Grand Line, ‘New World’, the city of sails, ‘Swep’.

This is the famous tourist country of ‘New World’, and all kinds of sails and flags are flying over the city. The island on which it is located is a rare "Island of Spring Breeze", so there is a pleasant spring breeze that blows all the year round.

In recent days, the sea to the east of the island was suddenly covered by a huge range of thick fog, which was dense and the temperature was slightly lower. Due to the ‘New World’ sea area where any strange phenomenon is likely to occur, the residents of the City of Sails did not pay too much attention to the foggy climate. After all, the fog only permeates the distant waters and does not affect the city.

At the same time, the residents of the City of Sails also noticed that there have been a lot of tourists in the last few days. These people took various boats to the City of Sails in batches, and they seemed to know each other. Residents were a little worried that these people were pirates who formed groups as tourists who wanted to secretly invade this tourist country, so they notified the kingdom guards.

After receiving the notice, the guard hurried to the pier to check the unexpected [tourists]. After a while, they released everyone with relief.

The residents curiously asked the captain of the Kingdom Guard. The latter just answered that the residents can rest assured that these are ‘regular tourists abiding by laws and regulations’.

Now that the Kingdom Guards have said so, the residents naturally have no opinion and began to greet the tourists enthusiastically. After all, this is a country of tourism. How can there be any reason to insist on keeping tourists away?

On the fountain square on the central street of the City of Sails, a large number of fat pigeons bounced around among the historic blue-gray stone bricks, comfortably pecking at the crumbs sprinkled by tourists.

In a shady corner, average amateur painters draw free portraits for passing tourists; beside the fountain, enthusiastic vendors sell rough hand-made products by Kabuto, a passerby; the roadside bakery is crowded with people. They scrambled to buy the famous cod sandwich in the city of sails; above their heads, various sails and flags were hunting in the wind.

Wearing a casual T-shirt and jeans with "VICTORY" printed on his chest, Victor sat on the bench next to the fountain with his legs crossed, reading today's newspaper leisurely.

His blond hair was scattered casually, and a pair of large sunglasses hung on the bridge of his nose, covering most of his handsome face. Even so, there are still many red-faced girls who bravely come over to strike up a conversation, but they are all subtly persuaded by him.

"Victor, this is your drink."

A glass of iced Coke poked through a straw was handed to Victor, with large and small drops of water hanging on the surface of the glass.

Victor took the cup, smiled and said, "Thank you, Robin. Have you found something you want to buy?"

Robin, wearing a black jumpsuit and short skirt, sat beside Victor, holding a glass of drink in her hand, and said with a smile: "The bookstore here is not very rich, and there is nothing I want to buy after shopping around."

"If you want to buy a book, there is a good place." Victor took a sip of an iced Coke: "It happens to be on our'Cruise of the Seas' route. Let's wait for a while."

"Yeah." Robin smiled and nodded, then looked around: "Most of the tourists are members of Coral."

"After so hard fighting and long journeys, it's time to give them a long vacation."

Victor smiled slightly and stretched out: "Work and rest, we are not ‘pirates’ who don’t even give annual leave."

Robin couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckled. The atmosphere of this city is relaxed and the climate is pleasant. It is a resort recommended by Hao Xue.

"What's the important news in the newspaper?" Robin noticed the newspaper on Victor's lap, only to remember that he hadn't read today's newspaper.

Victor handed the newspaper to Robin, and then said leisurely: "New World is not peaceful these days..."

Robin opened the newspaper, and what he saw was the front page explosion news-[‘Red Hair Pirates’ annihilated the ‘tarsal spider pirate group’! 】

"Red hair...he has been called the new ‘Four Emperors’ in recent years, and his subordinates are like clouds."

Victor's news about these top powerhouses is quite familiar: "The captain of the Tarsal Spider Pirates' Tarsal Spider Taratulan Paso is a powerful party with a bounty of 770 million, and the Tarsal Spider commanded. The Pirate Group has a strength of 4,000. But it is a pity that [Strength] is a meaningless word in the eyes of a strong man like Red Hair."

As the intelligence officer of Coral, Robin also has a very comprehensive understanding of the intelligence of these powerful pirates: "The Tarsus Spider is too confident, thinking that the red hair and the beasts have no time to take care of him, so he ransacked. Going to the town of Saruyom sheltered by Red Hair Pirates... Does he have no idea about the temperament of'Red Hair'?"

"Pay attention to ‘righteousness’ and ‘reason’. Among the Four Emperors, he and Whitebeard are the only ones who can talk about reason.”

Victor held a straw and drank the iced Coke without a sip: "The biggest feature of these two people is [short protection]. Once they invade the towns and islands they shelter or harm their companions, even if they escape to the ends of the world, they will be caught. They found and...killed!"

"Like you, Victor." Robin said with a smile.

Victor waved his hand: "My family knows about my own affairs, I am more rational. To be honest, red hair is not really a "Four Emperors", after all, this is just a private name for him. Marine has no qualitative yet. , It just regards the'Red Hair' as a very threatening big pirate."

"He also needs a [big deal] that really shocked the world!" Victor raised a smile:

"At that time, the whole world will recognize him as [Four Emperors]!"


Grand Line ‘New World’, a certain autumn island.

The huge dragon-head ship is moored on the coast, and a joyous banquet is being held on the shore. The bonfire reflects the dark clouds in the sky.

The red-haired heroic man sat in front of the bonfire, with a bottle of good wine in his left hand, and smiled as he watched his drunk companions dance and play treasures around the bonfire.

He is the big boss of ‘Red Hair Pirates’, ‘Red Hair’ Shanks, known as ‘Four Emperors’.

A middle-aged man with black hair and ponytail sat next to him, holding a stack of newspapers in his hand: "What happened yesterday morning, today’s World Economic News was directly published on the front page. That’s it. The little spies who are only albatross are really pervasive..."

The deputy captain of ‘Red Hair Pirates’, Benn Beckman.

"Morgans?" Shanks chuckled and took a sip of the bottle. "If this is not possible, the "World Jing" will not be so prosperous by him."

"Kaido was temporarily suppressed. He needs to go back to deal with the riots that broke out in Wanokuni."

As the second person and chief staff officer of Red Hair Pirates, Benn Beckman has always thought very comprehensively: "Whitebeard will stay on hold for the time being, and BIGMOM will have to deal with the chaos caused by Gekko Moria. It seems that only we can deal with the [Hunter] caused by that kid. Association]... Do you want to do it?"

The red-haired Shanks did not speak, but silently watched the crackling bonfire, then drank the wine in the bottle, then threw it into the fire, and said calmly: "If there is a destiny, I will talk about it later. ."

"Then what do you mean?" Although it was a question, Benn Beckman had already guessed what the old friend was thinking.

The redhead Shanks smiled at the corner of his mouth:

"...Back to West Blue!"

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