Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 227: Crushing

Facts have proved that the big pirate is a big pirate, and it will not be done with a simple trick.

In the face of the menacing North Blue monster (Kraken), Charlotte Pero Spero was the first to react. The eldest son of BIGMOM, known as the "Duke of Candy", is 40 years old this year, and he is in his prime of life. He is a Paramecia capable of licking fruits, able to make unlimited candies and manipulate them.

Seeing the huge metal tentacles about to overturn his fleet, Pero Spero waved the candy cane in his hand, and a large amount of indigo sugar liquid appeared in front of him out of thin air, quickly condensing into a large area of ​​scaly candy shield.

"Candy Shield·Scaly Pangolin!"

boom--! !

Huge metal tentacles hit the surface of the candy shield, and a lot of sugar slag splashed!

The ten pirate ships of the BIGMOM pirate group camp are all protected by this dense candy shield. Under the control of Victor, the metal tentacles continuously slammed into the candy shield. The violent vibration made the pirate ship behind the shield sway, let alone the pirates on the deck.

Only those powerful BIGMOM pirate group cadres can barely stabilize their figure.

"Brother Pero Spero, you can't go on like this!" Owen watched as the candy shield protecting the Pirate Ship began to appear huge cracks, and shouted, "The attack on the other side is endless, and the shield won't last long. !"

"Of course I know this!" Pero Spero raised his right hand holding the candy cane, leaving cold sweat on his forehead: "The fruit of the fierce chain has a very strong awakening level, plus that guy's fruit is [erosive]... I need someone Contain his attention!"

"Leave it to us, Brother Pero Spiro! Help me open an exit!" Opela wailed the'cream monster', and a lot of sticky cream appeared on the surface of this extremely burly man. It solidifies into a creamy-white solid cream armor. This cream armor full of Viking style envelops Opela's vitals, and forms a Viking horn helmet on his head, which looks mighty and mighty.

"Drink! Cream Armor Viking Warrior!"

Along with the roar, a wave of semi-solid cream formed by a large amount of cream appeared under Opela’s feet, embracing him like a fountain, rushing out of the specially made exit on the candy shield, and attacking Victor in the sky. !

At the same time, "Hot Fist" Owen lifted the huge Naginata three steps backwards and turned into one step, leaped a few times and then jumped high, also rushing out of the protection of the candy shield! Only a strong voice remained in place: "Sok! Daguerre! Cover us!"

Owen is a hot man who has eaten the hot fruit of Paramecia. He can heat any object he touches to a super high temperature. He is an extremely powerful cadre of the BIGMOM Pirates, and he is also the brother of the triplets of Kata Kuri.

He stepped on Moonwalk and rushed towards Victor in the air. The blade of the huge naginata in his hand burst into a turbulent stream of flames, dragging a fierce flame trail in the air, and shouted angrily: "Receive the fierce chain! Heat knife. Blazing!"

"'Hot Punch' Irving? Let me see how far you are from Mr. Katakuri! Hrunting!"

Victor smiled slightly, and his feet were instantly covered with black and red metal feet, chain weapon Beowulf! He threw a rounding kick in the air, and slammed the heel of his right foot against the flame naginata that was slashing towards him!

First came the intense white light that was too dazzling to look at directly, and then came the violent shock wave and deafening roar!

Owen only felt that the bones of his hands were about to be shattered. The huge naginata covered with Armament Haki in his hand showed an exaggerated curved arc, and the flames entwined on it were all kicked away by Victor.

The tremendous power came from the opposite side, and Owen was kicked directly from the air before he even snorted, and smashed down on the candy shield like a meteor, smashing several layers of candy shield. Immediately afterwards, dozens of huge metal tentacles swarmed up, and took turns to yank the place where Owen fell!

But Irving was not attacked by the ensuing ones. Pero Spero opened the candy shield under Irving at an emergency and leaked him directly into the inner layer of the shield. However, because of the opening of the gap, the structure of the shield is unstable, and Irving’s candy shield is faltering at any time and may be destroyed by the continuous tentacles attack.

Owen got up from the deck of the Pirate Ship and viciously erased the blood spilling from the tip of his nose and the corner of his mouth: "The power of a monster...this guy's strength is completely different from what the intelligence says!"


There was a scream in the sky, and Opela didn't even have a chance to rush to Victor's side, but was directly swept away by a series of metal tentacles, and the cream fell directly from the sky with the sky.

"These metal tentacles are really getting in the way!"

The candy shield maintained by Pero Spero can barely withstand the continuous attacks of these metal tentacles. You must find a way to deal with them, otherwise once the shield is breached and the pirate ship is overturned, everyone will be finished!

Pero Spero yelled at the vassal pirate groups under the BIGMOM pirate group: "Sock! Daguerre! What are you doing!!!"

Duster Daguerre, the captain of the Duster Pirates, "Bottle" with a panic look on his face: "Master Pero Spero! Our artillery is out of use! The rudder is also locked!"

The Barrel Pirates had no time to respond to Pero Spero. They were busy fighting with the ropes that were mobilized on their own pirate boats.

"Pero Spero, I feel a force trying to manipulate me."

At this time, the giant ship "Sweet Chocolate" on which Pero Spero was riding, spoke. Her prow was like an abstract female face. At this time, she looked shocked: "It is the fruit of the fierce chain. Thok and Daguerre’s pirate ship must have been affected by his manipulation!"

Pero Spero was going crazy: "Damn [Erosion Type]!! Who would have thought that [Erosion Type]'s fruit ability would be so terrifying after awakening!?"

At this time, Owen and Opela rushed into the sky again.

Owen wielded a huge naginata that was entangled in flames, severely smashed two metal tentacles that had hit, and then shouted at Opela on the other side: "Opela! Together!"

"Okay!" Opela understood, and slammed out a huge amount of butter to form an extremely huge butter knife. The whole butter knife was as large as 40 meters! Then Opela threw the butter knife at Owen fiercely: "Catch it, Brother Owen!"

Owen swung the naginata and inserted it firmly into the handle of the giant butter knife, and then fully used the power of the hot fruit, the giant butter knife immediately boiled and turned into an extremely large boiling knife that emits a billowing heat!

"Ahhhhh! Pick me up! Combo skills..."

Owen's face exploded with blue veins, and his muscles swelled up suddenly. With all his strength, he swung this extremely huge boiling knife and slashed towards Victor in the sky:

"Boiling butter, noisy and classy!!"

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