Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 128 Chains and Lines

"Fufufufu ...... So that, as early as the Seven Warlords of the Sea Conference when it is already eyeing me?"

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and grinned, "Are you colluding with Five Elders? Furious chain!"

Victor shrugged, "No, it's just [deal]. I have to say, Mr. Doflamingo, you are a genius in annoying people. Those old men are all trying to kill you."

"A bunch of [old monsters] that should have been in the soil a long time ago, they have to trouble me in the end!" Doflamingo hooked his fingers, and his whole body slowly floated: "But they have too much confidence in you. Is it enough? A kid who doesn't even know [Awakening], why should he fight me!"

"Wild waves and white lines——!!!"

Doflamingo waved his hands, and the whole person flew quickly into the sky. At the same time, the surrounding building ruins were turned into massive white silk threads. Tens of thousands of horizontally arranged white thin threads moved towards Victor like a raging tide. Pounced.

Victor sighed softly, "Didn't you tell me? Chain-String Fruit is the upper version of String-String Fruit. How can you beat me?"

Victor's feet suddenly exerted force, stepping on Moonwalk and rushing directly towards Doflamingo in the air. The black figure drew a few sharp right angles in the sky, perfectly avoiding the impact of all the wild waves and white lines.

"You dare to choose an air battle with me? You are so courageous! Hey..." Doflamingo avoided Victor's punching fist sideways, his feet instantly covered with dark Armament Haki, and his right shoe Eight translucent sharp silk threads stretched out at the tip, and they kicked towards Victor's chest and abdomen!

"Leg Shave String!!"

"Chain weapon Beowulf (Beowulf)!"

Victor reacted more quickly, covering the red and black metal cage hands and feet directly on his arms and feet when he missed a hit. The left arm cage ignited violent steam and heat waves, which firmly supported Dofra. Mingo's fierce kick, sparks appeared where the two sides touched!

Both sides have the ability of air combat, and for a while the sky over this small town is covered by the sound of violent fighting. Victor played fast, but Doflamingo was not slow. The two sides fought hundreds of times in just over ten seconds. A series of dense clusters of sparks appeared in the sky, and the two hit the central square of the town all the way from the sky.

"Hey, what is this [superior fruit]!? You little liar..." Doflamingo said "Leg Shave String" and forced Victor away, and jumped to the high platform a few times, the more he thought about it, the more he got angry. ! I was actually fooled by this kid for a little while before!

"It's just a very common [heart attack], you actually believe it? Mr. Doflamingo, you are more'unsophisticated' than you look!" Victor also wore a metal zipper mask on his face. He reached out and hooked, and the remaining people and soldiers in the town were all pulled away by the'Nylon Zipper Sky Gondola'.

Now, this small town called'Sebio' has completely become a battlefield for the two.

String! Lots of white lines!

The surrounding buildings are all turning into a huge amount of white lines, and under the control of Doflamingo, they are twisted and twisted into several sharp "line waves" at the top.

"Cruel chain, you are really getting in the way..." Doflamingo's face has several blood stains, all of which were beaten by Victor's'Beowulf': "It's a pity, if you reach [Awakening] If the level comes to trouble me again, maybe the chance of success will be higher. But now you are just an arrogant and stupid kid, so...behave to die!!"

"Haiyuan·White Wave (EverWhite)!!!"

The ground, the building, and everything around turned into a tumbling white-line ocean wave, rushing towards Victor!

The moment the huge tide of thread was about to wrap up Victor, Victor's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

"Shave?" Doflamingo's level of knowledge is quite strong, and he immediately discovered Victor's whereabouts: "You kid really learned a lot... but it's useless!"

He lifted his hands towards the sky on the upper left, lifted his index finger lightly, and his fingertips suddenly ejected a large number of thin lines. These thin lines fired at Victor like a powerful musket!

"Bullet String!!"

Viktor, who appeared in midair, opened dozens of zipper spaces, large or small, and avoided all Bullet Strings that hit him. Then a violent air wave broke out under his feet, stepping on the Moonwalk and rushing towards Doflamingo.

"Hum! Thousands of arrows..." Doflamingo smiled and waved his hands. Thousands of sharp threads entwined Armament Haki on the ground, wrapping Victor completely in the form of a flamingo's wings. Among them:


Thousand lines of arrows like the tide kept hitting Victor, not giving him any chance to breathe.

