The four great seas are different.

East Blue is a [symbol of peace]. Marine has always been firmly controlled here. Those weak pirates are more like pets kept by Marine. They can't stand up to wind and waves but can be used to increase people's demand and dependence on Marine. . At the same time, East Blue's Sea Kings are also talked about by the world.

North Blue is the [cradle of chaos]. The overall climate is cold. If you use the earth to compare, it is more like Russia and the Nordic countries. The land of North Blue is slightly barren compared to the other three major seas. Correspondingly, North Blue is rich in freaks. If you hear that a pirate who behaves strangely comes from North Blue, don't be surprised, this kind of person is normal in North Blue...

West Blue is [the hotbed of evil], most of the islands here are fertile and the climate is pleasant, but it has spawned the most diverse and complex mafia group in the world. The confusion between black and white has achieved a delicate balance. Thanks to this, the people live better than the other three major seas. However, the situation in West Blue has undergone drastic changes in the past six months. The role played by a certain Seven Warlords of the Sea is ‘great credit’...

South Blue is [Monster's Lair], this description is not exaggerated at all. If the South Blue 20 years ago was the strongest sea with abundance and advanced technology, then South Blue is now built by the Snake King into his own nest. Everything here seems normal and peaceful, pirates looting, Marine arrests, people passing by, but behind all these there is an invisible hand in control of the situation.


"So, Franky, you are also from South Blue?"

The bow area of ​​the Ark of Warmth is luxuriously decorated and comfortable, and everyone is gathering together to chat. It was Bingberg who mentioned Franky's life experience, and this made everyone know that the latter was born in South Blue.

"It's not surprising, South Blue is also the Four Great Seas anyway." Franky looked a little cramped in the face of so many staring at him, and quickly poured a mouthful of iced Coke to suppress the shock: "Did I not say it? I was born when I was a child. Since South Blue’s pirate parents abandoned it on the Hulk Island in the City of Seven Waters, the reason is simply because they dislike me."

Haoxue nodded: "That's the way it is, no wonder you have developed the current pervert style. It turned out to be too mentally traumatized. In recent years, medical research has shown that the miserable childhood experience will lead to..."

"No! Not like that! Don't talk nonsense, old man!" Franky was furious, and quickly interrupted Hao Xue's serious medical science: "Old Hao Xue, don't give me a hat! This uncle's pervert is born with him. Medal, even Mr. Tom praises me!"

Bingberg said helplessly: "That's because Mr. Tom is so temperamental and too tolerant of you. Every time you go to the city to buy vegetables, which time does it cause a commotion? Fortunately, you join the "coral", otherwise the capital of the seven waters will take you in two years. Completely expelled from the city."

"Close to the subject, what was going on at South Blue at the time, Franky, do you still have an impression?" Victor asked.

"Let me recall..." Franky scratched the back of his head, recalling hard:

"At that time, the atmosphere in South Blue seemed quite terrifying. The pirates rushed to the Grand Line. My parents were among them. The strange thing was that Marine did not block or even opened the entrance to the upside-down mountain in disguise. And there was a weird rumor..."

"What rumor?"

"It was said that the king of snakes was looking for something in South Blue." Franky recalled: "I was only 7 years old at the time. I don't remember the details clearly. But one thing was particularly impressive. It was because my parents were talking and arguing. I heard—the snake king is looking for a box."

"Box?" Perona tilted his head. "Is he a cat?"

Franky gestured with both hands:

"The appearance is a pitch black square and the texture is extremely strong. The surface is dark jade color, and the whole is tightly stitched. Don't ask me why I remember so clearly. At that time, I suggested to my parents to forge a box and give it to the King of Snakes in exchange for a high reward. I did make a box with a similar shape, but it was a pity that I was beaten up by my more flexible parents and threw the box into the sea."

No, your parents are simply too wise... Everyone murmured silently in their hearts.

Victor folded his arms and leaned against the wall, frowning and said, "This is the message that the Snake King spreads to the outside world?"

Franky took a sip of the iced Coke and waved his hand: "Who said no? No one else has the guts to pretend to be the King of Snakes, and the King of Snakes has also offered a high reward, as long as someone gives him this box, no matter it is He will be satisfied with Devil Fruit or gold and silver jewelry, even if only valid information is provided."

Matthew, who was distributing drinks to everyone, asked strangely: "No one gets a fake message to cheat the bounty?"

"Of course there are, but they were all killed by the Snake King, and no one dared to go after that." Franky said nonchalantly: "If you want me to say that they are still technically inadequate, if I were to make this box..."

While talking, the topic went off the track. A group of people got together and began to study the difficulty of making this box, during which Franky and Bingberg fought again.

Looking at the crowds busy pulling racks and watching the excitement, Victor turned his head and said to Robin, who was holding the juice next to him, "Go and check about this box and related rewards."

Robin nodded, turned and walked out of the bow rest area.

This is South Blue, and the Ark of Enthusiasm has arrived in this sea of ​​monsters-3 days.


South Blue, the country of clouds.

The top of the temple [Snake Nest], [Unclean Tower].

"Your Majesty, there is intelligence that Victor, the'Ferocious Chain', appeared in the waters of Mentos in South Blue."

In the empty and dark quiet room on the top of the tower, [Snake King] Li Kui De is sitting lazily on the huge throne. Under the twenty-third steps of the throne, Ingrid, wearing a large burgundy cloak, was kneeling on one knee, announcing important news.

"Victor'Critter Chain'? It's a bit of an impression that this child has been having a lot of fun for the past six months."

With one hand resting on his cheek, Liquaid half-ducked his scaly eyelids, as if he was half-dreaming and half-awake: "Why, didn't he play home games on the Grand Line... how come he appeared in South Blue?"

As he said, he yawned, showing the crisscrossed sharp teeth in his mouth. At this moment, he was in a state of chaos of half man and half beast, and his personality was even more weird than usual.

"The intelligence officer claimed that Victor, the ‘Crack Chain’, was still in East Blue a month ago and spanned two Calm Belt and Grand Line in just one month. The staff has not analyzed a reasonable explanation for the time being.”

Ingrid was also puzzled, not to mention whether he could arrive within a month even if he sailed straight from East Blue to South Blue. The Calm Belt is known as the "Vavigator Graveyard". No matter what kind of ship, he wants to pass through the Calm Belt. All you can rely on is [lucky]. And this ‘fierce chain’ Victor directly straddles the two Calm Belt and Grand on earth did he do it?

"Is it a special way to cross the Calm Belt?'s interesting." Liquaid's pupils overflowed with blue light, and the scales and feathers on his body were sometimes exposed and converged: "Since he has come to my site, I can't help but show. Let’s take a look at the'hospitality' of the South Blue people."

"Let [Four Winds] entertain him."

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