Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 414 Abolition of Slavery, Public Execution of Celestial Dragons!

Hearing Whitebeard's words, all the pirates present turned their attention to Lin Xuan.

For a long time, pirates and marines have always been opposed to each other.

In the previous Holy Land Mariejois War, in the new era alliance, the pirate forces headed by One Piece Roger and the two Four Emperors were also the main force.

In this battle, they won.

Although these people are pirates, they haven't done anything wrong, and naturally they don't want to continue to live the life of rats crossing the street and everyone shouting and beating like before!

However, now that Lin Xuan is about to completely break the world, he has set up Marine to govern the sea, which makes them worry.

Some people even wondered, is Lin Xuan planning to cross the river and demolish the bridge, not to kill the donkey?

As if seeing their thoughts, Lin Xuan said with a smile, "Actually, there are two types of pirates in the sea!"

"The first one is people like you and red hair, who don't aim at looting, murder and arson, but more about the government, the sea, and travel to every corner of the sea!"

"The other kind is a villain who specializes in killing people and setting fires, and doing all kinds of evil!"

This is Lin Xuan's view all the time.

Take the Straw Hat Pirates for example, are people like Luffy and Zoro really pirates?

They have never done evil things, but when they encounter injustices, they will help. Such people have nothing to do with villains.

It is not so much that they are pirates, but it is said that they cannot find a more suitable name, and they are called pirates.

"The first type of people, I think it is more appropriate to say that they are pirates, but rather sailing adventurers."

"Adventure! Conquest! This is the dream of this type of people, they act for their own dreams, they did not cause harm to people, and even sheltered some ordinary people, such people are obviously harmless' 々!

Lin Xuan's words spoke to the hearts of the pirates present.

"That's right, that's it! Speaking of which, we haven't done anything bad, just because we're famous, Marine issued a bounty for us and chased us every day!

"The key is that sometimes you can't run away, you have to fight them, and then the bounty gets higher!

"Everything we do is good, but those villagers treat us as robbers, and everyone yells and beats us!"

The pirates in the field couldn't help but began to complain.

Sengoku and their faces couldn't hang up.

In fact, there is no way!

After all, there are many villains among Pirates, and among Marines, there are good and bad.

In this way, it can only be wiped out in one go, and can only hold the attitude that it is better to kill the wrong and not let it go.

Of course, the bigger reason was that Marine was always under the orders of the World government.

Lin Xuan nodded with a smile, and said, "So, I am here to announce that from now on, the Ninja Guild will be renamed the Hyperdimension Guild!

"Super Dimension Guild?"

The people present were stunned, and some did not know why.

"That's right, Super Dimension will no longer be limited to ninjas, but recruits the powerhouses from all over the world to officially join the guild! Lin Xuan said.

Roger and Whitebeard heard the words, and their eyes lit up first.

"President Lin, do you mean that we can also join this super-dimensional guild?" Roger asked quickly.

Whitebeard was also looking forward to it.

These two have been to the world of Dragon Ball with Lin Xuan, and they have experienced the benefits of being a member of the guild!

Lin Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, of course, the conditions for joining the Super Dimensional Guild will be stricter. You can't join if you want to join. You must pass the assessment and meet the conditions before you can join!""

"However, it doesn't matter if you don't pass, because I also plan to set up a sailing adventurer's guild under the super-dimensional guild!"

"This guild is mainly aimed at the original pirates. After all pirates have been reviewed and qualified, they can register as adventurers in the Adventurers Guild. Adventurers are not regulated by Marine, but by the Adventurers Guild. directly responsible!

"It should be noted that when you become adventurers, you also have to bear the corresponding responsibilities, especially you can't do things that hurt the world, or you will be severely punished by the guild!"

"As for those pirates who have done a lot of hurtful things and are really vicious and vicious, they are the real pirates! Marine captures, regardless of life or death, when adventurers meet, they are also obliged to help eliminate these people!"

Lin Xuan roughly talked about the concept of the Adventurer's Guild.

This surprised the people in the field again, and the pirates were very interested in adventurers.

||The Adventurers Guild is independent of the World government and is affiliated to the Super Dimensional Guild. At the same time, a contribution reward system will be set up. Adventurers can exchange for corresponding rewards through contributions, such as Devil Fruit, Ninjutsu, etc., and they can join after reviewing their outstanding performance. Super Dimension Guild!"

"Of course, the same is true for the World government, where rewards can be exchanged for meritorious deeds.

Having said that, Lin Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said again: "Even, the Super Dimension Guild can help you make someone reappear in the world, or even resurrect them!"


There was a commotion at the scene, and many people widened their eyes and quickly asked what Lin Xuan meant.

"Just ask Roger about this and they will know, as long as your contributions are enough, you can apply to the Super Dimensional Guild! 35

Lin Xuan did not continue to say anything more on this topic, and things were basically settled like this.

"Then let's talk about another thing, I plan to officially abolish the slave system in various places and free all slaves!"

Slavery exists in this world, and it is very serious, especially led by Celestial Dragons, which makes slave auctions more and more popular. Once arrested, many people may become slaves directly!

The people present were surprised again when they heard Lin Xuan's words.

But soon they thought again that President Lin Xuan had been caught in the Sabaody Archipelago and prepared to be auctioned as a slave.

In the next few wars, many people felt that it was Lin Xuan's revenge against Celestial Dragons.

Therefore, Lin Xuan's proposal to abolish slavery at this time is actually a matter of course.

At this time, Lin Xuan glanced at everyone, ignoring their opinions, and said with a serious face: "The abolition of slavery is imperative, and I also plan to publicly execute all the Celestial Dragons who have committed evil deeds!"

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