Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 111 [Crime Chain] Victor VS [Senju] Cracker (5K word chapter)

Chain double, this is Victor's trump card.

At present, he has developed a total of three chain doubles. StickyFingers have the same speed and power as Victor, and they also have the ability to'open the chain' of chain fruits; AeroSmith can fly at high altitudes and Shared vision with Victor, and if equipped with a magazine, you can use bullets to make a strafing attack; MoodyBlues can transform into another person's appearance by nearly 100%, and also have the same sound.

Although the latter two do not have the peculiar abilities in the comic "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", for Victor, they are a perfect chain substitute.

Moreover, Victor always feels that he has a wonderful relationship with the Blueno Bugaradi in the comics. The three members of the "Bugaradi Squad" who died, let your doubles be reborn in this ONEPIECE world!


The fish men island, Gironde Square.


At this moment, Hoddy’s evaluation of Victor is only this simple vocabulary—monster! When his hands and feet were cold, a shadow coming out of the coral bushes hit him hard.

Princess Otohime looked sadly at Hordy, as if she was looking at an unsatisfied child.

"No...Don't look at me with that look...Hate! You should hate me!!" Hodie yelled hysterically, "What's wrong with you!? Has the hatred and resentment been castrated? Neptune, take your proud Seagod Trident and fight with me! Prince Shark, where are all your martial arts? Is it usually pretended?"

But everyone just watched him quietly, as if they were watching an unrelated stranger.

"Hody, we will not hate you." Princess Otohime's voice was full of compassion: "Whether it is you or human beings, we will not hate or hostile."

Poseidon Neptune also spoke up: "Thank you, Hordy, you let us understand what terrible monsters an environment full of [resentment] can create. Starting today, the uncontrolled Murloc Street will be completely blocked. All the residents of Fish Men Street will be forced to live in The fish men island, and we will use the laws of The fish men island to guide them correctly. Everything will be reset to zero and then start again."

Although Hordy was not attacked, the shock to his heart made him unbearable. He smiled madly, "Jahhahaha...return to zero? Return to zero!? Stop dreaming! The fish men island will be completely history from today! You are accepting this'foul chain' From the moment of his gang, The fish men island is finished!!! Jahahahaha!!!"

"Hody, what do you mean?" Prince Shark felt that Hoody's state was not right.

"Do you think Whitebeard can protect you for the rest of your life?" Hodie's voice was full of madness: "That old man and his stupid sons are busy expanding their territory in New World, where is the time to pay attention to The fish men island? Jahahaha... That's right, I brought in'foreign aid'! Very powerful foreign aid!! You guys! Together with the fierce chain! All are to die——!!!"

Neptune was furious: "Who is it? What kind of foreign enemy did you provoke?"

Hodie's frantic face suddenly showed horror, and he murmured: "It's the Four Emperors...the BIGMOM Pirates, which are the same Four Emperors as Whitebeard...those fierce monsters like monsters! If it were them! , We will be able to completely erase The fish men island and the fierce chain gang!"

"BIGMOM..." Neptune's face was blue. Just because he knew how tough the old man Whitebeard was, he knew very well that BIGMOM, also Four Emperors, was definitely not an existence that The fish men island could contend with!

"Damn it! Hurry up and notify the border guards to prevent any pirate ships from entering!" Prince Shark's mind turned quickly and immediately gave orders to the guards nearby.

But Victor shook his head slightly and raised his head to look at the distant sky.

And Otohime looked up in fear and looked in the same direction as Victor, and muttered, "...it's too late, they're here!"………………

The fish men island is in front of the entry gate.

Several bewildered members of the Border Guard opened the gate of the passage, and a huge white pirate ship Shi Shiran crossed the passage and entered the "inner sea" of The fish men island. The moment the Pirate Ship entered the passage, several slow flying slashes flew out of the ship, and the members of the Border Guard were cut into two without a word, just like countless guards floating in the surrounding water. Like the corpses of the team, the blood gradually stained the entire sea area red.

