The fish men island, Dragon Palace City.

"Haoxue has already said hello in advance. Tonight, the "Critter Chain" and his party will definitely come to Dragon Palace for a banquet." Poseidon Neptune said to Minister Left and Minister Right: "So, let everyone mobilize and put The fish The most perfect side of men island is shown to the new "Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

The owner of Dragon Palace, the king of The fish men island-‘Poseidon’ Neptune is a huge coelacanth mermaid. He wears a crown on his head and is stronger than an average mermaid. He has dense and fluffy orange hair and beard, his arms have flame-like tattoos, and he has thick body hair. At the same time, he is also known as the ‘Great Knight of the Sea’ and the ‘Sea God’.

Standing next to Neptune is Princess Otohime. She is a beautiful goldfish mermaid with long wavy golden hair, blue eyes, orange hair accessories, and a fish scale pattern. Hanfu.

At this time, she was smiling and whispering to the prince and princess. Suddenly, she raised her head and looked towards the entrance of Dragon Palace City, muttering to herself: "...coming."

"Mother, what's coming?" The one who asked was the Prince Shark. Although still young, the mermaid shark prince with long wavy blue hair is serious and formal.

Otohime smiled and stroked the top of Shark's head affectionately: "It's a distinguished guest."

"Mom, isn't that the big brother who looks particularly good?" This time the question was Princess Shirahoshi who was a large mermaid. She has long wavy and flowing pink hair, shiny blue eyes, an indescribably delicate appearance, and shades of pink fish tails. Although she is only 6 years old, she will definitely grow into a beautiful beauty in the world over time.

When the Ark of Passion came to the waters of The fish men island yesterday, several princes and princesses of Dragon Palace were also present. Princess Shirahoshi was very impressed by the blond brother who was in the leading position.

Others might think that Princess Shirahoshi paid special attention to Victor because of her outstanding appearance. But Princess Otohime knew that Shirahoshi might have inherited her own natural Observation Haki, but she was still young and didn't clearly show it. And the owners of the natural Observation Haki always have a peculiar resonance. Just now, I instantly noticed that that special existence had stepped into the gate of Dragon Palace City, and believed that the other party also reacted.

Poseidon Neptune listened to Otohime's words, and suddenly laughed: "Ohhhhhhhhh! The distinguished guest has arrived, please have it soon!"

That night, Dragon Palace received Victor and his party with the highest standards.

The hall of Dragon Palace is arranged as a three-dimensional stage. Riding on a long halibut covered with bubbles, Victor and his team admired the pride of The fish men island, the wonderful singing of Maria Napoleon, the leading female singer on the seabed, and the best orchestral music of The fish men island The team [Swing Jazz] was unwilling to lag behind and showed their best skills. The mermaid dancers from Mermaid Harbor leaped with gorgeous dance gestures to warm up the atmosphere. A variety of The fish men island's top dishes and the hard-to-see cakes of The fish men island on the market are also delivered to the tables of Victor and others.

This will be an unforgettable night.

Princess Shirahoshi, who was still young but already quite large, wrapped around Victor and the others, and kept asking questions. Not only Robin and Wu Hongji especially like Shirahoshi, even Perona, who is usually jealous, also silly to take out his collection of bear puppets to share with Shirahoshi.

In the distance, Poseidon Neptune looked at Victor and others who were particularly happy with Shirahoshi, then turned to the Prince Shark and said: "My son, look, although the fierce chain is the most standing on this sea. The strong at the top, but there is no discrimination against our murlocs. The kind attitude from the heart makes Shirahoshi, who has always been afraid of life, unable to help but communicate with him. Although you two are about the same age, you have to learn more from them. ."

"That's natural, Father." Prince Shark nodded solemnly.

Among the elite guards of the Dragon Palace guarding the main hall, there was a cold gaze looking at the royal family of Dragon Palace indifferently, paying attention to Princess Ou Ji for a particularly long time.

"Hody! What are you doing? The shift time is up!" The master of the gaze was suddenly pressed on his shoulders by a pair of big hands, it turned out that the shift time has come.

Called ‘Hoddy’ was a tall great white shark man, burly, with long black curly hair draped over his shoulders, and his eyes were shockingly cold. He turned his head to look at the guard soldier who greeted him, grinning, showing sharp white Fang teeth: "Jahhahaha...Sorry, I was caught by the mermaid dancer, I will go back now."

"Even Hodie, who is the strongest in the guards, is a young boy! Hahaha!" The surrounding guards all laughed kindly: "Go back to Murloc Street, there will be no snappers when it's too late. The bus is out."

Hordy took another deep look at Princess Otohime, then turned and left the palace.

Victor, who was sitting on top of the long flounder, gave a slight pause when he held up the glass, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Master Victor, what are you laughing at?" Shirahoshi keenly noticed the smile on Victor's mouth and asked innocently.

"Ah, I remembered something happy." Victor's smile at Shirahoshi was very soft: "Princess Shirahoshi, let's go to your Majesty Neptune to play together. I have something to do with Majesty Neptune and Otohime. The princess has a chat..."


Grand Line ‘New World’, the waters of the Red Adventure Island.

In the squally wind and waves, a very huge white pirate ship was undulating in the waves.

"Shark shark...Brother Cracker, the location has been determined, and you will enter the "current area" of The fish men island."

A large young female mermaid sprang out of the sea next to the pirate ship. No, it should be regarded as a hammerhead shark half-mermaid. She has a very cute appearance, but her eyes are fierce, her mouth full of fangs and full of ‘wildness’. She is the 21st daughter of BIG·MOM, 19-year-old Charlotte Praline.

"Very well, Praline." On the deck, an unusually tall general was speaking. He wears a helmet decorated with tandem manes, with biscuit-decorated base horns on both sides of the helmet. He was in black and white biscuit-style armor, with a serious and mighty face, a sharp and long beard, and a huge sword with a flower-shaped handle on his shoulders. He looked mighty and extraordinary.

This person is [Senju] Charlotte Cracker, one of the top leaders of the BIGMOM Pirate Group [Dessert Three Stars]! The 10th son of BIGMOM, the Minister of Biscuit of ‘World’, the power of Paramecia’s biscuit fruit, is offering a bounty of 720 million Berry’s [Biscuit Knight]!

Not only him, there are also [Clerk] Mondor, [Debt Collector] Bo Bin, [Mrs. Ghost] Armand, [Crane Knight] Randolph, [Dan Dan Baron] and other masters on the deck, such a lineup. Even destroying a large country is more than enough.

"Go! Goal-The fish men island!"

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