Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 352 Countries all over the world rushed to the Ninja Guild!

When the Five Elders returned to the Holy Land of Mariejois, they were nearly unconscious because of their serious injuries.

Until now, they were still a little unbelievable.

They took advantage of Lin Xuan's absence on the island, and the five teamed up to attack Sabaody Archipelago.

Today's ninja guild has completely become a climate~!

However, their faces changed when they saw the dilapidated scene in the Holy Land Mariejois.

Soon, they learned that not long ago, Lin Xuan attacked the Holy Land Mariejois with the entire Impel down, and even forced Lord Im to take action.

Immediately, the five people who were seriously injured were almost stunned!

They really don't know about this, because Lin Xuan blocked their live broadcast as early as when they fought Konan.

Therefore, they didn't know what happened before, but now that they knew the whole story, they were so angry that they wanted to kill!

Deceiving too much!

They have ruled this world for so many years, and they have never made any mistakes, but now they are so embarrassed by the ninja guild, they have long been resentful to the extreme!

The long beard snorted coldly: "Actually, it's not that there is no chance, as long as you ask Lord Yimu to kill Lin Xuan, the ninja guild will become a mess!

Several people nodded and agreed with the statement of the long beard.

Today's ninja guild is very strong, but they also see that all this is based on Lin Xuan. If Lin Xuan is dead, then the ninja guild will not be a problem!

Therefore, the five of them did not care about healing, and went straight to the deepest part of the ancient city, preparing to meet Lord Yimu!

In any case, the ninja guild can no longer be left alone, otherwise the world government may be in danger.

Therefore, I can only ask Lord Yimu to do it himself!

When the outside world was making a lot of noise because of the previous incident, the ninja guild was like the past.

Now it's less than a week before the Ninja Guild's World Congress!

On this day, a large ship quietly departed from Alabasta, and the target was Sabaody Archipelago!

On this day, there was also a huge ship wrapped in bubble wrap and left The fish men island, heading in the same direction as Sabaody Archipelago.

In the following period of time, there were successive countries and forces that were either open-minded or quietly set out, but the goals of these forces were surprisingly the same, all of them rushing towards the Sabaody Archipelago.

There is no doubt that Lin Xuan's live broadcast of the attack on Impel down, along with the attack on the Holy Land Mariejois, made some people who had not yet made up their minds suddenly decided to join his side!

At the same time, the World Government soon received the news and quickly dispatched a fleet to intercept the people who were going to the conference.

However, in the ninja guild, there are also ninjas who have left the Sabaody Archipelago in small teams and traveled all over the world to meet and protect those who came to the World Congress!

Under the protection of the strong ninja guild, these fleets not only failed to intercept the target, but suffered considerable losses.

In particular, one of the fleets encountered people from the Whitebeard Pirates on the way, and they were completely wiped out.

Grand Line, an unnamed island.

The island is lush with trees, but it is very quiet, far away from all the hustle and bustle, as if everything in the world is isolated from here.

However, on this day, two uninvited guests broke into this place, breaking the peace here.


A fire burst out, followed by a figure flying backwards from a distance and smashed to the ground.

This is a young man with black hair and freckles. He was seriously injured. He looked at the person walking towards him angrily, and said coldly, "Teach, even if I die today, I will kill you here!" "

Opposite him is a dark middle-aged man with a rough appearance and a burly stature with a few teeth missing in his mouth.

.....for flowers 0

"Ace, now I have the ability of dark fruit, can restrain your ability, you will not be my opponent!" The middle-aged man laughed when he heard the words.

These two people, it is Fire Fist Ace, and Blackbeard Marshall · D · Teach.

Although Summit War broke out early, the two eventually ran into each other.

Not long ago, Fire Fist Ace resigned from his father Whitebeard, and despite his father's dissuasion, he still chose to hunt down Blackbeard.

And because of the relationship between the two wars, Blackbeard has not captured Ace to become Shichibukai, but he has gathered a group of powerful helpers around him.

The two sides met at sea, and a war soon broke out.

However, Ace's side was at a disadvantage and ultimately lost, and several other companions were killed. Only Ace was chased here by Blackbeard.

The two have been fighting so far, Ace is already a little exhausted, and at this moment, he doesn't say any more, and the flames erupt on his arm.

"Flame Ring, Pillar of Fire!

Searing flames spewed out of his arms, roaring towards Blackbeard on the opposite side.

Blackbeard on the opposite side laughed loudly, and the dark matter all over his body erupted, his palm grabbed towards the pillar of fire, and quickly absorbed it.

Soon, the flame quickly weakened, and finally was completely absorbed by the dark matter, and it completely dissipated in a blink of an eye, which made Ace's face change slightly.

"Ace, I said, you are not my opponent!" Blackbeard sneered.

At the same time, he seemed to be impatient, and planned to solve Ace as soon as possible, and the dark matter on his body erupted again.

"Dark cave!"

A large amount of darkness quickly eroded the ground, forming a black hole on the ground, and began to quickly swallow everything around, and Ace's figure was also sinking rapidly.

However, at this moment, an impatient voice sounded: "Who allowed you to make a fuss here?" Three.

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