Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 125: The Hero Appears

When the full moon was in the sky, the night breeze carried a slight coolness.

King’s Heights, this is the highest place in Dressrosa and the seat of the palace.

It was 9:30 in the evening, and a dark shadow struck the night sky and flew to the top of the palace without anyone noticing it.

King Liku felt a chill in his sleep. Not the physical cold, but the bone-chilling chill that unarmed humans exude from their ancient instincts when they encounter a beast that eats humans.

He woke up suddenly, sweating profusely and sat upright from the bed, only to find that a window in the bedroom had been opened for some time. Under the floating curtains, a tall man wearing a pink feather coat was leaning on the wide window sill with his legs up.

"Who are you!?" King Liku asked loudly in surprise. You must know that this is the highest point of the palace and the highest point of the entire Dressrosa. How did this person get up?

The tall man raised his index finger and shook it gently, and said in a loud voice, "...Don't be so loud...Don't call anyone over..."

"My name is... Don Quixote Doflamingo." The man's face turned to King Liku, but his handsome face was distorted by the weird sunglasses and grinning smile: "I just came back from this country. The orthodox king."

King Liku's face immediately turned pale, and he murmured: "...I also only recently heard of a pirate named [Don Quixote]. I have been quite worried about this..."

Doflamingo snapped his fingers perfunctorily: "Yes, your anxiety has come true. I am the [Don Quixote] you thought."

"I heard that you started on the [天上金] transport ships shipped to Celestial Dragons from various countries!" King Liku said with a heavy face: "And with this threat to the World government, this has become the'Seven Warlords of the Sea'. "

"The news is pretty well-informed?" Doflamingo tilted his head: "Humhhhhhhh!! Those guys are quite a headache, don't know what to do with me. I am not afraid of'Celestial Dragons'. The existence of is already enough to make them feel devastated..."

There was undisguised malice in his tone: "Since you know my strength and background so well, it's easy to talk."

Doflamingo sat up all of a sudden and said maliciously: "I will bid [10 billion Berry] to sell this country to you, King Liku."

"...Why don't we have so much money!" King Liku's face was pale with sweat. For the poor Dressrosa royal family, this figure is an astronomical amount of money that can hardly be raised for several years without eating or drinking.

"Don't put on that face." Doflamingo said with a sneer: "I could have not given you this kind of opportunity, just grab it."

As he said, he stood up on the spacious window sill, his pink feather coat fluttering in the wind: "The time is limited to tomorrow before sunrise, and you are not allowed to ask for help from other countries! Come and see, your country’s-kun capability How big is it?"

Sitting on the bed, King Liku could only watch Doflamingo easily jump from the window sill and fly into the night sky, leaving only a word to float into the room with the wind:

"Remember, I must not disclose my existence to the people..."


The time is 10:21 in the evening.

King's Heights, King Hall.

Many ministers and kingdom troops were urgently summoned to this king's hall. When they heard what the king said to them, they didn't dare to believe it, and then they were filled with indignation.

"Your Majesty! Can't we choose to go to war!?""That's right! With the help of the Kingdom Army and neighboring countries, even Seven Warlords of the Sea can't be fierce!"

"No!" King Liku held his arms and sternly stopped everyone's suggestions: "It sounds good to say it is [War], but it is actually [Killing]! That's an inhuman behavior!!"

"Dressrosa has no history of wars in the past 800 years. It is the proof that we are not [beasts]!!" King Liku loudly persuaded the ministers and the Kingdom Army: "Don't lose to the wild! Maintain'humanity'! Never kill each other! !!!"

He looked at the clock above his head, gritted his teeth, and then said loudly: "There is no time...I rush to various cities and towns in the country and collect [10 billion Berry] cash in the country! If you can't do that, this country will become 'The country of pirates'! Although this will temporarily lose the trust of most of the people, it will only be a few hours! When everything is over, we will compensate everyone with sincerity. Now there is only one way!! Lies And perfunctory means will not work!"

"However, our country does not have so many rich people at all!" asked Taigu Leipant, the commander of the Royal Army.

"Anyway, try to make it together within the time limit. This is related to the survival of the country!! Everything is for Dressrosa to continue to exist!"

After speaking, the soldiers of the Kingdom Army immediately took action. The Taigu army commander was about to leave, but was held back by King Liku.

"Taigu, listen carefully." In the corner of no one, King Liku said solemnly: "If the fundraising fails, I will use this to make a break with Doflamingo!"

He took out a string of extremely powerful explosive bombs from his arms: "Then you go to seek assistance from the surrounding countries, and you must not let this country fall into Don Quixote's hands again... Please!"

The Taigu army commander nodded solemnly: "Please rest assured, your Majesty!"


The time is 10:58 in the evening.

The Taigu army commander and several soldiers rushed to the square in the town of Tarosa, and he was asking the people to turn in all their property.

"Hey! Commander Taigu, what do you mean!"

"To do such a thing... His Majesty the King can't spare you!!"

The people naturally refused. They refused to say for any reason, so let us surrender all the property. The robbery was not as ruthless, right?

"This is the king's order!!" The Taigu army commander had a bitter speech, so he could only persuade the people loudly: "There is no time to explain to everyone! Please believe in His Majesty King Liku, hurry up and get all the cash you can get out. Turn them in to us!!"

"Even if you say that..." The people were fighting for reasons. Suddenly the huge screen on the square made a prickling sound, and then the image of King Liku was mapped out through the video phone worm.

"Dressrosa is all over the country, please listen to me." On the screens across the country, King Liku said with a serious face: "I know this request came too suddenly! It can even be said to be an unreasonable request! But please don't make too much. Ask, all citizens please all property...please lend me all your money!"