On the deck, [Mrs. Ghost] wearing a huge flower hat and an unusually long neck, Charlotte Armand put the slender sword "White Fish" in her sheath. The cigarette in her mouth ignited a dark red light, and the tone was flat and slowly said: "...Deadly Serenade."

"Sister Armand's swordsmanship is still so powerful!" [Clerk] Charlotte Mondore is a tall and thin man. He wears a black hat and a black skull costume. Under his messy hair like a broom A square face painted snow-white, although he was young, he had a rosacea. Mondor turned his head to look at a short fat man wearing a furry hat and a round-eyed triangular nose mask, and asked, "Bo Bin, how many people can your Hypnosis technique control?"

The latter was [Debt Collector] Bo Bin. He shook his head and smiled, "Boom~~ Just like what the border guards demonstrated just now, as long as you see my Hypnosis technique, you can't escape! And at least 24 hours of Hypnosis~"

The Baron Dandan with oddly long legs is wearing sunglasses, his full-length dress is pink, and his pants are peculiarly eggshell-shaped. He knocked on the deck with a cane in his hand, pointed to the extremely huge passionate ark in the sea behind him, and asked suspiciously, "What about that huge ark?"

Mondor shook his finger: "According to the intelligence, there is a huge ark near The fish men island, named'Noah'. It should be it? It is not a threat, just ignore it."

"Really?" Baron Dandan wiped his beard, his tone still a little puzzled: "Although it is covered by the bright red water, I still feel that the pattern painted on the flag of the Ark is a bit familiar..."

"Don't worry about it, Dandan." The tall general [Senju] Cracker said: "Even if it has any abnormalities, it will not be too late to destroy the fish men island after we clean up The fish men island. Wait for the attack. The fish men island will first kill all the armed forces and members of the royal family, plunder all the pastry craftsmen and ready-made desserts, and then take away the palace treasury, especially the [National Treasure·Jade Box]! Who dares to disobey, just go straight Kill it!"

Cracker looked at the port of entry at the far end of the sea, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth:

"If Whitebeard intends to continue to cover the fish men island with nothing, then he can go. But today, no one can save The fish men island!"


On Gironde Square, the guards were evacuated by the king's order, and Victor also joined his companions in the square.

"Victor, The fish men island will suffer an unprecedented catastrophe this time." After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Haoxue looked very serious: "I can't let you get involved in this fight. The Ark of Passion has not yet received the other party. Attack, from the Sea Forest on the northeast side..."

Victor raised his eyebrows: "Even if I get out of it, Mr. Hao Xue, you will stay and fight to the death, right? Since we are partners, don't say such things anymore."

Haoxue was suddenly speechless. Hao Xue is also very clear about Victor's character and personality after getting along for such a long time. Since he said this, it means that he does not intend to stay out of the matter. After a long time, Haoxue slowly said: "...I am grateful!"

Perona laughed heartlessly: "Hey, hey, hey~~Master! We won't let such a beautiful The fish men island be destroyed!"

Although Wu Hongji and Robin didn't speak, their silent expressions explained everything.

Matthew nervously stuffed a sandwich into his mouth to replenish his energy. His bacteria fruit is a type that is very physically exhausting, and he must try his best to deal with the subsequent battle in a complete state.

Luo coolly trimmed Madara's fluffy hat, learning Victor to put a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Master Hao Xue, I have also initially trained Haki, I can help!"

At this moment, Jinbei walked over, and he and Victor looked at each other, and he understood the meaning from the latter's eyes.

"It's not your style to sit and wait, Jinbei." Victor smiled slightly. "Let's go, go to the port of entry. If you meet the enemy there, you should be able to keep the loss to a minimum."

Jinbei nodded, "I mean it."

