Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 327 Stunned The fish men island! Fisher Tiger?

ES evil medicine, according to Lin Xuan's knowledge, its main effect is to greatly enhance the body function in a very short period of time, and there is a time limit (longer time).

Moreover, this medicinal effect has a qualitative change value. After taking a certain amount, it will undergo a great mutation, and it can obtain extremely strong combat power in an instant, and the increased power can be accumulated.

This thing is very similar to the original plot when Luffy and others fought Moria, Gekko Moria plugs the shadow to enhance the combat power, but Moria's ability has no side effects, while the es medicine has side effects.

The side effect of this thing is that it consumes the lifespan corresponding to the power of promotion!

After taking ES medicine, the side effects will not appear in a short period of time. After a period of time, it will look like you are suddenly tens of years older. Not only the combat power obtained before, but even the physical functions of ordinary people will be lost!

In the original plot, all the cadres of the new fish men pirates including Captain Hody, the strongest swordsman Octopus Leopard on The Fish Men Island, and the sea monsters under Van der Deaken all took this murderous medicine.

In the end, except for the sea monster, all those who took it became old, and when Hoddy tried to break the railing, he broke his wrist, and one of the cadres, the squid, twisted his waist while walking. All are decades older.

As for the inventor of this murderous drug, it is currently unknown. Neptune's narrative is a "national treasure" handed down from generation to generation. Hoddy has also admitted that he stole the ES drug and quit the army ten years ago when he was still in the Neptune army. "revenge"


Therefore, the exclusion was deliberately given to Hody, and it was Hody's own plan from beginning to end.

At this time, seeing that the conspiracy that had been planned for many years was about to succeed, a person suddenly appeared to cause trouble, and Hody didn't care about the side effects, he swallowed the medicine frantically, and was ready to kill Lin Xuan!

Soon, his body swelled up rapidly, and even his hair turned white, looking extremely ferocious.

However, even after seeing how Huo Di's strength has skyrocketed after swallowing the medicine, Lin Xuan has no intention of continuing to fight with him.

The difference in strength is too far, and he can't even be interested in fighting.

However, it is clear that Hody Jones will not stop him because of this, otherwise he will not take the medicine in vain?

Therefore, Lin Xuan felt that he could only find an opponent for him.

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly thought of a good idea, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but tick: "Well, it seems quite interesting if Fisher Tiger is asked to deal with Hody Jones! 35

Although he doesn't have Fisher Tiger's DNA in his hand (cjad), but this is The fish men island, isn't it easy to find Fisher Tiger's DNA?!

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan looked at the bound Neptune and asked, "Hey, that big fat man over there, where is Fisher Tiger's grave?

Neptune was stunned.

Big fat man? Are you calling yourself?

But I'm not fat at all, I'm just taller!

However, seeing Lin Xuan looking at him, he is indeed talking to him now.

In fact, Neptune has almost recognized Lin Xuan's identity. As the king of The fish men island, he has been paying attention to the situation at sea before, and naturally he also knows the record of the ninja guild.

This also made him excited, as if he saw the hope of saving The fish men island.

Therefore, although Lin Xuan suddenly asked about the location of Fisher Tiger's tomb, Neptune quickly replied: "It's in the cemetery area on the south side of The fish men island!"

At this time, Hody Jones shouted loudly, rushed towards Lin Xuan with red eyes, the red steel fork in his hand pierced the air and stabbed fiercely.

However, when the steel fork fell, the result was a failure.

Hody Jones' fierce face was startled, and everyone present was stunned, because Lin Xuan's figure disappeared out of thin air in midair.

"It really is him!" Neptune was excited.

Hody Jones was in a state of madness because he had swallowed a large amount of ES drugs. He glanced around with red eyes, looking for the trace of Lin Xuan.

"Where are the people? Come out!" shouted Hody Jones.

Just when Hody Jones could not find any trace of Lin Xuan, and was about to go into a rampage due to the effect of the drug, a figure appeared in the air under observation, and it was Lin Xuan who had disappeared.

However, there was another figure beside him at this time.

"Huh? Don't you think you can beat me if you find a helper? My current strength is very strong, look at me..."

Hody Jones shouted loudly, but before his cruel words were finished, his voice stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and his face showed incredible shock.

Not only him, all the murloc expressions in the square were frozen.

The murlocs present, all eyes fell on Lin Xuan, a tall murloc with red skin, wearing a flower green shirt and turban, the audience was silent for a while.

In the end, someone below suddenly said, "This is... Fisher Tiger?

As this exclamation came out, most of the people present reacted one after another, and their faces were all shocked.

Isn't Fisher Tiger dead? Why is he here?

At this time, after a brief period of confusion, Fisher Tiger's eyes quickly regained clarity, and he also figured out the current situation.

That's why he looked at Lin Xuan with a little more horror.

He had already digested the information in his mind, and he knew what was going on at the moment.

Looking at the familiar The fish men island around here, Fisher Tiger's heart is also greatly shocked. As a person who has been dead for so long, he can actually return to this world!

Just when Fisher Tiger was full of emotion, Hody Jones drank angrily.

"Damn, you're a fake Fisher Tiger, the real Fisher Tiger is already dead, it's impossible to appear here!" Hody Jones growled.

The appearance of Fisher Tiger seemed to stimulate him, making him go crazy further.

Soon, Hody Jones roared loudly, and charged towards Fisher Tiger with a ferocious face.

"Go, blow up this guy who is taking drugs!"

Lin Xuan's voice sounded in Fisher Tiger's ear, he suddenly looked at Hody Jones, and his face changed slightly: "You actually took a lot of fierce drugs?"

At this time, there was a bit of coldness and disgust in his eyes!

At the same time, he also saw the current situation clearly, and his face became even colder. He was so bold that he planned to publicly execute King Neptune and rule The fish men island?!


Fisher Tiger snorted coldly, and when Hody Jones rushed over, he shot without hesitation.

In an instant, the two sides collided with each other and quickly fought.

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