Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 164 Victor VS Gurardo (4K characters)

Before reaching the pier in Modred Town, Victor and Robin, who stood on the deck of the Beagle, felt a wave of enthusiasm.

"It should be autumn now?" Robin kept fanning the wind with his little hands: "Why is it so hot?"

Victor took off his black suit jacket and tie. He wore only a striped shirt and black trousers: "This kind of heat...it doesn't happen naturally. Go to town and see."

After they arranged the Begel, they boarded the pier and walked towards the center of the town.

Along the way, patients with dizziness and heatstroke from time to time were rushed to the town center hospital by family members and kind people.

"Victor, is this the effect of Devil Fruit?" Robin, wearing short sleeves and jeans, said hesitantly, "It can change the climate... Is it Logia?"

Two bottles of fresh water surfaced in the zippered space in Victor's palm. He handed Robin a bottle and drank half of the bottle in one breath. Then he took out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth: "It's hard to say, but this island doesn't seem to have a [volcano]. Exist...Let's go and see in the center of town."


At this moment, the hospital in the town center of Modred is overcrowded.

The tall doctor ‘Dr. Summer’ with a big back brushed his head and wiped the sweat from his head, and instructed the sturdy nurses with strong backs to transfer a new batch of heatstroke patients to the second ward.

"Satsuma, do you need help?" That's what it said, but the town's security officer Hilton Dubin just leaned on the door with his arms to watch the show.

Hilton Dubin is 47 years old this year, but his physical strength and spirit are close to the level of his prime, and he has extraordinary combat experience and eyesight, which makes him famous among the nearby islands. He wore a western sheriff's hat, a jacket and jeans, his brown leather boots were shining brightly, a thick beard on his weathered face, and an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

Dr. Sommer glanced at Doberman and said impatiently: "If you have time to talk coldly here, it is better to go out to soothe the restless mood of those patients outside. I have said that heatstroke is not a terminal illness, and if the treatment is timely, it is even better. It’s too late to go home for dinner, but they just don’t believe it!"

"Hahaha! It's not because you used to frighten the residents of the town!" Dubin laughed unceremoniously: "Last year the town had a flu, and it turned out to be like tuberculosis raging under your exaggeration. , For a while everyone is in danger and even some people are planning to write a suicide note. This time you are not tossing about it?"

"I was to raise their safety awareness!" Dr. Satsuma said angrily.

Dubin waited to talk a few more words, suddenly he was shocked and then opened the window: "The temperature has dropped..."

Not only him, but Dr. Satsuma also felt that the surrounding temperature began to drop, and in just a few minutes, it dropped back to the level it was a few hours ago.

"This can't be explained by'climate abnormality' anymore?" Doberman rubbed the bushy beard on his chin and turned to look at Dr. Satsuma: "...you have nothing to say to me, old man?""Okay, okay, I just said it." Summer sighed, pulled a chair away and sat down:

"Kid and Kira brought a strange man with serious injuries more than twenty days ago. His body was covered with beast claw marks and strange burns. The most serious were the injuries to his left rib cage and mouth. His left rib cage It seems that a part of the flesh and ribs was directly penetrated by a high-temperature object and took away a part of the flesh and ribs. The wound was directly scorched; the mouth was injured by the impact caused by the explosion from the inside, the tongue disappeared directly, only three teeth were left, and the upper and lower lips were all blown up. , The lower jaw is particularly damaged."

"Kid and Kira insist that this man is Kid’s distant cousin. I don’t think this man has a murderer attitude towards Kid and Kira. Since the two are doing good deeds to save people, I didn’t ask too much. . But after a few days of treatment, I found that this man’s wound healed at an incredible speed, completely beyond the scope of normal people’s understanding. It’s like you said..."

"It's like Zoan's Devil Fruit?" Dubin frowned and said, "Only Zoan can have such a strong recovery ability. Where is that person now?"

