Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 342 Shocked cp9! The strange change of Sabaody Archipelago!

The moment Spandam and the others landed on the island, several sensor ninjas in a room on the island noticed it.

"Someone broke into the island!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly got the news, frowned, and thought to himself: The president brought people to attack Impel down, and some people trespassed in the Sabaody Archipelago. Could it be those from the World government?

There are really not a few people left on the island now, it is the time when the power is the most empty, the other party really wants to take the opportunity to attack the ninja guild~!

Sarutobi Hiruzen originally wanted to dispatch himself to deal with the invaders, but he soon hesitated.

According to the information of the enchantment class, there are only ten people on the other side. Could it be that they are just the advance exploration troops of the World government?

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also worried that the other party is deliberately attacking the west.

In this way, he cannot leave, and must sit here to master the overall situation!

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally decided to let Orochimaru go to the laboratory and let him take action in this situation is the most appropriate!

"Are there intruders?"

Orochimaru raised his brows after learning the news, and then he licked his lips with his long tongue, and was ready to leave.

However, at this moment, the door on the side was suddenly opened, and Konan in a black robe walked out and said with a smile: "Let me go, it's just the fact that my current strength is!

Hearing this, Orochimaru said with a smile: "Alright, you are now fully recovered, and your strength will be much stronger than before!

Before he could finish his words, Konan was gone.

"What a rush guy!"

Orochimaru shook his head, didn't care, and continued to work on his own business.

As for the invaders, with Konan's current strength, there should be no problem.

At this time, when Spandam and CP9 boarded the Sabaody Archipelago, they were first taken aback by the earth-shaking environment in front of them.

"How did Sabaody Archipelago become like this?"

A group of people appeared surprised. They had been to Sabaody Archipelago before, but the current Sabaody Archipelago had changed so much from their impression that they almost didn't recognize it.

Sabaody Archipelago used to be an archipelago of similar size, but now it looks more like a small island surrounding a huge central island.

Kalifa took a close look at the huge island in the center, and suddenly exclaimed: "What kind of tree is that, it looks so magnificent!

Others hurriedly looked over, and soon saw a towering giant tree attracting the past, and it looked really spectacular.

At this time, Spandam ignored so much and urged several people to rush towards Ohara Island.

Obviously, Spandam came prepared this time.

Since he learned that Nico Robin has joined the Sabaody Archipelago, he has been paying close attention to this matter. He also learned the location of Ohara Island in the Sabaody Archipelago through the investigation results of the World government.

So, Spandam is going to let someone catch Nico Robin first.

"Blueno, Luigi, you must act first, Nico Robin must be brought back!" Spandam ordered.

However, at this time, he found that Lu Qi and Blueno, who were beside him, did not obey his orders, but looked puzzled.

Immediately, Spandam became dissatisfied and cursed angrily: "Damn, didn't you hear my order?

He couldn't wait to catch Nico Robin and get the credit, only for these two idiots to ignore his orders!

Lu Qi's face was solemn, and he said: "Sir, something seems wrong!

"What's wrong?" Spandam asked impatiently.

This time, Blueno said, "I feel like my Devil Fruit ability has disappeared!"

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・


Spandam's face changed, and he looked at the others.

"Me too, I can't seem to use the Devil Fruit ability!"

Lu Qi and the others had solemn expressions on their faces, as did them, the Devil Fruit ability could not be used.

"Damn, how could this be, is there a seastone here?" Spandam scratched his head.

Lu Qi shook his head and said: "No, it doesn't seem to be the same as Seastone. If it were Seastone, we would feel powerless, but now we just can't use the Devil Fruit ability, it's more like something has absorbed the power in our body!"

For a time, they couldn't help but startled.

Is this Sabaody Archipelago so weird that their Devil Fruit abilities can't be used?

This is simply unheard of!

What the hell did the ninja guild do?!

"Forget it, you just can't use your abilities, and you're not weak without your abilities, let's ignore this for now, and act quickly!

Spandam became more and more uneasy, and wanted to quickly grab Nico Robin and leave here. As for the attack on the Ninja Guild Base Camp, he thought it was better!

The group quickly arrived near the island of Ohara, and they didn't see anyone from the Ninja Guild along the way, which made them feel a lot more at ease.

It seems that the Ninja Guild's defense is indeed very empty now.

"Go ahead, grab the devil's son Nico Robin as soon as possible, and check the situation on Ohara by the way! Spandam ordered.


Lu Qi and the others responded and rushed to Ohara Island not far away.

However, at this time-

"Paper Rain!

The surrounding ground fluctuated like waves, and then began to change, turning into countless sheets of paper, like sharp arrows, whistling towards them three.

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