Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 233 Gekko Moria Joins

After Gekko Moria opened his eyes, what came into view was not the clouded sky, but the strange ceiling.

This is... the ward?

He turned his head and found Victor sitting in the chair by the hospital bed, flipping through the newspaper with relish. The latter noticed Gekko Moria's gaze and smiled sideways: "Good afternoon, Mr. Moria."

"...How long did I sleep?" Gekko Moria felt a little dizzy on her head.

Victor with Erlang's legs turned over a page of the newspaper and slowly said: "46 hours and 29 minutes, don't get up first, Mr. Hao Xue said you need to rest. According to him, your injuries and accumulated fatigue for more than ten days Enough to crush anyone, but you still fainted to the ground until you escorted all your subordinates to the Ark of Passion...remarkable."

"Stop talking stupid, isn't this the [responsibility] of our bosses?"

Gekko Moria sat up from the hospital bed laboriously, looked at the properly treated wounds and re-wrapped bandages, was silent for a while, and then asked, "Where are my stupid men?"

"Everything is fine except for the lion face. Listen to your subordinates. It was Mr. Moria that you tried to protect yourself from serious injuries and they didn't let them be attacked by the pursuit troops." Victor still looked at the newspaper intently, just indifferently. Replied Gekko Moria: "The lion's face named Absalom is a bit troublesome, but it has been effectively treated by the medical team, and his life is saved."

Gekko Moria let out a long sigh of relief, and said insincerely: "The group of fools who can only hold back...they usually practice too little on them!"

Victor couldn't help laughing, and put the newspaper together and handed it to Gekko Moria: "You are so popular this time. It seems that the "World Jing" does not intend to follow the warnings of the World government to manipulate the news."

Gekko Moria took the newspaper, and the first thing he saw was the explosive headline on the front page——

"Gekko Moria defeats Senju Cracker! The New World layout has changed a lot! 》

The author is still a fascinating freelance writer "Hydrogen Peroxide". The article described in detail the shocking battle between Gekko Moria and Senju Cracker as if he were on the scene. After 6 hours of fighting, the entire Black Bat Island was destroyed 23. Both sides were exhausted. In the end, Gekko Moria used his veteran combat experience to penetrate Senju Cracker's chest and abdomen with an ambush in the dark, and the latter fell into the ruins of the collapsed palace.

It is worth mentioning that the article also indicated that this happened 19 days ago. What? Readers have to ask why it took so many days to make such an explosive news public? Please, you are already a mature reader, and you should learn to diverge thinking by yourself.

"So, Senju Cracker did die by your hands?" Victor stretched out in a chair and asked curiously, "That guy is quite powerful."

Gekko Moria read the newspaper and said impatiently: "The kid Cracker is still too young. After being aroused by me a few times, he had to fight with me with a sword in his hands, and was finally penetrated by the shadow of a sword. The chest and abdomen should be completely dead."

"What words are so effective?" Victor is full of curiosity. He loves trash talking tactics. He has always thought that Gekko Moria can compete with him in this regard.

Gekko Moria sneered: "I kept mentioning the scars on his face during the battle, and then deliberately asked who left such a humiliating mark on his face, whether it was because his mother saw that he lost to you. He slapped in anger, and then he was completely mad...Tsk, the ability to withstand pressure is too bad."

He said that he was not in the mood to read the newspaper. After closing the newspaper, Gekko Moria curled his lips and said, "Cracker's mentality was very bad before the war, and his biological mother said, "If you can't finish the task, don't go back to see her alive." ', no one will be in a good mood...that's why I can't get used to the style of the old lady of BIGMOM, it's too unreasonable."

Victor stood up and poured a glass of water for Gekko Moria, and then handed it to him: "I have fought against BIGMOM for a few rounds. I feel that her mental state is very unstable. It's not like she was born so violent, and the soul fruit is also given. I have a very strange feeling."

Gekko Moria just took two sips after taking the water glass, and all of a sudden he spewed out, staring at Victor blankly: "You, you have a fight with BIGMOM!? When?"

Victor, who flashed the'water jet' attack in time, shrugged: "Just after sending you away, I was having fun with the ambush troops. BIGMOM looked at me and her sons rushed out to fight with me. Fighting, really a grumpy old lady."

"You..." Gekko Moria hurriedly looked up and down Victor to see if he had any obvious injuries, especially focusing on his chin: "Don't tell me you can break your wrists with the Four Emperors now!"

Victor waved his hand: "Don't laugh, I still have a lot of distance from the Four Emperors, but it's not that easy for them to keep me."

Gekko Moria fell silent. In order to rescue him, the boy faced the infamous BIGMOM Pirates alone, and even fought the Four Emperors on the top of the world. Of course, Gekko Moria knows the danger. After all, he was defeated by Kaido.

He left the hospital bed and stood in front of Victor with a serious face: "Victor, you know? I will have to fight Kaido in the future. This is a destiny that I can't get rid of, whether it ends in life or death."

Kaido's shadow on Gekko Moria is so big that he can't get rid of it for the rest of his life. To end this endless nightmare, the only way out is to fight Kaido again, to make up for the shortcomings of the past, regardless of life or death.

Gekko Moria knew that Victor wanted to recruit himself, and he didn't mind joining him anymore. But one yard into one yard, this is something he has to accomplish, and he doesn't want to recruit another [Four Emperors] for Victor in the future.

Victor smiled gently: "Of course I know. What if I tell you that my goal is also Kaido and Wanokuni he controls? Mr. Moria, our goals are the same. Come on, join us! Want to defeat Kaido, Both you and I need strong partners!"

Cut... If you can speak well, you can't keep up with this kid if you shoot a horse by yourself...

Gekko Moria smiled and stretched out his right hand to Victor, deliberately making a vicious attitude: "Then I will help you for the time being. If your kid does a weak act that doesn't suit my appetite, don't blame me for kicking you alone. !"

Victor smiled even more. "Don't worry, Mr. Moria!"

One big and one small hands are tightly clasped together!

Gekko Moria, join in.

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