Large cracks began to appear on the ground, the gravel underfoot kept trembling, and dull roars continued to be heard from the ground, as if two huge fierce beasts were fighting each other!

But the few people present did not pay attention to the underground fight, to be precise, they should have no time to pay attention to it.

"Two Seven Warlords of the Sea join forces? I have never heard of it..."

"Crescent Hunter" Catalina Depeng laughed "hehe", slowly pulling out the long sword around her waist and holding it in her left hand, pulling the thorn whip tightly with her right hand and pulling it out of the fingers of the steel chain, in an attacking posture: " [Seven Warlords of the Sea] It’s a big taboo for the World government to make gangs between [Seven Warlords of the Sea]! Aren’t you afraid of being deprived of the title,'Seaman' Jinbei?"

And ‘Big Wine Barrel’ Joet did not have the mental quality of Catalina Deppon. The little heart frightened by the melancholy blues had not recovered yet. He swallowed and grasped the stone wine gourd in his hand.

Facing two [Seven Warlords of the Sea] at the same time, everyone has to weigh their own weight.

Faced with the provocation of'Crescent Hunter','Seaman' Jinbei just showed a meaningless disdainful smile: "A boring and low-level provocation. Yu Gong, Brother Victor is the great benefactor of The fish men island, Yu Shi, he is even more of me. A close friend of him. As long as he calls, he will go through the fire and water."

If someone else says this, it may be pretending to be magnanimous. But "Seaman" Jinbei, the man among the men, who has been following the path of "benevolence and righteousness" all his life, will never make any false statements. Not to mention facing the two New World pirates and the King of South Blue, even if Victor needs help when facing the Four Emperors Kaido, he will definitely come forward without saying a word.

Jinbei is such a man.

But now he is not as calm and steady as 10 years later, according to Haoxue's words-his aura is exposed!

Just as the atmosphere was getting anxious, the ground under everyone's feet suddenly bulged, and then countless cracks burst! Fierce thunder and flames rushed from every rift, forming a web of lasers sweeping across the sky for a while!

Then, the earth broke apart! Along with the gravel and lava flying all over the sky, two huge figures sprang from the cavernous caverns, one flew into the sky, and the other fell to the ground.

The Gurado's body shape, which has changed into a full body form, has become even larger than before, reaching a terrifying forty-meter giant! The body was covered with thick leather-like red armor shells, and the fan-shaped dorsal fin that spread from the top of the head to the tip of the tail flickered bright and dark, shining with dark red light.

Gurado shook away the remaining lava on his body, two sturdy hind legs stood steadily on the ground, raised his head to look at the enemy in the sky, the sharp nails of the two front paws rubbed fierce sparks like a demonstration, golden ring Fierce fighting intent burned in his eyes.

The king of snakes in the sky was a little embarrassed, with burns and bites everywhere on his body, and even the luxurious and colorful feathers had fallen off a lot, making him look messy. At this time, he flapped his huge wings and flew obliquely in the sky, finally stabilizing his figure.

He was dragged into the underground lava pit by Gurado without checking for a while and suffered a severe beating that he will never forget. Because the earth and the volcano are the home of Gurado, I have no choice but to use the full power of the "Delta Mine", fighting backlash to defeat Gurado with a large-scale and high-intensity full-body discharge. And took the opportunity to rush out of the surface and return to Revolving Heaven.

The sky is his home field!

At this time, he also found Victor and Jinbei, and after a little thought, he understood the cause of the matter.

"So... I'm sorry, I underestimated you, Fierce Chain!" Likui, the Snake King, didn't mean to be annoyed in German, but was full of appreciation. If he can contact foreign aid, the other party can also use an ambush to counter him, which is nothing to be annoying. This is a well-matched opponent, and defeating such an opponent will definitely comfort his increasingly hungry ‘desire to fight’!

Liquaid's voice clearly reached the ears of the'Barrel' and the'Crescent Hunter': "Dai Peng, Qiaot, now is not the time to keep your hands. Double the reward, let's join hands to kill these three guys. "

The two big pirates knew that the other party would not let them go, and no longer hesitated, they took up their weapons and set up a posture.

