Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 190 Life and Death Questions (5K words chapter)

The shells passed low in the sky, and from time to time a ship turned into a burning wreck. Fortunately, the crew on it was directly blown to pieces, but unfortunately, it was wrapped in flames, screaming and crying and fell into the flames and convulsed to death.

There were also a lot of casualties on the bounty hunter's side. After all, it is the emperor who rules the entire South Blue. There are too many people on the side of the Snake King, and there are many experts and cadres among them.

Not only the weak fighters and soldiers on both sides were eliminated more than half of the time in the first wave of impact, even the outstanding cadres were surrounded and drowned by the crowd, and died silently.

This sea area was gradually dyed red with blood, and people died every minute and every second. The entire Geqiu Island waters turned into cruel meat grinders.

Both sides are red eyes!

In the center of the battlefield, the Ark of Enthusiasm, whose surface was devastated, was attacked by the Serpent King's fleet and began to counterattack.

[The main gun is ready for filling! Error correction is complete! All friendly forces within the firing range have completed evasion! 】

[Cancel the countdown, target the enemy's flagship "Confessions", fire! ! 】

There is a giant triple fortress gun on the left and right sides of the bow of the Ark of Enthusiasm. Under the control of the elite gunner team, they turn the muzzle and firmly lock the enemy flagship in the distance.

The enemy’s huge snake-headed giant ship Confession was slaughtering the surrounding bounty hunters and their ships. The captain was excitedly commanding the gunner and suddenly felt a glare of light in front of him. He still didn’t realize what was happening. , I lost consciousness forever.

The Confession, which is no less than the size of the Marine warship, was instantly enveloped by a violent explosion that soared into the sky! The explosion was so violent that the World government special ship at the other end of the island was shaken by violent vibrations and its hull was shaken.

"It's a fortress cannon... How could Five Elders give this kind of thing to the fierce chain?"

Kaku, a World government espionage codenamed ‘Pinocchio’, murmured: “Isn’t this kind of thing the ultimate defensive armament that can only be loaded on island fortresses?”

"This Ark has surpassed the size of an ordinary island, and it is not surprising to use a triple fortress gun."

There was a cold sweat on Lu Qi’s forehead. Anyone who saw this weapon representing the peak lethality of human technology at this stage would subconsciously scream: "No wonder the gangster rushed to the Grand Line to look for the horror after defeating Gekko Moria. The three-masted sailboat, it turns out that he had layed his attention long ago."

The chief of CP9, "Lion" Ross, hugged his arms and his expression was extremely serious: "Five Elders, you really cultivated an incredible monster..."

On the battlefield at the other end of the island, the original location of the Confession is now only the scorched black debris floating on the sea, and 11 ships of the Snake King around it are all evaporated!

[The target is completely silent! 】

[The gun body began to cool down, and the maintenance team immediately began to work! The expected cooling time is 350 seconds, and the second wave of ammunition loading begins! 】

The huge ammunition, which is a circle larger than normal, is transferred to the magazine of the fortress gun through the supply transportation line. A maintenance team of 20 people dressed in heat-resistant suits and carrying tools rushed around the fortress turret to start the maintenance work.

On the side of the Ark of Passion, the guns on the side of the ship opened the muzzle one by one, aiming at the other ships of the Snake King force that were dumbfounded.

[No. 001 to 210 ship side longitudinal gun train ready! Load the ammunition! 】

[Fire after 5 seconds countdown! 5, 4, 3...]

On the deck of an enemy ship far away from the area covered by artillery fire, Wu Hongji's double knives cut down an enemy cadre with a knife in a flash, and the soldiers shouted, ‘It’s the monster Wu Hongji! ’Fleeing in all directions.

She exhaled, wiped off the Bloodline on her face in disgust, turned her head to look towards Geqiu Island, which was enveloped by the rainstorm, and muttered, "This war is getting more and more crazy. Only if you completely defeat the Snake King can you end this. Crazy bloody war...Hurry up, Victor!"


The coast of Geqiu Island, Thousand Needles War Zone.

Victor smashed heavily into the rubble, stirring up violent smoke and rubble. In an instant, he used a zipper to glue the broken internal organs together. As soon as he got up from the pile of rubble, he was slammed back into the pile by the big wine barrel that fell from the sky.

