Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 419 The execution begins! Akainu strikes!

Finally, all Celestial Dragons were escorted to the execution stand.

Many Celestial Dragons on the stage were so frightened by the scene that they wet their pants, collapsed on the ground and screamed in horror.

At this moment, when the crowd below saw the Celestial Dragons in a state of embarrassment, they couldn't help cheering excitedly.

However, many people were surprised when they saw Doflamingo with his arms locked in seastone handcuffs.

How did Donquixote Doflamingo get caught too?!

There were still some people present who didn't know Doflamingo's true identity at first, and soon the news spread in the crowd, which immediately surprised many people.

Doflamingo is actually Celestial Dragons?

Of course, when many people in the crowd saw Doflamingo, their faces were filled with anger.

These people are the little people of Dressrosa. For so many years, Dressrosa has been under the control of Doflamingo, so that the little people on the island have been enslaved.

Even King Riku has been imprisoned, and countless people on the island have been in constant pain.

In addition to the villains, there are many people who are also injured by Doflamingo, and they all know Doflamingo's crimes.

Doflamingo once destroyed eight towns with his own hands, and a large number of residents were slaughtered. He even used "Birdcage" to directly cut and smash a town, and no one on the island survived!

Seeing this cold-blooded and cruel man being sent to the execution platform, many people couldn't help cheering and shouting: "Kill him, kill him!"

At this moment, Doflamingo looked at the audience below, with a wicked smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "How could I, Joker, die in such a place, I am a person with the blood of a noble creator, You won't die until you complete your goals'々.

"A bunch of ignorant trash, look back and see how I killed you!"

At the same time, he looked at the other Celestial Dragons who were frightened and utterly frightened, and they were also descendants of the creator, and these guys were just as rubbish as pigs.

There was never a trace of nervousness on his face, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Akainu who was standing beside him, and couldn't help but let out a "boiled" laughter.

At this time, Kong Kong began to announce the results of their investigation in the past three days, that is, about the various crimes of these Celestial Dragons on stage.

Suddenly, the scene gradually quieted down, and everyone was listening carefully to Kong Sora's words.

As the crimes were listed one by one, many people present soon showed anger on their faces and became more and more angry.

Damn it!

Damn these Celestial Dragons!

Over the years, they have committed too many crimes, and everyone's hands are stained with the blood of innocent people, such as brutalizing slaves, wanton killing, and even the most common things.

Simply utterly disgusting!

Many people in the field were already so angry that they could not wait to rush up and kill them with their own hands!

In the end, Kong Sora also spoke out about Doflamingo's crimes.

When everyone learned what Doflamingo had done, they were both shocked and angry.

Among the Celestial Dragons in the audience, the crimes committed by others are not worth mentioning in Doflamingo.

With so much blood, he even became one of the Shichibukai before!

"Hateful, this guy is simply a devil!

"He must be executed, or he will continue to wreak havoc on the world!"

"Damn it, kill him!

Hearing the angry shouts in the field, Kong Sora and Sengoku were also moved.

When they first learned the results of the investigation, they were also shocked that Doflamingo had done so many evil things in the dark!

At this time, Kong Sora waved his hand, and the scene soon became quiet.

At this time, he opened his mouth and said: "Today Marine represents the new World government, and executes the public execution of all the Celestial Dragons who have committed crimes!

"it is good!"

The people below shouted excitedly.

Kong Sora did not continue to be one, and glanced at the group of Celestial Dragons who were already frightened to death, and said: "Go!"

Behind each Celestial Dragons, stood two soldiers holding knives. Upon hearing Kong Sora's order, the soldiers raised the knives in their hands and cut them straight down.


Under the terrified expressions of the Celestial Dragons, their heads were directly chopped off, their eyes widened, and their faces were full of fear.

However, at this moment, a change happened!

When the soldier in charge of the execution dropped his sword, Doflamingo suddenly turned around and greeted him with his arms.


The long knife directly cut off his arms, and the seastone handcuffs also fell at this time, but a silk thread appeared on the broken arm, which was quickly connected to the broken arm on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, his hands were reconnected to his arms, and the wound was quickly repaired by silk threads.

"I don't want to die yet!" Doflamingo said with a wicked smile, raising the corners of his mouth.

Among the crowd, a few people (dead) rushed out, and they turned out to be Doflamingo's subordinates, who had been disguised and hidden in the crowd before.

The voice fell, his finger moved, and the Devil Fruit ability was activated, and the remaining execution platform quickly turned into countless threads, killing the Marine soldiers who were slaughtering him.

At the same time, he suddenly looked at Akainu and shouted: "Akainu, do it!


Hearing that, Sengoku, who was about to shoot, suddenly showed a look of surprise, and quickly looked at Akainu, and saw that Akainu's entire arm had become magma.

"Dark Hound!""

The magma on Akainu's arm quickly stretched out and bombarded Shin forward.


In a blink of an eye, the magma slammed into a figure, blasting the other person directly out, and smashed from the execution platform to the ground below.

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