The temporarily stopped rain became fierce again, and lightning flashes across the sky.

Victor leaped gently on top of Gurardo's head, stood on the rough red armor, and asked, "Gurardo, can you hold on?"

"Don't worry, I won't be swallowed by [Beast] before the King of Snake dies...I have already realized it."

Gulardo's lizard face was full of decisive expressions of no return. He knew very well that this would be [his] last battle, and if Kid and Kira entrust the fierce chain, there should be no problem. Only the king of snakes must die!

"Well said! The so-called enlightenment is to cut a way forward in the dark wilderness!"

Victor rolled up his cuffs, tucked his wet blond hair into a slightly messy back, and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "It's going to go, Gurardo, Jinbei!"

Without any more words, the fan-shaped dorsal fin behind Gurado suddenly burst into a fierce red light, and a fierce and unparalleled "atomic breath" blasted straight towards the king of snakes in the sky!

The King of Snake didn't talk nonsense, the thunder light contained in his eyes burst suddenly, took a deep breath, and then slammed out a luminous green destroying light cannon from his mouth!

"Atomic breath!"

"The finishing touch!"

boom----! !

Two devastating light cannons collided together, bursting out a violent light and a terrifying strong shock wave that could not be seen directly!

Victor had already leaped from the top of Gurado's head, Moonwalk stepped on a violent sonic boom in the air, and the whole person rushed towards Catalina ‘Crescent Hunter’ like a cannonball. The cold light in his hand flickered. It was the famous sword ‘Windball’!

Catalina Deppon held the knife holder in front of her with both hands, and the violent collision that followed almost made her unable to hold the handle of the knife.

What a powerful force! Is this kid a monster! ? Fierce sparks burst out between the two long swords covered with armed colors. As the most dangerous female pirate ever, Catalina was shocked to find that her strength could not be better than the thin 18-year-old kid on the opposite side!

"Big wine barrel! Help!" Dai Peng's voice became sharp, because she found that even though the long sword in her hand was covered with armed colors, the traces of the zipper gradually appeared. The fruit ability of this guy has the power of ‘eroding’!

'Big Wine Barrel' Qiaot picked up the stone wine gourd and was about to smash it on Victor's head, who was fighting with Dai Peng.

A dull loud noise! The stone wine gourd covered with black lacquer was hit by a webbed palm and it sank down!

"Where are you looking, big wine barrel!" Jinbei's eyes were cold, and he twisted and threw a strong punch again!

"Murman Karate·Five Thousand Watt Zhengquan!"

With punch after punch, even with the stone wine gourd full of Armament Haki as a shield, the "big wine barrel" Joet was still shocked by his mouth and nose, and he kept moving back!

On the distant sea, there is a World government special ship, and people on the deck are holding binoculars in amazement, unable to speak for a long time.

[Seven Warlords of the Sea] Mafia Victor, the long-suffering evil star!

One of the existing murloc karate masters, [Seven Warlords of the Sea] Jinbei, "Seaman"!

The well-deserved overlord of South Blue, [Snake King] Shiz Liquaid!

The monster among the monsters, [Island Destroyer] Gurado, is offering a 180 million bounty, Berry!

The wine tycoon who specializes in gunless sniper, New World big pirate "Big Barrel" Basque Choate, is offering a bounty of 480 million Berry!

With all kinds of weapons handy, the ability of the monster species "Nine Tails Fox", "Crescent Hunter" Catalina Depeng, is offering a reward of 550 million!

The melee of these six monsters can be described as disasters!

"Sir, will the mission continue?" Even a ruthless killer like Rob Lucci couldn't help but weigh his own strength in the face of such a big scene, and the conclusion was that he would have to die if he entered.

"Lion" Ross put down his binoculars and was silent for a long time before speaking, "Stand by on the ship. In any case, we must witness and repeat to Five Elders the course and results of this battle."

"This will have to do with South Blue's ownership."

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