After several weeks, with the full efforts of hundreds of boatsmiths, the first phase of the Ark of Passion was finally coming to an end.

The Ark of Passion now has a total length of about 23,000 meters. The entire ship is essentially a three-masted sailing ship. However, under Franky’s careful design, there are huge external turbines on both sides of the hull, which can be used in windless seas. The outer turbines of China crossed the sea; the side of the ship is also neatly lined with dense holes, and there is nothing inside, but in the future, there will be huge artillery in every space.

The keel of the Ark is the focus of the three chief engineers. Among the materials handed over to ‘corals’ by the World government, there is even a lot of timber from Adam ‘the treasure tree’, which is also one of the ‘designated materials’ specially requested by Victor.

Legend has it that there is such an island. Wars have been going on on the island. Under the baptism of the war, the city and people on the entire island have basically been destroyed, but there is a huge [tree] still standing. No matter what happens, the [tree] will stand there. After the war, people built a new city and country by nestling on this tree. There are only a few powerful trees like this in the world, and people call him the strongest tree-Treasure Tree Adam.

The wood of the treasure tree Adam is extremely tough, and the boats made from this tree are also extremely tough and strong, able to withstand extremely great pressure. According to rumors, the ‘Oro Jackson’ on which the Pirate King Goldor Roger was riding was made of this kind of wood, and the shipbuilder was Tom the shipbuilder.

Nowadays, judging from the volume of [Ark of Passion], the wood of these treasure trees Adam is certainly not enough to cover the entire ship, but it can still be used to strengthen the keel. Reinforcing the keel with wood mixture is a very, very precise and high-end technology. Even Bingberg and Franky need to join forces, and the strengthening work lasted for a full 15 days before it came to an end.

The island above the Ark was also extensively repaired by these hardworking craftsmen. The dense forest on the island has been restored into a gorgeous courtyard. The original necropolis area was also renovated into a fountain square. The zombie generals took the initiative to assist in the Ark’s repair project and shared a lot of labor, so they were rewarded and transferred to the [Penlos Deep Corridor] on the second underground floor. [Penlos Deep Corridor] The environment is dark and secluded, for these zombies, it is like a fish in water.

To the north of the island is a floating mooring area on water, and a large floating platform was built to be used as a ‘resort area’ in the future; on the south is a ‘boat house’ dedicated to members of the ‘coral’.

It is certainly not an easy task to coat such a huge ark. Fortunately, there are enough coating artisans on Sabaody Archipelago, and there are many coating masters, such as Lao Lei, Bokby, Louis the Beard and so on. This time the coating not only included the Ark of Passion, but also the Berger and the Temporary Ship. The coating process of the Ark of Passion was made with the [four-fold style] to strive for safety.

When everything was ready, the Ark of Passion dived into the sea on a sunny morning, bid farewell to the ‘paradise’ for the time being, and began the journey to ‘New World’.


Ten thousand meters below the sea floor.

The fish men island, Dragon Palace City.

"Otohime...hasn't she come back yet?" The owner of Dragon Palace,'Poseidon' Neptune sat on the king's chair, her face lingering with sadness.

The "Left Minister" of the Catfish Mermaid and the "Right Minister" of the Seahorse Mermaid looked at each other, and they felt helpless.

Things have to go back a week ago.

At that time, after several weeks of treatment, the Celestial Dragons muse Gard Saint who had fallen to The fish men island finally regained his mobility. Long Gongcheng thought about it, and finally decided to send a royal ship to send it back to land.

Before leaving, Saint Muse Gaard was full of anger, vowing to make these fish that despise him pay a heavy price.

"Keep it for me...As a domestic animal, dare to take a gun at the owner!!" Before stepping on the deck, Saint Muse Gard said: "I will definitely make you regret it..."

The guards of The fish men island were full of indignation looking at the [human beings] who had no repentance on the sampan.

"Why should I be resented for saving his life..."

"Should not let him go back, this island will face a crisis!!"

But Princess Otohime stopped the Muse Garde: "Please stay! You seem to have something to say? Then, let me go to land with you."

How reckless! The mermaid queen goes to land with Celestial Dragons alone? It's simply feeding the tiger with the body!

Not only the guards and the people, but Poseidon Neptune who rushed over also disagreed with one hundred people: "Otohime, don't mess around! If you have to explain clearly to the nobles of the world anyway, let me go!"

"No! You are too strong, it makes no sense to go." Princess Otohime was terrifying: "If I, a person much weaker than ordinary people, can return safely after going to that world, it proves that on land It's safe."

No matter how everyone persuaded, Otohime got on the ship after all. Before leaving, she said so.

"Nipton! Believe in the wife you choose... and humans!"

Tenten passed.

An uneasy atmosphere also enveloped Dragon Palace. The princes and princesses are all in tears all day long, and Poseidon Neptune can only support the worry and comfort the children.

And the people stayed up all night because of worry. The children went to look for Jinbei from time to time to inquire about the whereabouts of Ou-ji, and what could Jinbei say?

The week of life has passed, and Princess Otohime has not returned to this day.

Just as Neptune and the two ministers were sighing, the phone worm rang.

[Report, report! ! Found an inbound vessel! Yes, it's the previous royal ship! ! 】

Hearing the report of the ‘National Border Guard’ stumbling with excitement, Neptune rushed out of the palace like flying, and the two ministers followed with the palace guards.

The fish men island, the port of entry.

The people who received the news squeezed this great harbor. People looked at the beautiful figure on the bow of the ship who was waving at the crowd, and they all couldn't help crying loudly.

"His Royal Highness Otohime——!!!"

"Great! As long as you can come back alive, we will..."

"Welcome back! Your Highness Otohime——!!!"

After several days of patient persuasion, Otohime finally convinced the arrogant Celestial Dragons. Not only that, she also brought back a piece of paper, which can be said to be the [Light of Hope] from The fish men island!

It was written by the nobles of the world, and the content is—

[For the friendly exchanges between the Murlocs and humans, I will also agree to the submitted signature opinions. 】

That is to say, when enough signatures of the residents of The fish men island who are willing to move to land and coexist with humans are submitted at the [World Summit] where each World government participating country participates every four years, then this Celestial The [Consent Form] written by Dragons will give The fish men island a stronger voice! At that time, the desire to [migrate to land and coexist with humans] will also be realized.

This will be the first time that murlocs and merfolks are so close to land and sunlight.

And in the empty Dragon Palace City Throne Hall, the phone worm’s ‘blur, beep’ echoed helplessly in the empty hall.

The telephone bug microphone in the hands of the captain of the'National Border Guard' who was in the front entrance of The fish men island slowly slipped off, and he and the surrounding team members stared at the boundless waters above their heads dumbfounded.

There, a black shadow of an extremely huge ship is gradually approaching, and two zippers forming a [V] shape can be vaguely seen on the side of the ship.

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