"It should be with Kid and Kira... Why, do you suspect that he is responsible for this abnormal climate?" Dr. Summer shook his head: "Although the man has a bit fierce eyes, his attitude is still mild, not like that. It's the kind of fierce and evil existence. And Zoan can really cause such a terrible effect? ​​Don't you always say that Zoan is the best kind of Devil Fruit?"

"Is it right? I'll know after I see him... Then I'll go first and see you later."

Doberman pressed down on the brim of his hat, turned and walked out of the hospital.

Dr. Sommer leaned back on the back of the chair and scratched his head: "Kid, Kira...you two, don't make a big mess..."


The east side street of Modred Town was empty at this time, and everyone gathered in the center of the town. Brother Raton and Kid are holding large and small bags of food and walking along the street towards home.

When Kid and Kira saw that cousin Raton had decided to go, they no longer blocked them. They used all their savings to buy supplies and ferry tickets for their cousin. Two days later, Modred Town’s pier will meet. There is a passenger ship to Sacred Fire Island. From there, you can transfer to a merchant ship to go to the waters of Mentos.

Walking on the spacious stone-paved streets, Raton walked and took the time to explain to the two of the things that need to be paid attention to to exercise the "immortal armor". The fighting talents of these two children are simply terrible. If it were the two of them, it would be true. It is possible to train the'undead armor' into a seed of strength within two days.

If the two of them can really master the "immortal armor", which is called the "Haki", then even if they go to sea in the future, they can have a certain degree of self-protection.

"Pay attention to the physical strength of the exercise, imagine that you have an invisible armor..." As he said, Raton stopped and looked at the end of the street indifferently.

"What's the matter, cousin?" Kid and Kira, who were holding large bags and small bags, slowed down for unknown reasons, and followed Raton's eyes to the end of the street.

I saw a man and a woman at the end of the empty street.

The blond man wore black trousers and a striped shirt. The two buttons on the top of the shirt were unbuttoned, and the black leather boots under his feet were shining. The black-haired woman is dressed in short sleeves and jeans.

The food package in his arms was scattered all over the place, and the deep throat of'Raton' let out a beast-like threatening low growl, his back was slightly arched, and red flaky nails began to appear on the surface of his skin.

Danger! Extremely dangerous!

Raton's instinct told him that the blond man opposite was no less dangerous than the King of Snakes!

Kid and Kira threw the package in their arms to the ground, and also opened an attacking posture towards Victor.

"Hehe, Victor, your face is terrible, they just look at you and they are immediately alert like a furry beast." Robin covered his mouth and laughed.

Victor shook his head: "I haven't said anything yet."

He was just about to soothe the three people opposite, when there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

"Stay away from Kid and Kira, you monster!"

Guard Officer Hilton Dubin ran to Victor panting, raised his musket and locked Raton's forehead firmly, and shouted: "Kid, Kira! Come here to me, this man is very dangerous. !"

"Sergeant Dobin!?" Kid and Kira were beaten by Dobin because they were mischievous. They quickly agreed: "That's right, Inspector Dobin, that handsome blond bastard is dangerous! Not only kidnapped! This pretty sister still wants to fight with cousin Raton!"

They also saw how cousin Raton was afraid of the blond man, but looking at his little white face with thin arms and legs, he would definitely not be able to beat a master like Sheriff Dubin.

"I'm talking about the guy next to you!!!"

Sergeant Dobin was sweating, but his guns did not deviate in the slightest: "I know that guy's face!'Snake's Nest' has issued a hunting order to various towns. He has destroyed 7 islands and offered an official reward. The'Gurado' with a gold of 150 million Berry!!! Run away!!"

"Gu, Gulardo?"

Of course Kid and Kira have also heard of the name ‘Gurado’. The South Blue riot, destroying 7 islands, no matter what the pirates, civilians or Marines can kill, no matter how evil they are! When they read the news in the newspaper, Kid and Kira also discussed what'Gurado' looks like, and finally reached an agreement-he must be a huge man with a height of 5 meters, a sturdy back and a full face!

