Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 114 Aesthetic Taste

Cracker picked up the sword, sneered and said, "'Nautical Chart'? What are you talking about?"

"...It seems that I have talked too much." Victor's hands, feet and face were covered with weapons made of metal zippers again, and he opened his posture: "Let's continue."

Cracker laughed: "That's right! God babbles some inexplicable things, do you think you are in style? Rolls·Pretzels——!!!"

The famous sword "Pretzel" spun at Cracker's hand at a high speed, stirring the violent cyclone directly towards Victor! !

And Victor's metal footed ankle gear device also rotates extremely fast and brings out violent air currents and flames! With the sudden force, the top shell of the coral tree under Victor's feet directly disintegrated and shattered!


The right foot with a trailing flame stream violently kicked the side of the sword body wrapped in the gale, so powerful that even Cracker's right hand holding the sword was numb! It's not over yet! Victor revolved around 360 degrees with the momentum and another more violent backspin kick! In the face of this fierce kicking force and turbulent high temperature flames, Cracker could barely stand his sword in front of him, but he was still shocked with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his whole person slid back uncontrollably.

Of course, Victor's offensive did not end there. The continuous spin kicks were heavier than a single blow. Even if Cracker resisted every blow with the blade covering the maximum strength of Armament Haki, he still felt that his arms were almost numb, and he flew by. The splattering red flames even pierced his favorite cloak!

"Damn it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Three biscuit swords with spiral cone-shaped handles appeared out of nowhere directly above the two sides of the war, and then locked Victor's head, throat, and heart, spinning and stabling them down at an extremely fast speed! !

And Victor did not stop the offensive and dodge the attack as Cracker expected. Instead, he kicked the famous "Pretzel" sword that Cracker was blocking in front of him with a big roundabout kick, accompanied by a dull loud sound, Cracker Can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

But he was delighted that Victor's life-threatening style of play was fierce, but once he failed to put his opponent to death, he would be in danger, such as... now! !

The three-handed biscuit sword pierced extremely fast, and it shot to Victor's head in a blink of an eye. But a pair of hands covered in blue armor emerged from the air, firmly grasping the two spiral strange swords, and letting the fiercely rotating spiral sword and the palms burst out fiercely dazzling sparks!

Chain Stand-in·StickyFingers (StickyFingers)!

And the remaining spiral sword was also slammed by a very fast red shadow and flew away from the scheduled orbit, obliquely smashing the huge coral tree under his feet to shatter!

Accompanied by the weird sound, the red swift shadow soared in the sky, eyeing the Cracker who had fallen into the air.

Chain avatar·Aerosmith!

"One or two... both are getting in the way——!!!" Cracker was about to explode: "Zipper kid, since you are going to die, I will fulfill you!! Hard biscuit..."

A huge amount of biscuit pieces appeared beside Cracker, and they fell to the ground at a rapid speed along with him. At the same time, the biscuit pieces are continuously spliced ​​and reorganized automatically, and a giant is rapidly forming!

Naturally, Victor would not allow Cracker to perform such obvious tricks. He stepped on Moonwalk violently, and the whole person with a billowing flame drawn sharp right angles in the air and rushed towards the extremely fast falling Cracker, covering the metal zippers of his arms. The cage hand also ignited a fierce flame!

boom--! ! !

Victor's full-strength attack was blocked by a huge cookie shield. The chain weapon Beowulf only smashed the cookie surface of the shield, and then Victor was smashed into the air by this huge shield! !

After smashing and destroying several extremely huge coral trees, Victor smashed heavily on the hill on the west side of the port of entry. He couldn't help vomiting a mouthful of blood, and barely got up, manipulating the resin zipper to reattach the tiny broken bones in his body.

Not far away, a super-giant biscuit general who surpassed the giants slowly stood upright from the huge coral forest. It has six arms, five swords and one shield. The obvious cracks and burn marks on the shield are slowly slowing down. Revert to the original state.

"... Hard Biscuit·General Weihe!!" A dull roar came from inside the Biscuit General, which was full of jokes: "How!? Zipper kid, you have the confidence to defeat the invincible'strongest' I made. Armor'!??"

Facing the overwhelming combat power, Victor stood up and patted the soil on his body, steel chain fingers faintly appearing beside him.

"...What an indescribable aesthetic taste, Mr. Cracker."

Victor reached out his thumb to wipe the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, and smiled confidently: "Then, let's start the second round!"


The fish men island, Dragon Palace City.

Several figures quietly appeared outside the main gate of Dragon Palace.

"Sure enough, it is true Doss, the Dragon Palace City is almost unguarded by Doss. Our outpost companions should have already occupied the Dragon Palace City, Doss!" said the burly hammerhead shark man carrying a huge warhammer.

"There are only a few guards, it's not enough to hang your teeth! No matter what weapon or armor is, it will be crushed by my Daruma!" The small but sharp-toothed cigar Daruma shark smiled strangely. Said.

The tall king squid murlocs held eight spears, and agreed: "Mu Hehe, that's right! All who resisted will be killed! Jio, how do you say that sentence?"

"...Eliminating all witnesses is the perfect infiltration." The bearded shark man covered in black and white stripes hugged his arms and said with a sneer: "Although Hordy was caught, I saw both Otohime and Shirahoshi. I was escorted back to Dragon Palace, and now the soldiers in Dragon Palace are not there. As long as we catch them, we can coerce them to release Hoddy, and then how to deal with them and leave us at will...Huh?"

These few murlocs, who knew they were not kind at a glance, stopped, and right in front of them was the main entrance of Dragon Palace City. And on the steps there sits a human being.

The human was sitting on the steps and drinking, and beside him lay dozens of murloc warriors. Every murloc warrior's body had a horrible knife wound with deep bones, and bright red blood flowed down. The steps kept dripping down.

"We, our soldiers were unexpectedly..." The King Squid Man's face was frightened: "Inferior race, so bold!! Who are you? Report your name!!"

This human wears a wide d'Artagnan hat, an open windbreaker on the upper body, and completely out-of-match ripped jeans and pointed boots on the lower body, with a lute next to him. He looked at the few murlocs not far in front of him slightly drunk, took out a stack of papers from his arms and shaken them away, and slowly said, "Come here and recognize them, right? King Squid Fish Icarus, the cigar Dharma, the shark man Dharma, the beard shark man Jeo, the hammerhead shark man Doson..."

Sharkman Jieou took out a long metal chain, danced with a whine, and said in a cold voice, "We are right. Why? Are you planning to join our Murloc Street Brotherhood? It's a pity that we don't accept humans. Such an inferior race!"

"It's really coming, the boss is really exhaustive... I have already asked these gentlemen lying on the ground a question, and now I will ask again." Byron Young's neck was placed in the bottle. He drank the wine, then wiped his mouth happily: "...Can you please roll back to Murloc Street honestly?"

"Muhahaha!! He is scared! He is scared!!!" The king squid murloc laughed loudly: "We are going to take Otohime and Shirahoshi. If we don't dare to be an enemy, we will get out!!"

"Then I won't go around the bend." Byron J. Gordon threw away the empty wine bottle and stood up slowly. A dagger flashing with cold light was pulled out of the lute by him:

"Please die honestly, everyone."

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