Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 073 Suffering from being hanged and beaten! Enel who doubts his life!

Senju Hashirama said these words, not actually pretending to be forced, nor is he deliberately attacking Enel, but his real thoughts now.

Because, as far as he knows, the seastone and Armament Haki of the Pirate World can restrain the Logia Devil Fruit, and the natural energy of the Sage Mode is currently known in the Hokage world, and the sealing technique also has a certain restraint effect on the Logia Devil Fruit.

Devil Fruit also has a fatal weakness, that is, it cannot touch the sea water. If his younger brother Senju Tobirama is here, I am afraid that a super-large Water Style will be enough for Enel to die!

In addition, Logia's so-called elementalization can also be restrained if the restrained ninjutsu is used.

For example, Wind Style can restrain Lightning Style!

Of course, in order to restrain such a powerful existence as Enel, the Wind Style ninjutsu to be used must also be extremely powerful.

Finally, another point is that I came to this world because of Lin Xuan Impure World Reincarnation, and I also learned from Lin Xuan that there are many, many different worlds, and now the "world" in Senju Hashirama's mouth has actually been Not only limited to the world of Hokage, or limited to the world of pirates, but countless dimensions!

He believed that in those dimensions, there must be other ways to restrain Logia Devil Fruit and Enel!

However, Enel was reluctant to believe what Senju Hashirama said.

After all, he had always thought that he was invincible, and suddenly someone told him that you are nothing, and that anyone in this world can beat you, who can stand this?

So, Enel roared angrily: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, you can't lie to me! You just had shit luck just now, ah, I'm going to kill you!

After speaking, he activated the huge body of thunder and lightning again and went straight to Senju Hashirama to kill him!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Madara couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Poor, pathetic"!"

Aokiji on the side felt very uncomfortable listening to it.

In fact, only he can understand Enel, because he is also the Logia Demon fruit power!

Before, he only thought that the world could restrain his out of sea water and seastone, that is, Armament Haki, and Demon fruit power that restrained the ice attribute.

As long as he avoids sea water, avoids seastone, studies Armament Haki diligently, and constantly develops his Frozen Fruit ability, he will naturally not be afraid of everything.

However, now he suddenly discovered that there are still many ways to restrain the ability of Logia Devil Fruit in this world that he did not know, and he felt a little suspicious of life.

And just as he was thinking about these things, Senju Hashirama had already met Enel, and he had a battle with him.

No way, since Enel wants to abuse, Senju Hashirama can only fulfill him, who makes Senju Hashirama a good guy recognized by the ninja world?





The two giants went back and forth, constantly fighting.

In the violent collision, a harsh explosion broke out, shaking the Sky Island!

Even the people of Sky Island who had fled to the edge of Sky Island, or even into the sea of ​​clouds, were all heartbroken when they heard the terrifying collision sound and looked at the dazzling thunder light that kept flashing.

Conis also woke up at this time, and was taken out to sea by his father, watching the fierce battle on the island from the sea.

The kind-hearted she hugged Si Si tightly at this time, biting her lips, with a worried expression on her face.

Because she has already learned that when the battle just started, Lin Xuan did not flee, but took the Turtle Immortal towards the direction of the island!

Although she only met Lin Xuan on the first day, she was still a little worried about her friend from Qinghai, will there be any accident?

How did she know that Lin Xuan not only had no accident at this time, but was in a very good mood!

The shock, panic, worry, etc. caused by the sudden war among the residents on Sky Island is exactly what Lin Xuan wanted!

The reputation value on his account is growing like crazy at this time!

The contributions from this Sky Island, and the contributions of the people in Qinghai below, have made his reputation worth over 40 million in just half a day!

In addition to what he used before, the prestige value he has accumulated before and after he came to this world has exceeded 60 million, and it is still growing!

The 100 million mark is not far away!

Meanwhile, Senju Hashirama and Enel's fight has turned completely one-sided.

After Senju Hashirama learned about Enel's various fighting methods, he quickly began to gain the upper hand, and suppressed Enel, knocking him out again and again!

Such a cruel fact, so that Enel began to collapse.

In the past, he really regarded himself as an omnipotent god, and he was always very proud, but now he has been hanged and beaten in various ways, how could he not be angry and mad?

In this state of anger and madness, his reason gradually lost, and some crazy thoughts also appeared in his heart.

""||You people who offend the gods should be destroyed! Now let me follow this evil Sky Island and disappear together!

He let out hysterical shouts, but his face was twisted and terrifying, as if he was a demon coming out of hell.

At the moment when his voice fell, he no longer entangled with Uchiha Madara, but turned around suddenly and flew towards the sky above the huge vine!

Seeing this scene, the old man Gan Fu couldn't help but change his face and exclaimed: (Zhao of Qian) "No, he is going to escape!

At this time, he was extremely anxious.

Today he can use the power of Lin Xuan and the others to suppress Enel, but what will he do in the future?

If Enel really escaped, as soon as Lin Xuan and the others leave, who knows if Enel will come back?

After all, Enel is the devil who destroyed his home island with his own hands!

However, Lin Xuan shook his head indifferently and said, "No, he won't run away, he should be looking for something to destroy us and Sky Island together!

"What?!" Gan Foer's face turned pale with fright all of a sudden!

ps: Eighth more! There are still two chapters, the author is still working hard, taking advantage of the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival today, the wife is still at home to help with the children, try to code as much as possible, and repay everyone's support! .

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