Kid shook his head in disbelief: "Impossible...Impossible, Sergeant Doberman, did you make a mistake? He is our cousin Raton! Cousin is so gentle and treats both of us. The orphans are also taken care of, how could it be the villain of'Gurado'!!!?"

Not so good. Victor frowned. If the hedgehog's head opposite is really ‘Gurardo’, then this town will suffer! That guy is already on the verge of losing control, and may break out at any time!

Raton, no, Gurado shook his body, he was trying his best to suppress the killing intent and instinct in his body. Not yet! Don’t get out of control here, Kid and Kira will die...

"No! You two run away!" However, the energetic Sergeant Dubin saw that Gurado's figure was shaking, and it seemed that he was going to be disadvantageous to the Kid next to him, so he cut off the gun!

boom--! !

The bullet accurately hit Gurado's forehead! The huge impact slammed him backwards and raised his head suddenly, and his feet were also unstable. A large number of golden lines appeared between the red nails on Gurardo's body, and the sharp bone spurs on his back became red!

The figure of steel chain fingers immediately appeared behind Robin, which lifted Robin up at his waist and leaped backwards at an extremely fast speed.Victor flicked his fingers slightly, and two zippers quickly rolled around Kid and Kira's waists, pulling them both beside him and the stunned Sergeant Dobin.

Then Victor knelt on the ground and made a imaginary mark in front of him. A zipper appeared on the ground along the trajectory, and the ground at both ends of the zipper immediately became as soft as cloth. He pulled up the ground at one end of the zipper as easily as a canvas and released his ability.

Resin zipper·Building block!

The spacious streets paved with slabs were cut neatly in an instant, and huge rock blocks suddenly lifted up to form a solid shield wall.

What followed was intense heat flow and shock! The stone bricks on the surface of the rock shield wall were washed to pieces! ! Sergeant Doberman guarded Kid and Kira behind him, and looked at the horror scene at the other end of the rock shield wall in horror.

A huge upright lizard with a height of 20 meters appeared in the middle of the street, and the houses on both sides had already been trampled into ruins. The billowing heat waves constantly radiated from the red armor and golden lines on the surface of the lizard. The fan-shaped dorsal fin behind the lizard kept shining with dark red light, and the ring-shaped pupils on the golden black background were full of jokingly watching everything in front of them.

"What a boring farce."

'Gulardo' opened a huge mouth full of sharp interlaced teeth, and made a hoarse and malicious mocking sound: "The family interaction these days just makes me sick... Oh dear little cousins, cousins ​​are right now. Help you get rid of all these troubles hahahaha!"

As soon as the voice fell, the huge spiked tail swept towards Victor's side, and the houses and ground wherever he passed turned into fragments of the sky! !

"Nylon zipper Sky Gondola!"

Sergeant Doberman and Kid Kira were lifted up in the air by invisible forces and flew towards the distance.

And Victor flew Moonwalk into the air a few times, and dodged this powerful sweeping attack with ease.

"Oh? [I] noticed you just now..." Gurado did not continue to attack, but looked at Victor who was still in mid-air with interest: "You guy...very strong!"

Victor did not answer, but looked calmly at the ground that was completely in ruins. Fortunately, I have not found any civilians here. It seems that all the residents here have gone to the center of the town.

"To be honest, what I hate the most is you kind of brainless fools who act only by instinct."

Falling lightly to the ground, Victor slowly rolled up his cuffs, looked at the huge upright lizard opposite, and said coldly: "You are not more noble than the common people living on this sea. You can be so simple. Don't you understand?"

"Idiot... I thought you were going to say something big..." Gurado said with a grinning grin: "Power is power! Weak waste can only survive if it is dominated by the strong! Being strong, this is what we should enjoy. that power!"

Victor shook his head slightly and let out a sneer: "Heh... It seems that you and the group of Mariejois [rubbish] have a common topic... But are you mistaken? Our battlefield is not here!"

Looking at the calm blond young man on the opposite side, Gurado suddenly felt something was wrong.

The ground under your feet is shaking! !

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