"Evil, Devil Fruit?"

Sitting in the corner of the cell, Foxy, the "Silver Fox", wiped the two front curtains that were paralyzed in the middle, and was a little confused about Victor's question.

A chair made of zippers floated from the ground. Victor sat comfortably on the chair with his legs raised, and said leisurely:

"That's right, Devil Fruit. Please remember exactly what the Paramecia slow fruit you ate was like at the beginning. The more detailed the description, the better. Friendly reminder, you can speak before you think about it."

‘Silver Fox’ Foxy was going to fool around with a few words, but when he heard Victor’s last words, his forehead was sweating.

What do you mean? Is it wrong to be tortured?

Foxy sat cross-legged in the corner of the cell, with his index fingers on both sides of his temples, closed his eyes and tried to recall the appearance of the slow fruit.

About a year ago, as a vagrant, he accidentally picked up a strange-looking fruit on the shore when he was strolling along the coast of the Barvey Islands.

Its appearance is similar to an apple, the whole body is golden yellow, and the surface is covered with tang-grass spiral patterns. The shapes of these patterns are particularly strange. Once you stare at its surface, you will fall into a state of slow thinking.

At that time, Foxy had been out of food for several days, and was so hungry in his belly that he took a big bite of the golden apple. The nausea that followed almost made him vomit. In the principle of not wasting, Foxy ate the apples thoroughly. The strange thing was that he found that the apple did not have an apple core, and the peel and flesh taste exactly the same-both were the same disgusting.

Then, he found that he had become a slow person who could emit slow photons.

After careful study, Foxy believes that slow photons are unknown particles in the world that have not been discovered yet. Things that are irradiated by this light, whether it is organisms, liquids or gases, will lose a certain amount of energy under the same state of other energy. speed.

Simply put, the speed of touching this light will become very slow, as long as all objects within the scope of the light will slow down. It can slow down at any speed, including the speed when it falls to the ground. At this time, the slowed object will appear to be floating in the air.

Since the reaction is also slowing down, if an attack is received within the slow effect, the attack received at that time will accumulate and burst into an instant when the photon fails.

The photon slow effect can last about 30 seconds, after which the speed will resume, as if nothing happened.

Foxy used this weird ability to accumulate a lot of money through gambling, and then recruited soldiers and went directly to the Grand Line as a pirate.

Then, after fortunately passing through the first half of the Grand Line ‘paradise’, the Fokker West Blue thief group finally encountered a shipwreck in the ‘New World’, breaking and sinking into the sand.

After listening to Foxy's description, Victor put his hand on his chin and fell into deep thought. For a long time, he spread out his right hand and opened a zipper on his palm, from which rose one after another brightly colored and attractive apples. The apples were large and small, and their appearance was slightly different.

He said that these apples were placed in a row in front of Foxy, smiling and saying, "Choose the one with the closest appearance."

Foxy leaned down, looked carefully one by one, and finally chose a slightly larger apple, and asked him to offer his treasure in front of Victor: "Look, Lord Victor, this is the apple! The appearance is exactly the same!"

Victor took the apple and looked at it, then set it aside, and asked with a smile: "Second question, Mr. Foxy, do you like your current slow fruit ability? If you choose, you will be more What kind of abilities do you hope to acquire?"

With that said, he handed Foxy a list with the names of a large number of fruits and related abilities written on it.

After receiving the order, Fawkes glanced twice, and his eyes straightened immediately:

"Zoan Dog Fruit [Fox] Form! This is good! I like foxes! Foxes are the best!"

Catalina Deppon, the "Crescent Hunter", who was lying on the cell door in the opposite cell, had a chill. Is this split-brain confession like an old lady! ? too disgusting! Even if the old lady is looking for a man, she is looking for a good man like Victor!

"Oh, then, you like this fox fruit more than the slow fruit." Victor tilted his head.

"Of course it is [Fox]!" Foxy fell into a conjecture: "Dora Feng, if it is this Zoan fox fruit, not only can it instantly have strong physique and strength, but it is also more in line with my title! What a pity! , A person can only eat one Devil Fruit in a lifetime, there is no refund or exchange option."


Victor stood up, and a silver-white revolver appeared quietly in his right hand. He placed the muzzle on the forehead of Falksey with a stunned expression, and asked gently:

"The last question-if you are given a chance, would you be willing to replace the sluggish fruit with this [fox] fruit?"

Feeling the cold barrel of the gun against his forehead,'Silver Fox' Foxy couldn't help but began to tremble violently, tears and snot slowly streaming down, and desperately said: "...you, you have been holding it from the beginning I'm looking for fun... I'll kill me sooner... Do it early..."

Catalina Depeng, who was in the opposite cell, tightly grasped the iron railing with both hands, her eyes widened to the fullest, staring at the movement in the opposite cell.

She had a hunch in the dark that the event she was about to witness would subvert this sea!

"answer me."

Victor was expressionless, his right thumb slowly pulled down the revolver and hit the hammer.

"Silver Fox" Falksey had a nose and tears, but he knelt down on the ground, unable to raise his hand to clean up. He took two deep breaths, and then said tremblingly:

"...I am willing to change."

Victor smiled at the corner of his mouth and pulled the trigger impressively!

boom----! !

The luminous green light instantly illuminated the entire cell!

Foxy's eyes paled, and he collapsed to the ground very simply, fainting.

The silver-white revolver in Victor's hand began to tremble violently, and then broke away from his hand, falling to the ground and turning into a silver-white robot-shaped doll.

Giggle giggle giggle giggle!

The silver-white doll [S·W] The V on the chest flashed rapidly with green light, and his head swayed slightly at a very fast frequency. The joints all over his body were making a squeaky rubbing sound, as if the next second was going to be complete. fall apart.

After a while, S·W tremblingly lifted his right hand and spread it upward, and a golden bubble with a V printed on the surface slowly floated from the palm of his hand. The shape of the bubble is extremely unstable and may burst at any time.

S·W, with light smoke all over his body, waved his fingers as hard as he could, and the golden bubble was commanded and floated to the apple chosen by Foxy.

At the moment of touching, the bubbles burst and disappeared on the surface of the apple, and then there was no movement.

S·W lowered his head, his eyes and the V-shaped luminous green light on his chest were almost exhausted, and then he changed back to a silver-white revolver again.

Failed? No, it's impossible, things are weird!

Vaguely guessing what Victor wanted to do, Katerina Deppon looked at the opposite cell with fear and excitement, and did not dare to let out the atmosphere.

At this moment, the surface of the attractively red apple began to have rough patterns, and at the same time the surface color began to change from red to gold.

"This is……!!"

Dai Peng's eyes are about to stare out! Is the iron law on this sea finally going to be broken! ?

In less than 5 seconds, the apple completely transformed into golden yellow, with weird spiral patterns on the surface, lying quietly on the icy slate ground.

Paramecia slow fruit!

Victor possessed himself and picked up the silver-white revolver and this slow fruit, the corners of his mouth finally raised uncontrollably.

The puzzle is finally complete.

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