Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 140: The Upgrade Plan of the Ark of Passion

【Infighting? "Fighting Chain" and "Heavenly Yaksha" are fighting in Dressrosa]

[The Civil War of Seven Warlords of the Sea? Has the balance of the three powers been broken since then? 】

【again! The Terminator of Seven Warlords of the Sea! 】

[World government announced to deprive ‘Heavenly Yaksha’ of Don Quixote Doflamingo’s Seven Warlords of the Sea title]


On this day, when people just woke up from their early morning dreams, they were shocked by the shocking headlines of various major newspapers and tabloids.

‘The Furious Chain’ Mafia Victor, the son of a poor fisherman who went to sea for only half a year, turned this sea upside down, let’s count his famous achievements——

【Lokjong Island Decisive Battle】, fought desperately with Gekko Moria, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and completely destroyed the entire island.

[The City of Seven Waters Offensive and Defense War], in order to protect the city of Seven Waters, one person wiped out the three most ferocious supernovas in the first half of the Grand Line, and snatched the other two supernovas under his command, completing the'Tuanmui Supernova' Feat. It also became his bargaining chip to join Seven Warlords of the Sea.

[The fish men island incident], and the Four Emperors BIGMOM's strongest cadres ‘Senju’ Cracker launched a massive battle in The fish men island, defeating all the heroes of the BIGMOM pirate group.

[Dressrosa Incident] In order to stop the country stealing plan of Don Quixote Doflamingo of ‘Heavenly Yaksha’, who is also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he did not hesitate to defeat the World government at the risk of angering it.

The people who have been fortunate enough to meet him say that ‘the evil chain’ Mafia Victor is kind and willing to listen to the voices of the weak.

Wherever he goes, people respectfully call him--


Just as people are speculating whether Evil Chain will take advantage of this momentum to directly grab the site and fight the Four Emperors after defeating Doflamingo, he unexpectedly returned to the ‘paradise’.

What does he want to do?


"There are so many things I want to do!"

Baby5, wearing a maid suit, impatiently pokes his finger at the sugar forehead, who is also wearing a maid suit: "Don't bother me! Master Master never said that you should be a maid!"

"But... If I don't find something to do, I will be driven off the boat with my sister soon, right?" Sugar covered her red forehead and said with tears, "My sister is still recuperating. I must try my best to win the boss. Happy. Baby5, the relationship between the two of us was very good before, so please help me! Please!"

"Oh? I, I'm needed again... No! I have Luo now, and I am no longer the one who yearns for [to be needed]!" Baby5 shook her head vigorously, but she looked at the pitiful expression of sugar and she was ruthless. I can’t help myself to say something serious: "Tsk...it’s really troublesome, then you just follow me. But you have to obey my maid’s orders!"

"Yes! Your maid maid!" Sugar burst into a laugh, exclaiming happily.

The two talked and laughed and gradually walked away.

On the corner behind them, Victor was being dragged by Perona to hide in the shadows.

"Why are we hiding?" Victor asked helplessly: "It was just passing by..."

Perona quietly poked his head out to see if the two of them disappeared from sight, then turned around and poked Victor's cheek hard: "Brother is a big idiot! Sugar is obviously trying to please you in exchange for preferential treatment to her sister. , Baby5 and she were both members of the Donquixote Family. If you suddenly appear in front of them, they must think that you have misunderstood them for plotting rebellion, how embarrassing it is!"

Victor smiled and touched Perona's little pink head: "Perona is really grown up, and he has never considered these people's sophistication before."

"Huh! People are determined to become brother Victor's deputy!" Perona proudly akimbo her hips, but the compliment from her brother made her proud.

After being arrogant for a while, Perona asked curiously: "Brother, what are you going to do with sugar and snow girl?"

"Let's go with the flow." Victor put on a black suit: "If they are honest, Coral will not lack food for these two people."

Perona nodded. She has been with Victor for ten years. She knows Victor's character too well-although she is usually full of gentleman's demeanor, but if you really want to be an enemy, he will not consider whether his opponent is an old man, a child or a woman.

The two walked unhurriedly along the palace corridor of the central island, when Perona suddenly thought of an idea:

"Brother, didn't we get the technology to [let non-living entities eat Devil Fruit]? You said we would eat Devil Fruit for Ark of Passion, how about it?"

Perona is more excited: "Logia's Yunyun Fruit is very good. It can turn into a cloud ship that summons thunder and can fly! Or it can be transformed into a bird ship of the world's largest royal albatross!"

Victor chuckled softly: "Good idea. In fact, Franky had made this proposal to me a long time ago, but I discussed it with the three boaters for a long time and rejected the proposal."

"Why? What a great suggestion!" Perona fainted.

"Remember what I told you about Devil Fruit's weaknesses?"

Victor whispered like a story: "Anyone who eats Devil Fruit will be rejected by [the sea] and become a duck. The so-called [sea] includes rivers, swimming pools and even bathtubs and other places with a lot of water. . As long as you enter this area, people with Devil Fruit will not only be unable to use their abilities, their body will also be disobedient, and even [buoyancy] will be deprived. If only half of the body or hands and feet touch the water, then this The symptoms will be reduced. As for the rain, it will not affect the capable."

"Do you think that if a ship becomes a capable person, does it spend more time in the water or on land?"

Perona choked for a moment. She really didn't think about it here: "... Then, let the Ark of Passion eat the fruit of Yunyun and fly in the sky without touching the water?"

"Do you need physical energy to activate your ability?" Victor rubbed Perona's little head: "There is no [perpetual motion machine] in this world, as long as the ability to activate requires physical energy. So [let non-living bodies eat Devil Fruit] The prerequisite for this is-this item must be Zoan's Devil Fruit. Only when it becomes a living body, can this object have the opportunity to eat to replenish energy and physical strength."

"Uh... how about letting Ark of Passion eat birds and fruits? It can fly in the sky as well!"

"Little idiot, as long as it is a creature, it will be tired. Then where will you let the Ark of Passion rest in the vast sea?"

Perona's mouth narrowed suddenly: "Woo...Is there really no way? I'm still looking forward to Passion Ark becoming a capable person~"

"In fact, if certain conditions are met, the necessary condition of [Zoan Fruit] can be bypassed." Victor smiled slightly: "As long as there is a safe way to inject energy into this non-living body, the energy of the Devil Fruit in its body can be maintained. Balanced, then it’s okay to feed it Paramecia or Logia fruit."

"So, I am going to do a little experiment."

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