"[Awakening] is very different from the normal fruit ability! Fierce chain, you can fully appreciate the difference!!" Doflamingo clenched his fist suddenly: "pierced his heart!!"

Thousands of threads converged at one point, and then pierced Victor's chest fiercely!

"Humhhhhhhhh... Five Elders, the assassins you sent are no more than that...eh!?"

Doflamingo was stunned to find that Victor's whole body disintegrated and melted through the heart, and then turned into a purple doll. At this moment, the doll was making a silent laugh at Doflamingo.

"Stand-in!? When!??" Before Doflamingo came back to his senses, a fist full of Armament Haki hit his left cheek fiercely!

Doflamingo only felt a tingle on his face, and then he flew backwards quickly, smashing several houses and then falling into the rubble.

Victor walked slowly towards the ruins, his fists creaked: "There is only one destiny in a person's life. When you insulted my parents at the Seven Warlords of the Sea conference, your destiny has already been destroyed. It's decided..."

There was no more gentle smile on his face, only a cold smile: "No one is making trouble this time, Mr. Doflamingo."

A strong roar came from the ruins, and the voice was full of humiliation and anger!

"I killed you!!! Excess Whip String!!!"

A thin wire whip that is smaller than the super-strike whip, but with greater speed and strength, rushed out of the ruins and slashed straight towards Victor's head!

But a blue figure emerged out of nowhere in front of Victor. The fingers of the steel chain grabbed the Excess Whip String with the hands covered in blue armor, and then slammed it backwards. The left face was full of swelling marks and Bloodline’s Doflamingo was born from the ruins. Pulled out!

Victor half-twisted, then a heavy kick hit the face of Doflamingo who was pulled in front of him, and he hit him again and flew out!

However, the Excess Whip String was still held in the hand of the steel chain finger, and it once again used force to pull Doflamingo back, and then another fierce kick was followed!

Victor started without mercy, every hit was full of Armament Haki and all his strength, and every hit hit Doflamingo's face directly!

This kind of'yo-yo' play lasted more than ten rounds, and then Doflamingo was hit by a fierce kick with Armament Haki in his face again, and then flew out with blood and broken teeth. , Smashed into the ruins severely, arousing violent dust and smoke.

Victor unhurriedly walked towards the ruins, followed by steel chain fingers and melancholy blues: "...It's really strong vitality, this only caused you skin injuries? Your face is naturally covered with Armament Haki Huh? Mr. Doflamingo..."

"Asshole..." Doflamingo stood up from the ruins staggeringly, the sunglasses on his face had been shattered as early as the first wave of attacks, and his eyes that had been hidden behind the sunglasses were also revealed. Came out.

"Oh? Still peachy eyes? And there are no eyebrows... born? Or shaved it yourself?" Victor gradually approached, followed by jokes.

Doflamingo’s face has small threads stitching up wounds and splicing bones. He slowly said: "The fierce chain...I admit that you are very strong, but...why...you don’t understand the power of [Awakening] at all. Where!"

"Oh? Is there a killer? Then show it, let me see and see." Victor stopped when he reached a position 20 meters away from Doflamingo, and Kabuto sneered with both hands in Kabuto and said: "The only chance is Don't miss it once."

"Humhhhhhhh... as you wish! A huge wave of white lines!!"

Doflamingo's forehead was violently blue, and his hands were trembling and lifted up. A huge amount of white silk thread surged on the ground and condensed into sixteen thread pillars. The top of the thread pillar was extremely sharp!

Victor tilted his head: "Isn't this still the same as before?"

"Don't worry... soon... hoo... I will give you a [surprise] soon!!" Doflamingo's hands were in the shape of animal claws, and then he swung forward across the board! ! The sixteen thread pillars were also covered with high-density purple Armament Haki, and then twisted to stab Victor Qi!

"Sixteen sacred bullets·GodThread—!!!"

"Oh? It's interesting...then I'll let you see it too!" The melancholy blues behind Victor instantly disintegrated into a large number of original zippers and reunited into a huge cross sword, the sword body is composed of countless high-speed rotating chain blades. Composition, the friction between the chain blades erupted into fierce heat waves and dazzling flames. From a distance, this is a red sword with fierce flames wrapped in flames!

"Laevatain: Laevatain!"

Victor grasped the hilt of the 6-meter long [Sword of Flame], and then shook it violently at the sixteen sacred bullets! !

Fierce fire and explosion enveloped the entire town!

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