West Blue, Alghero town, ‘Coral’ headquarters.

On the outdoor training ground, the'killer' Daz Bonis still wears a monk cardigan, with his thumbs on the ground, sweaty and doing one-finger push-ups, breathing heavily while whispering. Counting:

"2041, 2042, 2043..."

Before the boss left, let himself and the pigeon bastard guard Alghero town, then he must not fall into the name of the boss! Strengthen the training! Strengthen the training!

And at the top of the tall tower on the side of the headquarters castle sits a tall and thin man wearing a black top hat. This man is the ‘Devil Sheriff’ Lafayette who was appointed to guard Alghero together with Daz Bonis.

His left leg was on the edge of the top of the tower, his right leg was hanging outside and dangling, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand, taking a small sip from time to time, his eyes seemed blurred but he kept scanning the distant sea.

This is the place with the best view in the entire town of Alghero, and it could not be better to monitor the surrounding waters.

The gentle sea breeze brushed Lafayette's black hair, and he half-squinted his eyes to enjoy this rare leisure. Suddenly, he straightened up abruptly, looking sharply at the sea level to the south.

Can you see a dark shadow faintly over there, like a pirate ship?

Lafayette straightened the black top hat on his head, then turned over and jumped directly from the top of the tower, transforming into a small and exquisite white dove shape. When passing the training ground, his slightly acrid voice appeared in Dazs. · Bowness’s ear: "There is a pirate ship, I'll go find the way."

After all, the white dove wearing a suit, vest and black top hat flew quickly towards the sea to the south.

Daz Bonis bounced gently from the ground with a ‘hu’, took the towel around his neck and wiped off his sweat, and then silently walked towards the south coast.

Lafayette, incarnate of a white dove, was surprised as he approached the pirate ship. Not only was the size of the pirate ship astonishingly large, but the five figures on the deck were legendary in West Blue.


He thought for a while, and dropped onto the thick-barreled cable on the mast, cooing and combing his feathers while eavesdropping on the conversations of these giants.

He needs to grab further information.

"It should be Alghero Town ahead."

On the deck, the dark-faced sailor Rod, with black curly hair on his forehead, flicked the nautical chart in his hand: "Need to say'hello'?"

The beautiful ship doctor Gerd looked a little worried: "Would you like to discuss it again? Just rush to the site of the fierce chain..."


Helding, who was wearing a fur cloak, moved his shoulders, and his joints made a dull creaking sound, with a deep voice: "The purpose of our trip was originally a fierce chain, so what is going on now?"

The coast gradually became clear. As soon as the huge pirate ship berthed and docked, the five giants jumped into the sea one after another.

Because they are close to the coast, the giants are extremely large, and the seawater only covers their ankles.

"Huh? Who is that?"

The bearded boatman Statham suddenly found a burly human man standing on the coast. This man had a shaved head, dressed in a monk's open-armed gown, with a V on his chest, and a large sack in his hand. It was cold at the moment. Leng stared at them.

"Hey, are you a resident here?" The giant ship chef Bagh's chubby round face was filled with a smile, and he waved at the human man: "This is Alghero Town, right?"


Daz Bonis casually threw the heavy sacks in his hand onto the sand on the side, stirred up a burst of dust, and said indifferently, "What's the matter?"

"That, that..."

As soon as the beautiful ship doctor Gerd was about to speak, he was stopped by Navigator Rod. He sullenly faced Daz Bonis not far away and said: "A discerning person knows that we are pirates. The pirates came to town. Are there other options?"

"Hahaha, that's right!" The boatman Statham laughed: "You little guy is so courageous, aren't you afraid that we will eat you? Go away, go back and notify the guard and the mayor to come over!"

Helding didn't say a word, but looked at Daz Bonis with his arms in his arms, with some doubts in his eyes.

It's not quite right. The human being is too calm. Shouldn't the humans in West Blue run away when they see the Giant Pirate?

On the other hand, upon hearing Statham’s taunting words, Daz Bonis just sneered slightly: "It's just a giant, when did you change the recipe? Now that you admit that you are a pirate, then can I recognize you? Are you ready to invade Alghero?"

Several giant pirates looked terrified, and knew that they had encountered hard stubble. They picked up huge weapons one after another, ready to fight.

At this moment, a slightly bitter voice came from the direction of the Pirate Ship behind them.

"Daz Bonis, these giant gentlemen and ladies are here for the boss."

'Devil Sheriff' Lafayette sat cross-legged on the edge of the high pirate ship deck, turned his head to the giant pirates, and sneered: "Although I don't want to admit it, my fellow bald monk is quite strong. Not bad, for your personal safety considerations, can you quietly lay down your weapons and volunteer to become prisoners? The boss has ordered, try not to disturb the residents of Alghero Town, I hope you can cooperate."

"The boss you are talking about... is the ‘foul chain’?"

Helding suddenly asked, and at the same time slowly relieved the fur cloak button that was buckled on the collarbone, revealing the strong muscles: "The leader of the Mafia Coral, Mafia Victor, the fierce chain?"

"Exactly." Lafayette slightly lifted the brim of the black top hat, and sat on the edge of the deck with one hand on his chest and bowed gently: "Master Victor is the leader I am waiting to follow. Me and this Daz. Mr. Bowness was ordered to garrison Alghero. Your Excellency should be Helding the Giant Mercenary, right?"

With that, a pair of white wings appeared behind Lafayette, leading him to fly down beside Dazzle Bonis. He shook the dark red civilization rod in his hand, with a brisk tone: "You come here with malicious intent, and I will never let you destroy Alghero Town. Fighting will definitely affect the residents here... ?"

The end of the rod of civilization pointed towards Helding far away, and then stroked towards Daz Bonis beside him.

"Since you are pirates from the Grand Line, you must know something about my boss. Once you let the boss know that you have caused casualties and damage to the civilian towns of Alghero, I am afraid that the rest of your lives will be extremely short and never peaceful. It’s better to have a one-on-one duel between Mr. Darz Bowness on our side and this Mr. Helding."

"If Mr. Helding wins, we will naturally retreat, and we will not interfere with any plan you want to implement. Even if we say it, it is that we have given up resistance on our own."

Hearing Lafayette's words, Helding pondered for a while, and then asked, "What if you win?"

Lafayette smiled slyly when he saw that the other party had been circumvented by himself:

"Then I can only ask you to stay in Alghero Town temporarily and wait for the boss to return."

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