Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 222 Gekko Moria at the End of the Road

Da da da……

The ruins of the ruins were originally silent, but a burst of unhurried footsteps broke the tranquility here.

A man wearing a black top hat and a black windbreaker is walking among the ruins.

This is the dark island of the Grand Line, where the Evil Kingdom has been located for 640 years.

But everything about the Gloomy Kingdom was completely silent two days ago at the other end of the long river of history.

The ghastly kingdom was completely destroyed.

The reason is no different from the countless countries that have perished-stupid wars.

The cause of the war has been untestable. The bloody and cruel war lasted for forty years, and finally consumed the last little bit of national power of the Gloomy Kingdom. The stubborn king finally committed suicide and died in despair in the face of the oppressive army. The enemy's army raided the territory of the Evil Kingdom and then returned to the country to return to the country as soon as possible to receive awards and celebrate the victory of the forty-year war.

A large number of uncontained corpses lay among the ruins, and unowned weapons were scattered on the ground. Two days after the end of the war, this dark island welcomed new guests.

‘Eagle Eye’ Jurokiel Mihawk, the world’s strongest swordsman, is also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Well... the end of the war will not exceed three days..."

Hawkeye Mihawk wandered among the ruins full of corpses, muttering to himself: "Interesting. This seems to have become an island without an owner..."

The corpses all over the mountains were terrifying death, but they couldn't shake Mihawk Hawkeye even the slightest. In his eyes, these corpses are no different from the flowers and plants stepped on by the roadside.


Um? Hawkeye Mihawk keenly sensed the low roar of the beast in the dark jungle not far away, and stopped.

A giant baboon wearing a human armor appeared on the edge of the jungle. It carried a huge saber. When it saw Mihawk Hawkeye, it immediately showed a ferocious look and made a huge roar on its back.

As if summoned by this violent roar, one after another baboons appeared among the surrounding ruins, faintly enclosing Mihawk Hawkeye.

Each of these baboons wears heavy human armor and holds huge swords or guns, just like a well-equipped army. They stared at Mihawk Hawkeye without exception.

"[Human imitators]?"

Hawkeye Mihawk hugged his arms and watched the baboons holding weapons slowly approaching him in an encircled state, and said to himself: "Look at them like this, the war on this island lasts for a long time. ."

[Human imitators] are smart baboons who can learn human behavior. If you live around peace-loving humans, you will become equally peaceful and polite.

But the ghastly kingdom on this dark island is a fierce kingdom that has continued a bloody war until two days ago. Blood is flowing in rivers, gunpowder is full of smoke, and corpses are everywhere... These baboons have grown up by watching ferocious humans killing each other for more than 40 years, generation after generation. They learned to use weapons and evolved into warriors in the jungle.

Humans can defeat animals because they possess weapons and wisdom. However, once the animal also took up the weapon, then the situation will change terribly.

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the huge castle that was still intact on the far side of the island, and gradually smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It looks like this will be a very suitable place to settle... But first, a big cleaning is needed."

He stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the huge cross sword behind him, and his unparalleled aura swept around like an out-of-sheathed sword. These baboons were born with more keen perception than human beings, and were instantly overwhelmed by this endless momentum, and all knelt on the ground and shivered and dared not make any trouble.

Very good, there are a lot of labor to clean up the battlefield and the castle, and in the future can be used as a guardian to stop other travelers who accidentally come to this island.

Hawkeye Mihawk jumped to the highest point of the ruins of the battlefield a few times and looked around. His extremely keen vision made the entire island invisible in his eyes.

"The castle has not been damaged... There is a piece of land on the east side of the castle that is suitable for turning into vegetable fields... There is actually a hot spring on the southwest side?"

Hawkeye Mihawk is more satisfied with the island, and it seems that he can finally end his wandering trip.

At this time, the phone worm in the suitcase made a beep.

Few people know this number, who is it? He opened his suitcase, frowned and connected to the phone worm.

The phone worm's face suddenly turned into a handsome and handsome look, and he smiled gently:

"Mr. Mihawk, don't come here unharmed~"


Grand Line ‘New World’, somewhere unknown in the sea.

A serpentine-like lightning flashed across the cloudy sky, and huge waves like mountains and abysses were thrown on the sea from time to time in the downpour.

A dilapidated pirate ship struggled hard in the stormy sea.

The members of the ship were wounded, and there was a huge giant sitting in the middle of the deck, it was Gekko Moria!

At this time, he was covered with bloody bandages, and the bandages were soaked by rain and sea water, and his expression was exhausted.

"Master Moria! They are catching up again!"

Freak doctor Hokkubak had bandages wrapped around his head several times, and he rushed to Moria with a telescope: "They are just teasing us! Moria, please ask Victor for help! Your physical condition is getting better... "


Gekko Moria's right eye was wrapped in a bandage, and the remaining left eye was bloodshot, and roared: "That bunch of bastards obviously took me to fish Victor! How could I get their will!? Laozi wouldn't call even if he died in battle. Phone worm!"

This kind of dialogue has happened many times in these days, but neither Khobackak nor other subordinates can persuade Gekko Moria. Originally, they could rely on the ability of the transparent man Absalom to steal all the ships and personnel from the pursuit, but the opponent was very cunning, and they clearly targeted Absalom from the beginning.

Had it not been for Gekko Moria's injury to protect Absalom, I am afraid that Absalom would have become a fish food in the sea. But even so, Absalom still suffered a near-fatal injury. In the absence of the necessary drugs and equipment, Hokkubak could barely catch his life.

There is no food, no medicines and medical equipment, and even no time to take a breath.

Gekko Moria and his men have reached the end of their lives.

Behind them, the elite troops of the BIGMOM Pirate Group came out, hung tightly behind them, and launched a wave of surprise attacks from time to time. It was Smoky and Snug who led this pursuit force!

That day, Gekko Moria tried his best to defeat Senju Cracker. He was seriously injured and realized that the Black Bat Island on which he was located was no longer safe. But before he took his men to move, the revenge army appeared on the sea level like a dark tide.

This is a premeditated ambush!

After more than ten days of chasing and fleeing, Gekko Moria also understood the other party's intentions. They planned to let themselves ask Victor for help, so as to introduce Victor into the other's carefully arranged ambush trap.

Ha ha... These little boys really underestimated themselves! Even if it is dead, Laozi will not put her friends in danger for her own reasons!

It's a pity that I still haven't waited until the day when I will fight Kaido again.

But it doesn't matter, today should be the day of my death. Before I die, I have to see if I can pull a few backs!

Come on, bastards of BIGMOM!

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