The Dark Island is not very big overall, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized island.

As soon as they stepped into the territory of the island, everyone immediately smelled the faint smell of blood and gunpowder smoke.

The old prosperity can be vaguely seen in the dilapidated city, but everything has passed away. There are gravel debris everywhere, and almost no building is in good condition. You can even see sporadic damaged weapons scattered on the ground, scorch marks blasted by artillery fire, and dark bloodstains splashed by ‘creature’.

Seeing this, the cadres with rich combat experience immediately understood that there had been a long battle here, and it just ended not long ago.

"It's not just a repair project, but the sanitation of this island must be cleaned up, brother."

As everyone wandered among the ruins of the city, Perona wrinkled her nose with a look of disgust: "Why would anyone want to live here? If it's Master Pepe, you must choose a darker and cleaner place~"

Victor laughed loudly: "Don't be too demanding of Mr. Mihawk, Perona. After all, this bloody war that lasted for decades ended just a week ago, and he can't even move the corpses even now. wreckage."

Robin squatted on the ground and rubbed the dark blood stains on the cracked slab with his fingers. The black and red traces that dried up to powder were rubbed off the fingertips. She said with certainty: "There are many powerful'creatures' that violently remove the corpses from here. Towed away, the time is probably five to seven days ago."

"Huh?" Matthew panicked: "'Biology'? Sister Robin, you mean...Isn't this battlefield cleaned up by humans? Tow away? Why are you tow away?"

Robin took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands, and then said thoughtfully, "It should be eaten as food. Maybe it's the scavengers that appear in groups in the forest?"

Victor reluctantly patted the trembling Matthew on the shoulder, then turned his head to look at Robin: "Don't scare him, Robin. If it's correct, it should be a good thing for the newly promoted guardian of this island, right? "


Gulardo, wearing a long black windbreaker, raised his head and sniffed the scent from the wind, with a gloomy tone: "There are a lot of them."

Wu Hongji's hand had already touched the hilt of the knife on her waist, Luo Ye pulled down the plush Madara's hat and drew the famous knife "Torumaru" on his shoulders.

Gekko Moria was much more casual. He moved his shoulders a bit and looked relaxed: "...Who will come first?"

Hao Xue shook her head while holding the long pipe, indicating that she was not interested.

I don't know when, hundreds of huge figures appeared on the huge building wreckage around, they were baboons!

These huge baboons are all wearing armors of different styles, carrying huge swords or guns in their hands, and all staring at the group of humans on the street below with fierceness and viciousness, as if they are well-trained. Looks like an army.

"Oh? It's actually a'human imitator'?"

Victor put his hands in Kabuto, watched the approaching baboons with interest, and explained to his companions: "This kind of baboon is a rare species and likes to live close to areas where human activities are active, and especially likes to imitate human behavior. This The bloody war of the country has lasted for decades. These baboons have become a powerful and brutal'legion'. Interesting...Gurardo, you can fix them. Don't kill too many, they are probably kept by Mr. Mihawk. Free coolie as a doorman."


Gulardo walked towards the baboons who were about to approach the street, and the ground trembled violently.

In Gekko Moria's surprised gaze, a forty-meter-high huge red upright lizard wearing a black long windbreaker and a black one-eye mask appeared among the ruins of the city, staring coldly and mercilessly in the golden ring pupil of his right eye. Looking down at the baboon legion stupefied.

"Wow, the clothes really got bigger with it!" Although Perona covered her eyes with her hands, her fingers were so wide that she exclaimed, "Does Zoan's Devil Fruit still have the ability to make clothes bigger together?"

Gekko Moria scratched his head: "This is common sense, young lady, Devil Fruit can assimilate the clothes of the capable person, otherwise Logia will have to run around naked in a fight, and Zoan, who is huge, don't even think about getting dressed."

"Common sense or something, I don't know!" Perona akimbo confidently: "I am a ghost fruit, why should I know such common sense!"

Gekko Moria was choked back by Perona's words, and had to curl his lips and put his gaze back to Gurardo's side.

The baboons looked dumbfounded and a little funny, but for some reason, they were trembling with fear, but still tremblingly moved towards Gurado with their weapons half by half.

The huge red lizard’s nostrils sprayed out a heat wave with sparks, and the claws began to gather intense heat and flames. The air around the claws was distorted by the high temperature. Animals with simple minds can understand what this means—death!

There was a commotion within the baboon army, and each baboon's face was filled with horror and despair, but none of them retreated.

"Oh?" Victor raised his eyebrows and stopped Gurado's offensive: "These baboons have been ordered by [the strong] to stay here and not be disturbed by outsiders. Gurado, stop the attack first."

Hearing the words, Gulardo changed back to a human form and retreated to a position not far from Victor.

"Brother, your consciousness is... Are these baboons assigned by the'Eagle Eye'?"

Perona's head turned quickly, and he immediately guessed who the ‘behind the scenes’ was: “The eagle-eyed asked us to help him repair the island palace. Why did the baboons stop us? Damn it!”

Seeing the baboons standing still, Victor put his hands in Kabuto and said with a smile: "I'm afraid he has forgotten the matter of'letting the baboons guard the gate'... Am I right, Mr. Mihawk? "

A cold snort came from the top of the ruined building not far away.

The cadres looked up and saw a man wearing a black top hat and a black windbreaker sitting lazily on the top of the beam of the building with his arms folded, behind a huge cross sword that showed his sense of existence.

The strongest swordsman in the world, "Eagle Eye" Mihawk!

Hawkeye Mihawk's golden eyes, sharp like eagles, swept toward the trembling baboon army, who immediately rushed away and fled to the forest with relief.

"Robin, use the phone bug to inform the boat crew to come over." Victor tilted his head in Robin's direction.

Robin nodded, took out a sleeping little phone worm from the collar of his chest, walked aside and started dialing the number.

Victor’s eldest disciple Trafalgar Law was a little shocked. Two current Seven Warlords of the Sea and a former Shichibukai were gathered on this ruined island. Together with Hao Xue and Gurado, the top combat power gathered here is a huge subversion. The empire is more than enough.

Is this a small private gathering of Seven Warlords of the Sea?

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