"Get out of the way, Choate! Foxfire Dharma bursts out of smoke!"

Several purple flames flashed in the sky, and then the intensive flame spear rain blasted towards the gravel pile that Victor was sunken in. But Big Keg Joe yelled in panic, keeping his arms deep in the gravel, seeing that he was about to be hit by the intensive rain of guns.

Victor sank directly into the ground by using the cask Joet to smash himself into the gravel. By the way, he opened several zippers on Joet's sleeves and the rock formations around his arms and locked them by biting each other, and then opened it by himself. The zipper space quickly dived into the deep area and'swim' towards the position of the king of snakes like a sprinting sailfish!

"Trash... Daojia·Leiwang!"The thunder net over the sky blocked Joe's head, the flame gun rain was completely blocked, and the big keg Joe, who had escaped, also struggled to pull out his bare arm, and the entire sleeve was completely left under the ground.

The Crescent Hunter is fortunate to say that the Snake King is almost not sure whether the Big Keg Joet is here to help or make trouble. Maybe it will be better to kick this fat man and then join the Crescent Hunter together?

Just thinking about it, a zipper suddenly opened under his feet.

The zipper opens fast, but the snake king reacts faster!

"I've been waiting for you... try this!"

The Snake King gave a wicked laugh, and two sharp claws covered with thunder light were raised above his head, and then they swung downward! The destruction spear composed entirely of lightning blasted toward the opening of the zipper!

"Thunder Lightning Rod!"

The Thunder Spear slammed into the position of the zipper, hitting nothing but splitting the zipper entrance.

"What?" The Snake King frowned. Where did this kid go?

‘Big Cask’ Joe was looking eagerly towards the Snake King, but a zipper quietly appeared under his feet.

"Joate! On your side!"

Crescent Hunter Depeng first spotted Victor's trail, but her reminder was a step too late.

Before the big wine barrel could react, he felt a numbness in his stomach, and then the surrounding scenery quickly retreated. The severe pain and the visceral viscera made him exhale in pain.

I saw that the big wine barrel was slammed into the stomach with a full punch by Victor. The 6-meter-tall fat man was blasted into the sky. At the same time, a violent white light suddenly exploded in the distance!

"Atomic Breath————!!!"

The fierce light cannon breath smashed countless rubbles, blasted out from the ground, and accurately hit the upper body of the large wine barrel that was unable to move in the air! The latter didn't even have time to scream, and was directly hit by the light cannon!

The breath of atoms exploded with full force is so strong that the huge group of rock cones behind the big wine barrel is directly evaporated! A huge gap was blasted out of the thick dark clouds at the oblique rear, and the sparse sunlight was spilt from the gap along with the downpour and thunder, forming a peculiar scenery.

With a bang, the big wine barrel Joet, with only half of his body left, slammed heavily on the ground, his feet still twitching meaninglessly.

"Behimos...isn't he dead yet!?" The Snake King's eyes narrowed, his fangs gleaming with coldness.

The ground where the light cannon originated suddenly bulged, and then lava and gravel scattered like a volcanic eruption. A huge beast claw bathed in crimson lava protruded from the ground and snapped onto the ground with a bang. The fan-shaped dorsal fin gleaming with a fierce red light, Gurado slowly crawled out of the ground, and let out a furious roar from the sky!

It took less than 3 seconds from the time the barrel was shot to the point where he was only half of his body. Victor slowly floated from the zipper on the ground, raised his left index finger toward the Snake King, and said with a smile:

"Get one point first."

Snake King Liquaid's forehead floated with blue veins, and he could no longer maintain his graceful posture. He sneered: "This waste can be defeated by me twice, and naturally there will be a third time. However, I don't plan to accompany you to continue playing this. Play house games..."

He flapped his wings and flew high, rushing into the air to transform into a complete flying snake form, the thunder in his eyes turned into a strange green light, and the strange rainstorm ring that blocked the coast of Geqiu Island also disappeared, his hoarse roar Clearly resounded across the entire sea:

"All ships obey orders, aim at this island, and prepare to fire!!"

