Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 399 The mother tree body that covers the sky!

"Shoot!" Kong Kong uttered a low voice.

Immediately, the World Government soldiers behind him rushed out one after another and joined the team to suppress Demon fruit power.

Obviously, these people have been holding a fire in their hearts.

After getting Kong Kong Kong's approval, a group of people couldn't wait to make a move.

In Demon fruit power, there are also many people they know, and they don't want to see them hurt or even die.

Kong Sora had a complicated expression and couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating smile.

It's really unpredictable!

Who would have thought that it was originally the New Era Alliance that attacked the World Government headquarters, and it finally developed into this.

What's even more unexpected, he, the commander-in-chief of the World government, will one day join forces with his own enemies, and what he is fighting against is the object of their "guardianship"!

"Hehe, it's already this time, who cares!" Kong Kong suddenly laughed 29 times.

Then he rushed out also quickly, covered by Armament Haki, and rushed towards the golden Buddha over there.

"Sengoku, you bastard, you are actually being controlled!" Kong Kong Sora shouted.


Kong Sora threw a punch and fought directly with Sengoku.

Soon, after being controlled by the mother tree of demons, the ability was exerted to the ultimate effect, and he was directly suppressed by him.

The people around were amazed, and some even exclaimed: "Oh my God, Commander Kong Kong Kong is actually so strong?"

Kong Sora also heard their words, black lines all over his face, what is it that I am so strong?

How can he be weak if he can become the Marine's commander-in-chief, but the perverts of the ninja guild have obscured the light some time ago!

I'll let you see today, my Kong Kong's strength is not vain!


With this distraction, Kong Kong Kong was almost slapped flying by Sengoku's palm, so frightened that he quickly regained his mind.

"Good you Sengoku, how dare you do something to your boss, look back and see how I punish you!"

Kong Sora continued to charge towards Sengoku with a big drink, and then he beat Sengoku back and forth.

Of course, he naturally wouldn't take Sengoku's life. The reason why he found Sengoku as an opponent was to keep Sengoku's life. Who knows if the people of the New Era Alliance will keep his hands.

With the participation of the World government, the situation in the field has finally begun to change.

With the joint efforts of the two sides, the pressure was suddenly reduced a lot, and the strong men of the Ninja Guild finally freed their hands and began to prepare to counterattack.

For example, the four Kage-levels of First Tsuchikage, First Kazekage, First Mizukage, and Second Mizukage jointly displayed the Four Red Yang Formation, which trapped a lot of Demon fruit power at once.

On the other hand, the people of Xiao's organization also began to play a role. As professionals who hunted tailed beasts outside all year round, they are still very good at siege.

Uchiha Itachi shuttled across the battlefield, Sharingan turned, constantly performing illusions.

Controlling these Demon fruit powers to fight is actually the demons in their bodies. Facing the powerful illusion of Itachi God, many people completely lost consciousness all of a sudden.

Other ninjas also used their own means, illusion, ninjutsu, seal, and enchantment.

Obviously, the effect of the means of the ninja guild's powerhouses is still very obvious.

Soon, most of the Demon fruit power was subdued, leaving only a few stronger ones, such as Whitebeard, Kaido, Charlotte Linlin, Golden Lion, Sengoku, Aokiji and so on.

As long as these "stubborn resistance" people are subdued, then the battle here is over!

at this moment one by one


A figure shot from the sea, with its head against the sea, moving like a drift, and finally hit the vines below, breaking the vines.

Everyone looked quickly, and finally saw the true face of the figure on the sea, it was Im.

However, at this time, Yimu's body was in tatters, and there was nothing intact on his body, and he looked miserable.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also flew in quickly from a distance.

"President Lin won?"

The crowd couldn't help cheering. Originally, they were worried that if Lin Xuan lost, they would die.

Unexpectedly, President Lin's battle would end faster than their 200.

At this time, several figures from the sky descended from the sky and smashed to the ground.

Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama and the others also flew down from the sky, and the figures just now were the ancestors of the Celestial Dragons who were defeated again by them.

Fearing that the ancestors of these Celestial Dragons were somehow "resurrected", several even dismantled their bodies.

At this time, the sea suddenly began to churn violently.

"Crack! Kick!

One after another huge vines rushed out of the sea, twisting in the air, and the sea surface even set off waves of tsunamis.

"Damn, go to hell!""

An angry and harsh roar came from among the huge vines.

At this moment, the demon mother tree was furious, and countless huge vines rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge tree rising up quickly from the sea, and countless branches stretched out, covering the sky and the sun!

With the appearance of the main body of the devil's mother tree, a terrifying coercion to Ultimate also swept across the world in an instant!

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