Chapter 009 Clues

"What?" Hearing Valentina's words, Luinilu suddenly showed a very surprised look, "What do you know?"

"I know why you dropped the crystal ball..." Valentina whispered.

"Ah, Valentina..." Luigi sighed deeply, "Then do you know about your biological parents?

"I know, but...even if it's your fault, Dad, but they're already dead..." Valentina's face was full of sadness.

"Why? Valentina? You know the truth, why didn't you follow me..."

"No, you're just a fortune teller!" Valentina interrupted her father's words, "Although I don't really understand it, I know your fortune teller is very powerful, no one knows "four or nine zeros" Where did my biological parents escape to, but you know very well..."

After listening to Valentina's words, Luinilu sighed again and said with a desolate expression: "As a well-known fortune teller, I thought that there was nothing I couldn't fortune, so I was a little carried away. I divination is a good person or a bad person, I help them divination

"Don't say it anymore! Don't say it anymore..." Valentina was already sobbing, "you raised me so big, I really want to see again, the confident dad back then, the one who can divination everything dad!"

After speaking, Valentina ran back to her room with tears in her eyes, and closed the door forcefully.

"Valentina..." Luinilu sighed helplessly, then he turned to Lin Xuan and said, "You two, you have worked hard, if you don't dislike it, you will stay at my house today. One night! Wait until tomorrow, and I will have a good chat with you!

After saying that, Luini Road turned around lonely and walked upstairs along the stairs.

So, Lin Xuan and Yang Siger had to go to the city gate and tell Todro what happened at Valentina's house. Because they wanted Luinilu to help find the whereabouts of Malus, King Todro also Lin Xuan had to stay overnight at Valentina's house, while he and Princess Mitia continued to stay outside the city gate for the night.

The next day, Lin Xuan woke up in Valentina's bed, and when he sat up, he found that Young Siger was sleeping soundly on the bed next to him, snoring constantly, so he He got out of bed and went downstairs.

On the first floor of Valentina's house, Luini Lu was sitting there in a daze, when he saw Lin Xuan approaching, he sat up straight and said to Lin Xuan: "You finally woke up, it is now It's noon, you slept so late, you must have been exhausted yesterday! In short, thank you very much for this!"

With that said, Luigi pointed to the crystal ball on the table in front of him, "Look, I have reset the real crystal ball!"

Afterwards, Luinilu sighed and said to the crystal ball: "Oh, I haven't done a good divination for many years, and it's all thanks to you! 35

Immediately afterwards, Luinilu closed his eyes, put his hands on the crystal ball, and chanted something silently in his mouth, and when he finished chanting the incantation, the crystal ball in front of him suddenly emitted a dazzling light. light.

However, when Luinilu opened his eyes and saw the content presented in the crystal ball, he couldn't help but be shocked and said, "Ah, this? What's going on?

"What's wrong?" Lin Xuan asked quickly.

"I saw it! I saw a daoist like a clown destroying the southern level! Uh uh uh... that guy is the one who killed Lyras! Uh uh uh... this, this guy, It's him! He's Lyras's disciple. Although he's gotten a lot uglier, I still recognize him. He, he's... Malus!

"What?" Lin Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed, and at this moment, there was a sudden noise from the ceiling, and then Yang Siger hurried downstairs, obviously he just heard it After what Louiselu said, he hurriedly ran down.

"Big, big brother! This guy Malus, big brother, is the evil magician that you and Torrod are looking for?" Saying that, Yangsig turned to look at Luini Road, "Uh, divination Master, can you please take a closer look?"

"The details? Okay, wait a moment!" So Luinilu continued to chant the incantation, but after a while, he showed a puzzled look and said, "Huh? This is... this crystal ball. It's my original one, but there's a crack in the middle of it, uh, it must have hit something very hard! Umm... next to the crack is a line of words... let me see... idiot? Who? ...Who is an idiot! Which idiot wrote it!

"No... it's not! I'm not telling you to look carefully at the crystal ball!" Yang Sige said helplessly, then he looked at Lin Xuan, "Brother, you should explain our affairs to him clearly. Bar!

So, Lin Xuan told Luini Lu that they were looking for Malus...

After listening to Lin Xuan's narration, Luinilu stroked his beard and said, "Oh, so that's the case. You came to ask about Lailas in order to follow the clues of Malus! However, Lailas has already Passed away... But, according to my divination, that Malus was the one who killed Lyras! Did he want to kill him, or was there another reason? So far, I don't know why, but Malus It seems to have gone to the south. In the south, there is a village called Alexander. I know so much. If you want to find Malus, you might as well go there!

"Oh, that's fine!" Lin Xuan had no choice but to nod after hearing Luinilu say so.

"No matter what happened to 0.3, you have helped me a lot this time, so I am very grateful to you! If you really want to go to Alexander Village in the south, please be careful!" Louise Road said.

Because Luini Lu had no more clues, Lin Xuan and Yang Si Ge had to thank him, and then planned to report to Todero, but just when they left Lu Ni Lu's house, they came together. The figure followed them out and stopped them.

"Wait a minute, two!"

Lin Xuan and Yang Sige turned to look, and it was Valentina who had stopped crying and hid in the room. By this time, she had returned to her previous energetic and smiling face. Seeing her With this look, Lin Xuan and the two couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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