All the captains and gunners of the Snake King fleet suddenly showed a weird green brand symbol in their eyes, and the thoughts rooted in the deepest part of their hearts were directly altered to the orders of the Snake King. For a time, all the remaining ships of the Cloud Kingdom fleet turned their bows and aimed their artillery at the coast of Geqiu Island.

Victor finally understood why the World government would tolerate South Blue, the king of the snake, and secretly collude with it.

[Snake King] Liquaid, he has a large-scale brainwashing ability! He can send a large number of absolutely loyal dead men from South Blue to the World government. South Blue has become a slave camp that he and the World government can slaughter!

Drugs and slave trade are the bottom line that Victor absolutely cannot tolerate! All the sites controlled by "coral" strictly prohibit all transactions related to drug and human trafficking.

From this moment on, in Victor's mind, Liquid, the king of snakes, went from being a strong man with style and worthy of defeat to a scumbag who must be killed and dirty!

"Are you playing with your disgusting ability again! Shiz!!"

Gulardo's voice was more depressed and heavy than before, and his feet rushed towards the direction of the Snake King.

"You were the loser a long time ago, and you still are."

In the sky, the sarcasm of the Snake King resounded in the ears of Gurardo and Victor: "Fire!"

Even if the support shelling of the Warm Ark is about to smash these ships, they still firmly fired in the direction of the coast of Geqiu Island!

Cannonballs in the sky flew towards Geqiu Island, and the entire island was instantly enveloped by explosions and flames!

"It's nothing more than Buster Call..."

The huge wave set off by the shock wave almost overturned the World government special ship.'Pinocchio' Kaku looked at Geqiu Island covered by artillery in terror, and the violent roar suppressed all the sounds.

On the other side of the island, the ‘coral’ on the Warm Ark helped the crowd stare blankly at Geqiu Island, which was completely caught in artillery fire.

"Boss... Boss..." Princess Violet covered her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes.

Franky stood up pale and wanted to say something, but after a few moments he uttered his mouth and sat back down.

The iceberg sitting by the cannon of the fortress silently grabbed the turban and stared blankly at the flames of the distant island.

No one can survive such fierce artillery fire, and the Snake King has a chance to win from the beginning.

He was just playing a game.

Jinbei and Haoxue, who are still some distance away from the coast of Geqiu Island, floated on the surface of the sea, staring at Geqiu Island in a sea of ​​flames dumbstruck. The fear of losing Victor made their bodies slightly numb.

The coast of Geqiu Island, the ruins of the sea of ​​fire.

Gurado, who is extremely resistant to flames, was already dying on the ground at this time, but he did not return to his adult form but remained in a full body form with bruises. The face of the lizard that lost his right eye was flying towards the sky. The flying snake roared weakly, and then fell to the ground.

A large piece of his chest and left ribs are missing, and the blood in the shape of magma accumulates more and more under him.

Gulardo has been dead soon.

In the sky, Dai Peng, the "Crescent Hunter" holding the tail of the King of Snake, looked at the sea of ​​fire below with lingering fear. When the Snake King flew up, he became a long hand and foot and grabbed the Snake King's tail and hitchhiked.

"Liquid, that kid... is it all over this time, right?"

Facing the inquiry of the Crescent Hunter, Likuid, the King of Snake, was silent for a long time before saying: "No... he is still alive, although he is already very reluctant."

In the ruins of the sea of ​​fire on the coast of Geqiu Island, a huge rock trembles, and then a zipper is opened on it, and Victor, whose shirt is burnt torn torn, staggers out of the zippered space and knelt down a few steps. , The corners of the mouth kept spilling blood.

The burn was second, and the shock from the explosion was the root cause of his serious injury. Even if the zipper space was opened in time to evade, the subsequent explosion impact still produced extremely strong damage to myself in the zipper space.


Victor tried to look around and found that Gurardo's huge body was lying quietly on the ground, his body rising and falling with his breathing slower and slower, and Gurardo was about to die.

At this time, a white glove strangled Victor's neck. The back of the white glove seemed to be outlined with a stick figure. The human-shaped snake king comfortably pinched Victor's neck and picked him up.

