"...To sum up, I decided to let Lafayette serve as the diplomat of Coral."

In the Coral headquarters in Alghero, Victor is introducing new members to other officials.

Lafayette stroked his chest with one hand and bowed exaggeratedly to the cadres with different looks, "I would like to ask you for your advice in the future."

Everyone looked at each other, feeling that the new diplomat seemed really unreliable, but since Victor personally appointed them, they could only applaud their new companions.

"As for this one." Victor patted Daz Bonis on the shoulder beside him: "Daz Bonis, will be the deputy captain of the guard."

Daz Bonis nodded coolly to everyone, then he hugged his arms and stopped talking, but in fact, he was already happy in his heart.

Oh, he's a cool guy who is indifferent and unspoken. This is the normal style. The applause of everyone this time is much more enthusiastic.

By the way, the escort directly belongs to the owner of the ‘coral’, Victor, which is equivalent to his personal squad. The captain of the escort is Gurado.

After the introduction, it is a routine awkward chat session. Although the super straight guy Daz Bonis can talk to the sky with two sentences, he can't stand the masters of speech such as Lafayette and Robin, and the chat atmosphere is gradually pulled back by the two. Up to normal levels.

"Speaking of which, who of you both is capable?" Perona asked curiously.

Lafayette and Daz Bonis looked at each other. The former spread his hands and signaled that he could go back a little bit, and the latter took a step forward unceremoniously, and said in a deep voice, "I'll come first..."

As he said, he raised his arms and spread his fingers slightly, making a chuckle! With the harsh metal rubbing sound, Daz Bowness's arms and fingers turned into sharp blades shimmering with cold light.

"I am a blade man who has eaten Paramecia's quick-cut fruit. I can turn any part of my body into a metal blade according to my wishes. At the same time, I can also turn the internal organs and skin into steel. So most physical attacks are on me. It's ineffective. As long as you can't penetrate or cut the steel, you can't hurt me."

In the face of his companions who will entrust their lives to each other in the future, Daz Bowness has not concealed his abilities in the slightest.

His ordinary fist attacks have the power of a blade, and his body has a blade physique. That is to say, his body, including the organs, is like real steel, so not only is it invulnerable, but most of the physical attacks hit him. His body is completely ineffective, bullets and even ordinary artillery shells can't affect him, and the shock of the offensive can't affect his internal organs.

Hao Xue nodded: "Offensive fruit ability...cooperating with powerful swordsmanship or physical skills will cause terrible destructive power."

Lafayette clapped his palms symbolically, then pushed the brim of his hat, hehe smiled and said, "Amazing ability...then it's mine."

With a light leap, he suddenly spread out his huge white snow-like wings behind his back, which was really beautiful.

"What I eat is Zoan bird fruit, its shape is-[pigeon]."

As soon as he finished his words, he became a white dove with a black top hat. It was slightly larger than a normal dove. The beak was red and dark, and there was a bad energy in his eyes. Wearing a similarly scaled suit vest and patterned shirt.

He fluttered to Victor's shoulders, combed the feathers on his wings, and said in a cunning tone: "You can see my body shape. The combat power of this little arm and leg is really not enough for the scene, so physical strength. Don't look for me as long as you live."

Perona stared at the white dove Lafayette who made a flagrant declaration of the stroke, and muttered to herself: "There is this kind of lazy way? It's too shameless..."

Everyone nodded approvingly. Although he has been in contact with Lafayette for less than 10 minutes, the shameless style of this new companion has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In terms of the degree of cheekiness, I am afraid that only Byron J. Gordon can compare with him.

At the same time, in the "Between Powers" of Mariejois, the Holy Land, Five Elders is also listening to someone's report.

"...So, does the red hair start to act?"

The long-haired and long-bearded old man stood in front of the window with his hands on his back, his expression unswervingly: "This knotty eye is just worse!"

"His target is obviously Mafia Victor." The old man with short blond hair and short beard sat on the large and gorgeous chair, and raised his legs: "It's because of the [Hunters Association]..."

"No matter what his goal is, once the redhead conflicts with Victor, our plan will definitely be greatly impacted, and there is even the risk of stranding." The bald old man held a simple long knife and said in a leisurely tone: "Victor can't Die, at least you can't die now, do you want to send Admiral?"

The braided old man sat on the bench with a cane, his eyes gloomy: "Sending Admiral will only make the situation worse... Let [White Poker] be dispatched. Is there any news from Gekko Moria?"

A figure wearing a white cloak was kneeling not far in front of Five Elders, and he replied in a deep voice: "The BIGMOM Pirates chased him like a mad dog, and even directly dispatched the [Dessert Four Stars] Charlotte· Smoky and Charlotte Snug, Gekko Moria can't escape."

"Well... it's time to give Victor a little bit of breath."

The long-haired and long-bearded old man showed a cold smile: "Multiple sources of information show that his friendship with Gekko Moria is unusual. It's okay to hit him, so that he can save him from doing irregular little moves behind his back."

The old man with short blond hair and short beard sat on a chair and tilted his head slightly: "Write a check to Morgans and continue to control the outflow of news from the newspaper..."


A worried voice interrupted the conversation of the five highest power holders in the world in [Between Powers].

"...What's the matter?" asked the old man with a map head and beard, Madara, frowning.

A man in a white suit strode into the power and knelt in front of Five Elders: "The Marine warship that was lost before finally got in touch! Vice Admiral's flying squirrel was killed! Vice Admiral's white snake "Ida was captured! Only 6 soldiers survived!"


For a time, the five old people were all moved.

Flying squirrel is a veteran Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, both willpower and strength are very strong. Needless to say, "White Snake" Date, as an Admiral candidate is naturally outrageously strong. It's unbelievable that such a lineup will kill one and one prisoner!

"Who made the hand?" The old man with short blond hair and short beard suppressed his anger.

"Yes, it's the BIGMOM Pirates! Charlotte Kata Kuri, the head of [Dessert Four Stars]!" Feeling the anger from the world's highest power in front of him, the white suit said tremblingly.

It's the BIGMOM Pirate Group again! That fat lady has been a genius who caused trouble since she was a child! Not only can you cause trouble, but the sons and daughters you raise are also troublesome!

"The previous plan... needs a long-term plan." The bald old man rubbed his eyebrows and looked helpless: "Don't let the redhead meet Victor, and don't let Victor know about Gekko Moria. Otherwise, I have a hunch, this kid. It will definitely cause a big deal again!"

"Uh... there is one more thing that needs to be reported to you." The white suit swallowed, and then said with difficulty: "The latest intelligence shows that the fierce chain has appeared in Alghero town in West Blue, and Hong found himself. On Lesim Island in West Blue, the distance between the two sides is only a half-day voyage..."


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