Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 417 Spread the word! The world shakes violently!

"Combining Turtle Qigong with Rasengan, the power is not bad!" Lin Xuan said to himself.

The sudden change left many people at a loss.

Their expressions changed, and their hearts were even more horrified: shouldn't Rocks just be killed like this?!

That was the powerhouse who once dominated the sea, and even Whitebeard and the others were his subordinates.

Regardless of whether Rocks is dead or not, it is an indisputable fact that he has no power to fight back in Lin Xuan's hands.

Chairman Lin Xuan's strength is truly unfathomable!

Lin Xuan looked at Kaido and the others with a smile on his face, and said, "Are you guys the same as Rocks?

Kaido, Charlotte Linlin, and Shiki, the "Twenty Twenty" son of the Golden Lion, shuddered violently, the pressure in their hearts increased sharply, and they quickly said in horror: "We are willing to surrender!"5


Lin Xuan sneered suddenly, these three people are fierce people by nature, how could he not see their careful thoughts.

However, he doesn't care, in the face of absolute power, no amount of tricks will be futile.

"It would be a pity to kill you, anyway, for the next ten years, you will stay on the Sabaody Archipelago and work hard, and I will let you go after ten years! 99

"Ten years?" Auntie's eyes widened, looking dissatisfied.

"do you have any opinion?"

Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed, so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything more.

These people have always been ruthless and domineering, especially the aunt. If she can't satisfy countless people in time when her phagocytosis occurs, she will destroy and devour a lot of souls.

However, now in front of Lin Xuan, I feel as powerless as a child, how can I dare to contradict Lin Xuan.

Several people closed their mouths tightly, and lowered their heads and dared not say anything more.

At this time, Lin Xuan grabbed his palm and grabbed a bloody figure from the crack in the space and threw it on the ground.

It was the Rocks that just disappeared.

However, the current Rocks looks miserable, his clothes are tattered, and most of his body is seriously injured and bloody.

Although he looked quite embarrassed, he did not lose his life.

Rocks has long since lost his previous arrogance, and when he looked at Lin Xuan again, there was only endless panic.

Before he was confident that he had the strength to fight against Lin Xuan, but he found that he could not stop even a single move. In the end, Lin Xuan caught him back and saved him!

"You are just like them," Lin Xuan said, "If you perform well, you have a chance to become stronger too!

After he finished speaking, he did not stay any longer, and his figure disappeared directly in place.

After that, everyone else dispersed, and the World Summit was over.

Rocks and others were also taken away, but the aunt Charlotte Linlin was taken to the Orochimaru laboratory.

Senju Tobirama has also joined the laboratory now, and Bega Punk, who was captured from the Holy Land Marijoa, is now working in the laboratory.

They were intrigued by Charlotte Linlin's eczema and wanted to study it.

This World Summit is officially over.

It was not so much a meeting as a group of people listening to Lin Xuan announce the decision.

Lin Xuan is very strong, that's because he doesn't want to waste time on this kind of thing, and directly decides everything.

Of course, he did not blindly deter him, but paid equal attention to both favor and power, which also gave them some sweetness and hope.

On the day of the meeting, a detailed newspaper was quickly circulated all over the world.

Soon, the whole world was in an uproar again.

The establishment of the new World government, the mutual supervision system of the three departments, makes people feel very surprised.

The former World government personnel as the main members established Marine, which also attracted a lot of attention.

The establishment of the Adventurer's Guild has attracted more attention from pirates and bounty hunters. …

The definition of an adventurer also resonated with many pirates. Many pirates became excited and threatened to register as an adventurer as soon as possible.

For example, the Straw Hat Pirates, as soon as they got the news, Luffy began to shout about becoming an adventurer, the first king of adventure!

The other pirate groups were similar, especially when all the Four Emperors pirates joined the Adventurer's Guild, which ignited everyone's passion, and many people flocked to the Adventurer's Guild.

In addition, the rewards set by the Adventurers Guild also caused quite a stir.

The guild contribution exchange system can not only exchange for Devil Fruit, but also allow people to see dead people and even resurrect their relatives and friends.

When seeing this, the first reaction of many people is not to believe it.

However, when they learned that the person who formulated this reward system was Lin Xuan, most people chose to believe it.

If that man said it, even if something shocking happens, it is entirely possible!

In addition, the abolition of slavery and the execution of Celestial Dragons three days later also received a lot of attention from 0.3.

Especially those who had been persecuted by Celestial Dragons couldn't help cheering when they saw the news.

As for the others, they are also full of emotion.

Who would have thought that the world's highest nobles who used to disdain to breathe the same air as ordinary people would have such a day.

Immediately, many people rushed to Marineford, where Celestial Dragons would be executed in three days!

On the same day, Uchiha Itachi appeared on a remote island, which was followed by a fierce battle.

Soon after, Uchiha Itachi left with a man in his hand.

Because of the influence of World Summit, this incident did not attract anyone's attention.

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