Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 332 Lin Xuan Publicly Collects Debt! World Government Wants To Repay?

Lin Xuan didn't show that he knew that Shirahoshi was the Ancient Weapon, and Nepton and others also thought that Lin Xuan was just a powerful intelligence and knew that they had Ancient Weapon on The fish men island, but they didn't know where it was.

Even Neptune saw that Shirahoshi and Lin Xuan had such a good relationship, and thought about how Lin Xuan would look when he knew that Shirahoshi was Poseidon.

Then, under Shirahoshi's reluctant look on his face, Lin Xuan left The fish men island.

At the same time, a new article by him appeared in the newspaper.

This time, what he wrote was not a comment on a certain high-level executive of World government, but an article on debt collection, the object of debt collection - World government!

At the time of the Summit War, the Five Elders thought that Lin Xuan had attacked the Holy Land Mariejois, and were forced to compromise, so they agreed to two conditions for Lin Xuan.

One of the conditions was the cession of Marineford, which was fulfilled shortly after the war, and the present Naval Headquarters had been moved to the new headquarters.

As for Marineford, it naturally became the territory of the Ninja Guild, but Lin Xuan lent it to the Revolutionary Army and is now stationed by the Army of the Revolutionary Army.

This also further consolidated the cooperation between the two sides. The current revolutionary army has a close relationship with the ninja guild, and that guy from Monkey·D·Dragon often comes to Sabaody Archipelago.

The second condition is that the World government needs to pay Lin Xuan 100 Devil Fruit!

However, since the end of the war, the World Government has not made any move on this condition, and it seems that it does not intend to fulfill it.

This time, Lin Xuan did not wantonly satirize the Five Elders in the article, nor did he wantonly criticize the World government.

The article is not long and the content is very concise: within one day of the World Government, hand over the 100 Devil Fruit owed to the Ninja Guild, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!

However, as the newspaper spread, it caused quite a stir.

The ninja guild once again attacked the World government?

For a time, many forces began to become restless, and they all paid attention to this matter.

Of course, there are also many ordinary people who are even more disappointed with the World government after reading the newspaper.

The compromise of the World Government in the last Summit War was actually publicized at that time. Now the World Government has not fulfilled its promises, and the prestige of the World Government has been affected again.

With the rise of the ninja guild, many people have begun to choose to support the ninja guild, especially those who have been oppressed by Celestial Dragons.

Even many countries that were still hesitating before, have once again considered going to Sabaody Archipelago to participate in the next World Congress held by the Ninja Guild!

In the past, they had no choice but to be governed by the World government. Now, with the Ninja Guild, they also have more choices.

All of a sudden, the whole world became uproar again because of this brief news!

World government headquarters.

Kong Sora looked solemn and went to meet the Five Elders again.

Now in the World government, anything about Lin Xuan and the Ninja Guild will attract the highest attention!

Now, even the commander-in-chief of the World Government, Kong Sora, does not dare to make a decision lightly when faced with matters concerning the Ninja Guild, for fear that something may go wrong!

Therefore, Kong Sora can only ask Five Elders.

When the Five Elders learned about this, they didn't know whether they remembered the previous Summit War's suffocation or other reasons, and their expressions suddenly turned cold.


The moustache slammed on the table with a punch, smashing the table into pieces.

"How courageous, this guy dares to do this!" Bazi Hu shouted angrily.

The bald monk on the side also said in a cold tone at this time: "Hmph, we just don't want to bother with him, does he really think we will give him a hundred Devil Fruit?

"Hehe, at your own risk?"

Golden Beard sneered and said a little sullenly: "This guy dares to threaten (cjad) us like this? Don't you think we are really so easy to bully?"

Curly hair and long beard are also a little angry, but long beard is also a little worried.

In fact, the two conditions they agreed to Lin Xuan at the time were only expedient.

In their opinion, the ceding of Marineford was already a big concession, and it was enough to give face to the Ninja Guild.

Of course, it was more because if it did not cede, the Ninja Guild would not have given up so easily at that time.

As for the 100 Devil Fruit, they were more of a deal with Lin Xuan, and actually never thought about fulfilling their promise.

Now that the crisis is over, there is no need to really give Devil Fruit!

Seeing Lin Xuan blatantly threaten them now makes them feel extremely angry.

Hateful, absolutely hateful!

They are the supreme power controllers of the World government, they are the Five Elders, and the other party threatens them again and again!

Kong Kong Kong, who was beside him, was silent, standing beside him without speaking.

After a while, the Five Elders gradually calmed down, and Kong Kong Kong asked, "Several adults, how should we deal with this?"

Immediately, the Five Elders responded: "Never mind! 35

Kong Sora was hesitant, he wanted to say that if he ignored it, the people of the Ninja Guild would really do something.

However, the Five Elders may have their own considerations, and in the end they just let Kong Kong Kong strengthen the defenses of various places, and then let him leave.

After Kong Sora left, several people snorted again.

"Hehe, even if we don't give it to him, what can he do to us?"

"If he dares to come, then we can also take this opportunity to let him stay completely!

"That's right, the prestige of the World government was damaged because of him before, and now it's time to restore it!"

Apparently, several of the Five Elders didn't care about Lin Xuan's debt collection.

The situation today is different from then, when they were worried about the situation in the Holy Land Mariejois, so they did not dare to fight Lin Xuan for a long time, and now they are guarding the Holy Land Mariejois.

Lin Xuan really dared to attack, and they were confident enough to stop each other.

Even, now that Lord Yim is in the Holy Land, it's better to deal with Lin Xuan at that time!

In this way, the prestige of the World government will surely be restored!

After receiving the reply from the Five Elders, Kong Kong Kong was still a little worried, but he still issued an order to strengthen the defense in all aspects.

Soon, all subordinate departments, including Naval Headquarters, were put on alert.

Time passed, and finally the day passed.

During this period, the World government never responded, neither fulfilling its promise nor responding, as if it knew nothing about the newspaper.

However, a huge accident also began at this time!

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