Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 006 The monster who can speak human words

So, after setting up Todero and Mitia, Lin Xuan and Yang Sige carefully entered the cave under the waterfall with torches.

In the dark cave, because the cave is located under the waterfall, the humidity in the cave is very heavy, which makes Lin Xuan and Yang Si Ge feel a little uncomfortable, but after a short period of adaptation, they use torches to explore the road, while cautiously go forward.

The passage of the cave is not wide, so Lin Xuan and Yang Sige could not walk side by side, they could only walk forward one person and one person behind.

After they walked for a while, a fork suddenly appeared in front of them, and two completely unknown passages appeared in front of them, so they had to stop and discuss which way to go.

"Oh, there is a fork in the road, big brother, which way should we go?" Yang Sige asked.

"Hmm..." Lin Xuan carefully observed the two passages in front of him, pondered for a while, and said, "The passage on the left is narrower, and the passage on the right is wider, because we don't know the conditions in the two passages. , If there are monsters in it, it must be a wide passage that is more convenient for us to fight, so let's try to go to the wider passage on the right!

"Well, brother, what you said makes sense! Then let's go this way!" Yang Sige agreed.

Therefore, Lin Xuan and Yang Sige chose to walk to the right passage. As Lin Xuan said before, this passage is wider than the previous road, which is enough for Lin Xuan to walk side by side. However, as Lin Xuan said, there are several bat-like monsters hidden in the spacious passage. After they found Lin Xuan, they immediately launched an attack on them.

The two of Lin Xuan had no choice but to fight. Fortunately, the bat monsters were not high-level and weak. In addition, the passage was relatively wide, and the two of them were able to let go of their hands and feet. Therefore, the two of them didn't spend much effort, just Eliminate all those monsters.

"Huh! Big brother, you guessed right! There is indeed a monster hiding in this passage!" Yang Sige said to Lin Xuan while taking out the inner elixir from the monster.

"Well, but since there are really monsters here, there are probably more monsters of higher level in the front passage, we have to be more careful!" Lin Xuan said.

After collecting the inner alchemy, the two of Lin Xuan continued to walk forward. It didn't take long for them to reach a very spacious place, and their eyes suddenly became clear.

"Wow! It's really big here!" Yang Sige said, looking at the spacious space in front of him.

After Lin Xuan looked around from left to right, he soon found that there seemed to be a broken wooden door not far in front of them, and in front of the wooden door, something seemed to be standing there.

"Look, what is that?" Lin Xuan said, pointing to the figure not far away.

"Hmm..." Yang Sige narrowed his eyes, looked at it carefully, then shook his head helplessly, and said, "It's too dark, I can't see clearly, I can only see that the guy is very small, from his Judging by its size, it should be a monster too!

"Well, I think so too! Let's go and see!

Therefore, Lin Xuan and Yang Sige, after discovering the mysterious figure not far away, approached it cautiously and slowly, and were ready to fight and even escape.

After walking slowly for a while, Lin Xuan and Yang Sige finally clearly saw the appearance of the figure guarding the wooden door.

It was a shell-like monster, only the size of a domestic cat. At this time, it was standing in front of the hole in the wooden door with bright eyes, as if it was guarding something, and what it was holding in its hand, But it is a large wooden hammer that is much larger than its body.

And when Lin Xuan and Yang Sige approached it, it quickly found them too, and then it opened its small mouth and shouted loudly: "Who is that over there!"

Seeing that the monster actually started talking, Lin Xuan and Yang Sige couldn't help being taken aback, but instead of running away in such a panic, they continued to approach the monster. Xuan greeted it tentatively: "Uh, hello! We're here to find something in this cave!

Seeing that Lin Xuan and the others were not frightened away by him, the monster showed a surprised expression, and then it looked contemptuous and said in a cold voice, "Humph! How dare you talk to me? A guy who looks like a traveling merchant came here before, but he ran away without saying a word when he saw me! Anyway, you should have realized that you must defeat me first if you want to move forward! How? Do you still dare to challenge me? I advise you to stop here, otherwise, you will be taught a bad lesson by me!

Maybe the previous people were scared away because this monster could talk, but this monster thought its appearance was very intimidating, so those humans were scared away. Therefore, it is now He tried his best to straighten his body, as if he wanted to scare the two of Lin Xuan away with his terrifying appearance.

Of course, this monster is not scary at all because of its small size, and it is even a bit cute. Therefore, Lin Xuan and two naturally have no reason to be afraid of it, so the two of them walked in front of the monster.

"|| What? You...you guys really want to challenge me?" Seeing Lin Xuan and the two of them leaning towards him, the monster was a little timid.

"There's no way, we don't want to hit you, but we want to pass here, (Mano's) and you won't give way, so we have to challenge you according to your wishes!

"Hmph! You...you are really brave! It seems that you are very confident in your own strength! If that's the case..." After saying this, the monster suddenly fell into silence, just staring quietly in front of him The two of them, Lin Xuan, just when they were about to ask questions in confusion, the monster said, "Well, for the sake of your bravery, I'll let you go this time!"

After finishing speaking, the monster walked aside with a big wooden hammer under the surprised gazes of Lin Xuan and the two, and then it kindly said to the two of Lin Xuan: "You can go, be careful on the road!" "

After the monster stood aside, it suddenly lost its previous prestige. It saw that Lin Xuan and the two were motionless, and continued: "What's the matter? You are in the past!"

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