Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 214 Ohara's Legacy

Ohara, which has the world's most scholars and the most book-collected library-the Tree of All-Knowing, ‘used’ located in the southeast waters of West Blue.

The word ‘Once’ is used because Ohara Island was completely destroyed by Naval Headquarters’ ‘Buster Call’ 12 years ago.

Except for Robin, there is no livelihood left.

Buster Call (BusterCall), established by the Marine Headquarters authorized by the World government, carries out indiscriminate and destructive attacks on the area where the signal is sent, and is used to completely eliminate things and people in an area that threatens the rule of the World government.

Buster Call related tasks are equipped with a golden phone worm and a silver phone worm. The golden phone worm is used to notify the launch of Buster Call, and the silver phone worm is used to receive notifications. All are in charge of Marine three Admiral and Marine Marshal. You can also use the golden phone worm. Authorize to someone to use.

Buster Call is a brutal attack that burns everything. Each Buster Call configuration must be 5 powerful Vice Admiral, 10 colonel to Commodore-level warship commanders, 10 top Marine warships using fortress guns as their main guns, and nearly 10,000 elite Marine soldiers. Among them, there are many outstanding Marine officers!

Ohara’s Buster Call was initiated by the CP9 chief Spandain at the time, and the golden phone worm he used to activate the Buster Call was awarded by Marine Admiral’s Sengoku at the time. The five Vice Admiral dispatched include the current Marine Admiral ‘Aokiji’ Kuzan and ‘Akainu’ Sakazuki!

That day, in less than an hour, Ohara Island, known as the world's largest library and scholar's holy site, was completely destroyed under the gunfire of Marine warships.

The following year, Ohara Island was directly erased from the map by the World government, and Ohara's scholars were scorned by the world as "a demon attempting to destroy the world". After another two years, people gradually forgot about Ohara.

Since then, there has been no news about Ohara Island.

But now, after 12 years, someone has set foot on this land again.

The sea was sparkling, with seabirds passing by from time to time, and the sun was shining. The Beagle was moored quietly on the West Blue shore of the island.

"When I escaped from this island that day... it was plunged into a raging sea of ​​flames, like the end of the world."

On the coast, Robin slightly raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes were red: "Here is actually..."

Victor stood beside her, with his hands in Kabuto and looked into the distance together with her, with a tone of emotion: "The vitality of nature cannot be destroyed by simple ‘violence’."

In the distance they face, the island of purgatory that was burnt down by violent flames 12 years ago is now covered by dense and'young' jungles. From time to time, flocks of birds startled from the jungle and collapsed. The remains of the earth’s huge tree of omniscience are now covered with moss and twigs, becoming a hotbed of new life.

Full of vitality, Ohara Island ‘reborn’ in a new way.

The two wandered through the jungle and soon arrived at the target location-in front of the wreckage of the Tree of All-Knowing.

There is a lake formed by a huge deep pit. The two stood by the lakeside, looking at the things hidden under the clear water, and they were speechless for a while.

The bottom of the huge lake is filled with densely packed books. Millions of books lie quietly under the lake, and they have spent twelve years in this way.

The Tree of All-Knowing is 5,000 years old, making it the largest and oldest library in the world. For a long time, there have been countless documents and books shipped from all over the world, accumulating over a long period of time, and there are more than one million books in the collection alone.

On that day, fire and shelling swept across Ohara Island, and the Tree of All-knowledge was the first to be attacked. None of the scholars of the Tree of All-knowledge ran away to survive, and they threw the books in the library to the "Lake of Wisdom" next to the Tree of All-knowing, so that the most precious wealth of all mankind could be able to Survive in this extinct fire.

They did it.

Victor and Robin looked at this endless ‘Lake of Books’, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

After a long time, Victor sighed slightly: "It's amazing...These treasures have been sleeping for too long in the quiet lake bottom. It's time for them to see the sun again."

Robin wiped the corners of his eyes and nodded firmly: "...Please, Victor."

Without further clarification, Victor knelt before the lake and stroked the ground with his right hand. The ground began to tremble slightly, and ripples appeared on the surface of the lake.

"Chain-Chain Zone·Kagura Hall Myojindai!"

The bottom of the lake supported these millions of books and began to rise! At the same time, endless zippers surged from the lakeside and built a huge palace dome and four palace pillars at the top of the lake.

The sky-shielding dome blocks the sun, and the exaggerated scale of the ancient palace slowly rises from the bottom of the lake with millions of books until the four pillars lift the bottom of the palace about 5 meters away from the lake. The water of the lake flew down from the palace steps like a waterfall, and even a rainbow appeared when the water was filled.

"In order to prevent these books from being damaged by direct sunlight as soon as they came out of the water, I first covered them with a dome. The specific book classifications will be returned to the Ark before making plans. Let's take care of these books first."

Victor stood up and snapped his fingers. Two zippers appeared out of nowhere. A doll covered in blue armor and a silver-white robot doll came out from it. It was the steel chain finger and SW. They stood on either side of Victor's side, looking at Victor quietly.

Victor raised his chin towards the magnificent ancient palace: "S·W, deprive these books of [moisture] and set the level to 90%. Steel chain fingers, put the processed books into the zipper space."

S·W shook his head ‘chuckled’, then stretched out his hands flat, a large number of Sabaody bubbles burst out of his palms, floating towards the endless sea of ​​books. Each Sabaody bubble bursts immediately after it hits the book soaked in lake water, and then the book becomes dry and becomes only a little wet. At the same time, a small appear above the "waterfall curtain" on the edge of the palace. The small blue bubbles melted quietly in the waterfall.

Immediately afterwards, a zipper was hooked on the surface of the processed book, and it was stably and safely stored in the deep zipper space. On average, it can process nearly a hundred books per second, and the cooperation of the two chain doubles is extremely tacit, and the efficiency is terribly fast.

"It is estimated that it will take 3 hours to complete."

Victor turned his head to look at Robin, his eyes gentle: "Let's go, let's build a tombstone for those who died."

Robin looked at Victor with red eyes and nodded gently:

"Thank you, Victor..."

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