As he said, King Liku on the screen fell to his knees with a puff, his forehead slammed on the hard floor.

All the people stared at the screen dumbfounded. They couldn't understand why His Majesty, who had always been generous and kind, issued such a puzzling order.

"Your Majesty! How can you kneel down and kowtow!!" The many ministers beside King Liku hurriedly took his arms and wanted to pull him up: "Don't! You are the one of a country-Kun! In front of the world! Show such an ugly attitude... You will be the laughing stock of the whole world! Please hurry up!!"

King Liku abruptly broke away from the ministers, kneeling on the ground and begging loudly at the video phone worm: "Please everyone!! This is definitely not a joke!! To show sincerity, even if I did not chop my hands or feet on the spot. problem!!"

The struggle on the faces of the people gradually disappeared, and some people began to yell: "Everyone, act quickly! Do what the king says and take out all the property!"

"King Liku loves the people like a child, he won't harm us!"

"This happened suddenly, there must be something unspeakable."

"Hurry up! Go get the money!"

Regardless of men, women and children, the whole country has begun to take action. Paper money, gold coins, and wallets, the people contributed all their property, and successively handed them over to soldiers across the country.

The Taigu army commander looked at the shocking scene before him, and the excitement in his heart could not be suppressed. This is the people's mind of King Liku... and it is also the people's trust in the Liku clan for 800 years! What a beautiful country, she will surely be able to tide over the difficulties successfully!

"Sorry..." The commander of the army wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said loudly, "Let's borrow the money first!"

As he said, he turned his head and said to the soldiers: "Quick! Send all the property of the country to the palace! Quick!"

"Wait a minute! Commander Taigu!!" A soldier pointed to the screen and shouted: "Your Majesty has gone down to Saibio Town. It's playing on the screen!"



Run away...

Dressrosa, the southern town of "Sebio".

A galloping horse rushed into the town of Sai Biao with the heavily armed King Liku.

Run away...

The soldiers and people had just handed over their money, and it was very exciting to see His Majesty the King approaching him.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to come here in person, we will...eh?"

A male public greeted the king before he finished speaking, he was directly chopped to the ground by King Liku with his sword!

Run away...

King Liku drew his longbow from his back and shot the firebolt with the explosive bullet directly into the residential area in the distance. Subsequently, the skyrocketing flames destroyed the residential areas of the town and the people in them.

"Run away..." Under the live broadcast of the video phone worm, King Liku kept slashing at the people and soldiers with his knife. Get up...you run away..."

In front of the screens in other areas, both the people and the soldiers were stunned.

The tearful Taigu army commander knelt to the ground in despair, muttering: "Your Majesty... are you?"

And somewhere on the top of a building in King's Heights, a tall figure wearing a pink feather coat was laughing wildly.

"Fufufufu ............ really a cruel king ...... ah ......"

Doflamingo raised his right hand, his thumb, middle finger, and little finger were slightly tilted up, in a gesture of pulling a puppet: "Come on, the night has just begun... Lovely soldiers, you can jump up too... …"

"Parasite String!"

The invisible silk thread rained down from the sky and fell precisely on every soldier of the King's Army.

Then the tragedy began!

Regardless of men and women, young and old, the soldiers drew their knives and began to slash all the people they could see in front of them!

The soldiers kept tears, but their bodies didn't listen at all. They became the villains of this tragedy like string puppets.

"Your Majesty King Liku! Why do you want to do such a thing!?"

"Your Majesty will never make this kind of mistake, there must be something wrong... Uh!"

"Did we commit any crime?"

Crying, struggling, and running away uselessly. The unarmed people were only slaughtered unilaterally by the Kingdom Army and the King!

King Liku with blood and tears in the corners of his eyes was already weakly roaring. He understands that it's useless to say anything now... this country is over.

This is a trap set by Doflamingo!


King's Heights.

Three figures appeared next to Doflamingo, one covered in mucus, one with oil paint on his face, and the other with a sturdy figure wearing a cross helmet.

Trebol ‘Plum’, Diamanti ‘Box’, Pica ‘Spades’! The three of them are the highest cadres of the Donquixote Family and the most trusted confidants of Doflamingo.

"I said! I said! It should be all right? Dover—" Trepol said in a characteristic annoying tone.

"Idiot! Don't be so impatient!" Doflamingo, who was squatting on the roof, had a bloodthirsty smile on his face, showing his inner madness: "It's not even far away... When this country is surrounded by fear... ...When this country hates King Liku from the bottom of my heart..."

He licked the corners of his mouth and made no secret of the malice emanating from the bottom of his heart: "It's the hero's turn!"


The time is 11:48 pm.

Dressrosa, the port town of ‘Acacia’.

The fierce flames burning in the town reflected the night sky. Cries, explosions, and the terrible sound of swords hacking into the flesh! This town, like the other towns in Dressrosa, was plunged into utter madness.

The unarmed people either ran and fled, or knelt down to beg for mercy, but they were still hacked and killed by the tearful king's soldiers.

A howling little girl was standing in the middle of the street looking for her mother, but behind her appeared several Kingdom Army soldiers, carrying long swords stained with blood in their hands.

"Run away! Little girl!" With tears on their faces, they were helplessly'watching' when they approached the crying girl with a knife.

suddenly! The soldiers fell to the ground with white eyes and foaming at their mouths. Not just a few of them, all the soldiers of the Kingdom Army controlled in this port town lost consciousness at the same time and collapsed to the ground.

In the night sky, a black shadow flew extremely fast in the direction of King Heights, and the large black velvet cloak behind him swayed in the night wind.

The battle to determine Dressrosa's national fortune is about to begin!

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