"What's the matter, my dear Victor. Where have all the big words and ambitions gone?"

The "Crescent Hunter" Dai Peng in the form of a Nine Tails fox orc also fell beside Victor. Looking at this handsome man with serious injuries, there was a trace of unbearableness in his heart.

What a good man, what a pity! She sighed again in her heart.

Snake King Liquaid looked around and felt a little boring: "There is no feedback at all. This is too boring, right? Don't worry, I will ask your companions to find you in a while as a reward to the strong. , Your Huangquan road will not be alone, this is my promise to you...Dai Peng, get ready to do it."

"Ah? Oh... OK." The crescent hunter Dai Peng seemed to wake up, and then a strange purple fox fire appeared beside him.

The Snake King slammed Victor towards the sky, and a violent Uzumaki appeared in the clouds. A sword-shaped lightning blasted from the center of Uzumaki towards Victor who was in the air!

At the same time, the crescent hunter Dai Peng raised his hand to provoke the eight fox fires beside him to form a high-speed rotating fire ring blade, and then hurled it at Victor!

"Thunder · Cross Repentance Sword!"

"Foxfire Yata Naruto Go!"

Victor, who was in the middle of the air and could no longer escape through the zippered space, watched the fatal attacks on him up and down, and his heart suddenly became calm.

Are you going to die?[At that time, you should have died. 】

The sun shines through the stained glass on the floor of the church. Victor sat on the empty prayer seat and watched the priest on the stage read the eulogy. The latter opened and closed his mouth, but could not hear any sound. A strange voice came from behind Victor.

It was a 7-year-old boy. He was wearing a black suit, a black shirt, a black tie, and a white flower on his chest. The boy was sitting very tightly, his eyes fixedly looking at the back of Victor's head in the front row, and a somewhat tender voice repeated:

[At that time, you thought you should have died with your father. 】

"It was my father who saved me, and he gave me a new destiny."

Victor said quietly.

[No, you have been caring about this, closing your deepest heart tightly. 】

The boy seemed sad and calm.

"I didn't. I always wanted to be like a father, and I did it. People call me a ‘hero’. Isn’t that enough?"

Victor was a little irritable.

[Zipper, you only understand its ‘closing’. You closed your heart with a zipper...Actually, you never really believed in anyone, you just say some pretty things. 】

The boy gently stroked his chest.


Victor was stunned. He wanted to say that he had always trusted Perona, Hao Xue, and... No, he just buried everything in his heart from beginning to end, bearing all the pressure and expectations.

[Remember, what exactly can a zipper do? In addition to being'closed', it can also be'opened'. 】

The boy got up from the chair and put his hands on Victor's shoulders from behind:

[That dream made you and I drift away, but there is no doubt that you and I are one. 】

[I will turn into your tears, your anger, your strength to fight to protect everything. 】

[You... are not alone. 】

boom----! ! !

Over Geqiu Island, the fierce thunder light and the purple fire light intertwined, completely submerging Victor's location.

After a long time, the thunder and fire gradually dissipated, and the place was empty.

"It's completely evaporated."

The Snake King smiled with satisfaction, just about to turn his head to say something to the crescent hunter Dai Peng, suddenly his face turned pale.

Da da da……

A burst of unhurried footsteps, overwhelming the sound of the waves, overwhelming the screams and wailing of the battlefield, clearly passed into the ears of the Snake King and the Crescent Hunter.

The Snake King turned his head slowly, and a figure walked out from behind a huge rock behind him step by step.

"How is it possible...how can you escape from the sky and appear here instantly!"

The teeth creaked in the mouth of the Snake King, and for the first time felt bewildered and apprehensive in his heart.

"This is a trial, a trial from [the past]."

Victor walked slowly towards the King of Snakes and took off his ragged shirt, his eyes filled with unprecedented firmness: "The growth of a man is to overcome his immature self in the past... This trial, is I won."

The surrounding sea of ​​fire began to shake and gradually extinguished, and the Snake King and Crescent Hunter were shocked to find that the ground under their feet was creeping, as if something was circling and creeping underground.

"Have a long time, everyone." Victor gathered his blond hair and smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth: "Come and see my new power..."


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