Not far away, Poseidon Neptune looked at the motivated Victor and his gang with trembling all over, tears could not be held in the corners of his eyes, and he said with a heavy tone to Prince Shark: "...No matter what the result is, this grace must not be forgotten. !!!"

The three princes headed by Shark nodded heavily and said in unison: "This is natural!!"

The fish men island, the port of entry.

The giant white pirate ship of the BIGMOM Pirate Group has not yet landed, and the fierce men on the ship noticed the few people standing on the shore. The three headed were two burly murlocs and a symmetrical blond young man. people.

"That's...Seaman Jinbei!" Baron Dandan danced a cane in his hand and said loudly, "It's not wise to fight with him at the seaside! Master Cracker, I suggest pulling the battlefield into The fish men island!"

"Second." [Clerk] Mundoer carried a long flame and touched his chin: "Who is that blond young man? So familiar..."

[Debt collector] Bo Bin took out his notebook and flipped through it, and said with a weird smile: "That kid is the new Seven Warlords of the Sea who succeeded Gekko Moria-"The Furious Chain" Mafia Victor! Hey yo yo~~ luck is really good. Difference!"

"Yes, his luck is really bad." [Crane Knight] Randolph, who had not spoken, also said. His appearance is a rabbit wearing a cloak and a top hat, holding a double-headed spear, and his mount "Crane" standing aside with a small top hat.

"There's one more..." [Mrs. Ghost] Armand slowly said, "The most burly murloc is Hao Xue, Haizatou... His level of danger is only higher than Jinbei. "

"In that case, several people standing on the shore are all recently famous figures." Mondor flipped through the newspaper: "'Princess Mononoke' Perona,'Red Sparrow' dance red girl,'Devil Chef' Sisi Bill Matthew... plus Poseidon Neptune and his son Shark, it is a luxurious lineup. How to deal with it, Brother Cracker? Do I need to inform my mother?"

Cracker standing on the bow said impatiently: "I don't need to tell my mother about opponents of this level. Look at their attitude. If you know what they are, let them go. If you dare to resist, you just get rid of it!"

As soon as the ship reached the shore, the fierce men of the BIGMOM pirate group jumped onto the shore, and the chess pieces and soldiers on the ship also marched into the battlefield in a square formation.

Robin was a little nervous standing next to Victor, and whispered to Victor, "Victor, these are very well-known fighters from the BIGMOM Pirate Group!"

"[Mrs. Ghost] Armand, a bounty of 550 million Berry; [Clerk] Mondor, a bounty of 400 million Berry; [Baron Eggy], a bounty of 380 million Berry; [Crane Knight] Randolph , A bounty of 160 million Berry; [debt collector] Bo Bin, a bounty of 90 million Berry... and one of the highest cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, "Senju" Cracker, a bounty of 760 million Wan Berry!"

These people offered a total bounty of more than 2.3 billion Berry, no wonder Robin was nervous.

At the harbor, the two sides confronted each other.

"Mafia Victor, today we came to trouble The fish men island." [Clerk] Mondor said: "If you are only here to play, then we will rob The fish men island after looting. It will divide you 30% of the treasure, and you will also gain the friendship of the BIGMOM Pirates."

Victor took off the cloak and suit jacket and handed it to Robin, then rolled up his sleeves and said slowly: "Don't be so troublesome... Today, The fish men island is covered by our coral."

"I know... Do you do it now?" [Crane Knight] Randolph's mount "Crane" turned Byakugan and turned to look at Randolph on his back, the latter carrying a double-headed spear, his tone indifferent: " Listen to Master Cracker's instructions."

And a mighty general [Senju] Cracker curled his lips unhappily: "Although I have guessed the answer, I still think you have chosen the worst answer... Kill them!"

[Crane Knight] Randolph took the lead, and the mount "Crane" leaped a few times before approaching Victor's group. Randolph, with his cloak swaying in the wind, stood on the back of the crane, his two-headed spears made a violent wind, and then he slashed fiercely. Victor!

