Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 312 The martial arts meeting is over! Come to Namek!

"The game is over, Lin Xuan player wins!

The host wearing sunglasses shouted excitedly.

And with the sound of his announcement, this session of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference finally came to an end.

In the end, Lin Xuan won the championship!

Around the entire arena, the stunned spectators woke up like a dream, and then they all shouted and applauded.

At the same time, the eyes of countless people all over the world are focused on Lin Xuan.

The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament was originally designed to judge the No. 1 master in the world, and now Lin Xuan has become the champion of this year, and is naturally recognized as the strongest person on earth!

At this time, Lin Xuan is far more dazzling than any other celebrities and stars on this planet!

Lin Xuan is not very concerned about this, he is more concerned that after the game is over, his name Lin Xuan will be quickly spread all over the world, and it will bring him more prestige points one after another!

At this time, although the game was over, many spectators at the scene were still discussing in high spirits.

In the previous games, the various powerful ninjutsu displayed by the members of the ninja guild had already surprised and shocked many people, and at the same time attracted many people to have a strong interest in ninjutsu.

In addition, Haki and Whitebeard's Devil Fruit ability, as well as Sun Wukong and Turtle Immortal 133, are also the focus of many discussions.

For a long time to come, I am afraid that the topics discussed by people will not leave this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

At this time, Piccolo, who was watching the game in secret, took a deep look at everyone in the ninja guild including Lin Xuan, and finally glanced at Sun Wukong, then snorted coldly and walked away alone.

After being eliminated from the competition, the reason why Piccolo did not leave directly is that on the one hand, he wanted to continue watching the game, and on the other hand, he had not given up his plan to take revenge on Sun Wukong.

Originally, he planned to go directly to Sun Wukong for a life-and-death battle after the game.

However, after watching the previous match between Lin Xuan and Sun Wukong, Piccolo scrapped the original plan.

With his current strength, I am afraid that he is not Sun Wukong's opponent, even if he is shot at this time, he may not be able to kill him!

Even after seeing the power of Lin Xuan and the others, the goal in his mind gradually changed.

In the past, his biggest idea was to seek revenge on Sun Wukong, but now he wants to improve his strength, because Lin Xuan and the others are too much of a threat to him, and he doesn't like this feeling very much!

Lin Xuan actually noticed when Piccolo left.

However, he didn't pay attention to it. Today's Piccolo's strength is not too strong, and it is nothing to him.

After the game, Lin Xuan also left the venue with others.

Because of their relationship with the Turtle Immortals, after the game, Sun Wukong and the others officially got to know Lin Xuan and the others.

It's just that when Lin Xuan and the others heard that Sun Wukong regarded them as aliens, they felt dumbfounded.

In the end, it was Turtle Immortal who felt that a few guys made him embarrassed, so he had to come forward to explain it, and finally let them know that Lin Xuan and the others are not aliens, but from another world!

However, this fact made Sun Wukong and the others even more shocked.

After a while, Lin Xuan separated from Turtle Immortal and the others, and now that the game is over, he is also ready to leave for Namek.

Of course, he didn't take everyone away, Might Dai, Hatake Sakumo and some of them were left on earth by him.

Even before leaving, Lin Xuan deliberately replaced the sacrifices for them. After all, the sacrifices consumed by several people in the previous games were not small, especially the sacrifices worn by Might were almost completely destroyed.

The reason why some people are left on earth is to prepare for some of his future plans.

Having his own people on this side of the Dragon Ball world can make it easier for him to do things later!

For example, after he has dealt with the pirate world, he can send some of the Impure World Reincarnation sacrifices in other worlds to the Dragon Ball world by sealing them to save one (cjad) A hefty prestige expense!

After arranging everything, Lin Xuan took Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Obito and the others directly to Namek through Shenlong.

As a result, the influence of this martial arts meeting continued to spread in the Dragon Ball world. I don't know how many people became interested in spiritual practice because of this unprecedented grand competition. Lin Xuan and the others caused the topic. Has reached Namek!

When several people descended on Namek, Uchiha Madara and the others couldn't help showing curious expressions on their faces.

At this time, Lin Xuan was also the same, still thinking in his heart: is he the first person on earth to set foot on other life planets?

Of course, the earth here refers to the earth of the previous life!

"This place is really different from Earth!" Uchiha Madara looked at the surrounding environment and was amazed.

Namek and the earth do have great surprises. First of all, the diameter of this planet is more than ten times that of the earth, and there are three stars revolving around Namek. There is no night here.

At this time, Uchiha Madara and the others also noticed the Namekians not far away, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

"These people look a lot like the green-skinned boy I met during the game. Could they be his clan?" Uchiha Madara said with some surprise, but then continued to ask: "What on earth are we here for?"

Lin Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "You guessed it right, this is indeed Piccolo's hometown. As for the purpose of our coming here, it is actually very simple, that is, to find the Dragon Ball here!"

"Dragon Ball?" Uchiha Madara frowned.

He knew what the Dragon Ball was. He had seen it on Earth before, and even summoned the Dragon Ball through the Dragon Ball to come here. To be honest, he didn't think those things were of much use.

However, what he was even more puzzled about at this time was, didn't Lin Xuan already find Dragon Ball?

Lin Xuan didn't explain that much, but led them towards the village not far away.

At the same time, a piece of news about Lin Xuan and the others was passed to the supreme ruler, the Great Elder.

"People from other planets?" The elder said with some doubts.

Lin Xuan and the others did not deliberately hide their whereabouts, and their appearance was very different from that of the Namekians, so they were noticed and channeled up.

At this time, the first elder was a little surprised, not because other planets came to Namek, but because the other party was able to come to their planet silently. If someone hadn't seen their whereabouts, I'm afraid they would not know the existence of the other party.

Coupled with the fact that the origin of the other party is not clear, the Great Elder feels a little uneasy in his heart.

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