsuki Yamashi quickly stopped him.

The old housekeeper Ōtsutsuki Yamashi said: "Master Haishi calm down, the enemy is strange, don't act rashly!"

Ōtsutsuki Shishi also said quickly: "Yes, Lord Haishi, we can't absorb what the opponent's attack released, it's too strange!"

When Ōtsutsuki Haishi heard their voices, he calmed down a little.

It turns out that his servants couldn't absorb Lin Xuan's attack just now? No wonder his 29s lost so badly just now!

However, everything just happened too hastily, so that they can't analyze why they couldn't absorb the energy of Lin Xuan's move just now.

As a result, just when they were puzzled, Lin Xuan's voice came from above the moon again: "You guys from aliens, are you all so shameless? It was agreed that I would take the shot first, but it turned out to be Want a group of people to fight? Tsk tsk tsk…”

Hearing this, Ōtsutsuki's face became ugly again, and he said solemnly: "I will make you regret it too much, lowly and lowly life!"

Then, he flew towards Lin Xuan on the moon again.

Seeing this, both Ōtsutsuki Mountain Pose and Ōtsutsuki Stone Pose were shocked.

However, before they could speak to dissuade them again, they heard Ōtsutsuki Haishi say to them: "You two, help me!"

Obviously, although he was angry, he was not dazed. Before flying back to the moon, he directly absorbed the bodies of the four tragically dead servants.

After all, this is all energy to him, and it is definitely a great honor to be absorbed by him!

Afterwards, Ōtsutsuki Haishi felt more confident and flew back to the moon at an extreme speed.

Ōtsutsuki Yamashita and the two naturally followed quickly, and together with him they killed Lin Xuan again.

Lin Xuan raised his brows, glanced at them, and said, "Why, are you planning to use more to bully less this time? This is the so-called higher life?"

Ōtsutsuki had a dark face and didn't know how to answer.

His old housekeeper, Ōtsutsuki Yamashiro, sneered and said, "It is also a great honor for you to be able to kill Haishi-sama and us personally!

To their surprise, Lin Xuan sighed lightly after listening to Ōtsutsuki Yamashita's words and said, "There's no way, I originally planned to solve you all by myself, since you guys want to play this kind of thing. With the trick of bullying more and less, then I can only treat others with the way of others!'

Ōtsutsuki sea-style three people are a little puzzled: what does this mean?

Looking at the entire moon, they only sensed the existence of the few people in front of them.

The eyes of the three of them have always been locked on Lin Xuan, because they feel that among these people, the only person who can really threaten them is Lin Xuan!

As for the Sage of Six Paths brothers, who lost to Shishi and others before, Orochimaru and Ōtsutsuki Shiren didn't have much energy, and they didn't take it seriously.

In this case, they really don't understand, how can Lin Xuan retaliate with his own way?

Could it be that people are called over from the nearby life planet?

In fact, the situation was not as troublesome as they had imagined.

After Lin Xuan just finished speaking, he looked at Orochimaru and said, "Orochimaru, please!

Orochimaru suddenly became spiritual, and after licking the corner of his mouth with his long tongue, he looked at Ōtsutsuki and the others and said, "No problem, but I couldn't help but want to do it! 35

All three of Ōtsutsuki sea-style frowned, and their eyes began to examine Orochimaru.

Their first thought was: Could it be that they have misunderstood, this snake-like man actually has a strong strength?

Before they could understand the specific details, they suddenly saw Orochimaru suddenly open a sealed volume, and a large piece of sacrifice White Zetsu flew out from it.

"These are... White Zetsu?" Ōtsutsuki recognized the white guys at a glance.

Obviously, they are no strangers to the special product of the divine tree, White Zetsu.

"They actually cultivated so many White Zetsu? What are they trying to do?" Ōtsutsuki Yamashiki shouted in surprise.

Just then one by one

"Reanimation Jutsu!

Before Ōtsutsuki and the others could react, Orochimaru quickly formed a seal with his hands, and then the spell that had been arranged at his feet suddenly lit up.

It was also at this moment that a system prompt came to Lin Xuan's mind:

"Ding! Detected that the souls of Impure World Reincarnation Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Obito, Senju Tobirama, Uzumaki Nagato... are being summoned by the power of the original world, do you want to stop it?"


027 Lin Xuan chose no without hesitation.


In the pirate world, the members who had already returned to the Ninja Guild, as well as many members scattered all over the world, suddenly turned into dust, and their souls disappeared directly.

In situ, a body of White Zetsu was left, which soon grew into a big tree!

This scene shocked all the people who were originally monitoring their World Government, as well as people from all pirate forces!

Especially the people from the World government, many of them were in charge of surveillance work before, and they saw the same scene with their own eyes during the Summit War.

So when I saw this scene at this time, I just felt that my heart was lifted all of a sudden.

"He...how did they all disappear all of a sudden?!

"This is exactly the same as the previous Summit War!"

"No, it's Lin Xuan who is going to start a war again and call them all back!

"Hey! If that's the case, it's too bad, hurry up and report to the headquarters!

For a while, the World Government of the Pirate World, which had calmed down a little after the Summit War, suddenly began to jump up and down again.

However, this time, they were obviously nervous for nothing, because the location where Lin Xuan summoned the thugs this time was not in the Pirate World!

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