Victor smiled slightly, and his right index finger and middle finger were brought together and hooked upwards. The dense steel chain piles burst out one after another, rushing towards Randolph and the mount crane in mid-air!"Metal Zipper·KazikliBey!"

Crane grabbed Randolph the rabbit in one bite, then fluttered and barely avoided the deadly offensive. Mrs. Landau was in the air, her spear turned into a fierce windmill and then slammed towards Victor's head from top to bottom.

Cang——! !

A small stone was thrown towards Randolph at high speed from far to near, accompanied by a ‘ROOM! ", Luo used Op-Op Fruit's ability and instantly swapped positions with the little stone, and the long knife in his hand severely smashed the long spear in Randolph's hand. The moment the gun blade collided with the blade, sparks burst out!

"Hey...little rabbit, want to take action against my master, let me pass this level first!" Madara clicked on her fur hat, Luo's smile was extremely cold!

"Where's the little guy... Get away!" Randolph the rabbit was also very cold.

"Adagio waltz!"

At this time, a fierce sword light slashed across, smashing all the wanton chain piles! [Mrs. Ghost] Armand was holding a cigarette, and the famous knife "White Fish" trembling in his hand: "Randolph, Bobin, Dandan, clear the surroundings to make room for Cracker!"

"Yes!" the three of them responded in unison.

"Ha! I thought of a piece with the old man." On the other side, Haoxue sneered and turned to look at Jinbei: "Jinbei, pick one?"

"Then I will be disrespectful, Master Uncle." Jinbei twisted his neck: "I will solve the [Clerk] Mondor first."

"Then this [Mrs. Ghost] will be handed over to the old man." Hao Xue nodded, and then said to Wu Hongji: "Little Hongji, you are not her opponent yet. The Bo Bin and Dan Dan will be handed over to you. That's it."

Shark and Neptune also joined the battlefield, fighting with Bo Bin and Baron Dandan.

Everyone around found their own opponents, and Cracker still looked impatient: "...If you have been hanging around in the'paradise', then you will always be just frogs at the bottom of the well, fierce chain."

As he said, he drew out the huge long sword, and his arms changed from two to four, and four to six. The long sword in his hand also changed into several handles as his arms increased. In the blink of an eye, Cracker turned into a weird look with six arms and four legs, with five swords in hand and a shield in one hand, just like a terrible fighting posture.

"I am [Senju] Cracker, this sword is the unique and famous sword'Pretzel'." Cracker's mighty general has a grinning face: "Come on, I will let you feel the baptism of'New World' ! Melaleuca and pretzel——!!!"

Five extremely fast spiral piercings pierced Victor directly from all angles, and it was an unavoidable situation for a while. And Victor's figure instantly disappeared in place, leaving only five deep and huge cavities directly hit by the five piercings on the ground where he was originally.

"Marine Six Styles·Shave?" Cracker's eyesight was very strong, and he instantly locked the position of Victor who appeared behind him, and his backhand was a powerful stab! The violent scrolling of the five long swords converged into a fatal drilling blow that stirred the surrounding airflow! With an indomitable momentum, Cracker will use this nirvana to directly kill Victor on the spot! !

"Spiral Wave Pretzel!"

The locked Victor slammed his right hand in the direction of Cracker. Five golden meteor-like chain blades shot out from the tips of the five fingers and gathered into a spiral chain blade whip. Then a pair of hands covered by blue armor came out of the air. It appeared and held it at the connection between Victor’s right hand and the chain-blade whip. The surface of the chain-blade whip immediately showed a violent metal pulse and gave birth to countless sharp chain teeth. Victor and the steel chain fingers joined together in the moment. The conversion of the'bad chain'!

"Gleipnir, Gleipnir!"

Two extremely strong attacks converge in one place instantly! !

Then, the violent shock wave burst out instantly! !

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