Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 241 Who Made You Here?

When the Ark of Passion returns to West Blue, the ship's upgrade project will soon be completed.

According to Franky and Bingberg, the upgrade plan of Ark of Passion is only the first step, and the next second step will use astronomical funds.

After the secret meeting, Victor gave them the highest funding and material authority, allowing them to use all the human and material resources of "Coral" to upgrade the Ark of Passion. Franky and Bingberg are also worthy of this trust and transformed the Ark of Passion into a beautiful one.

"Black Gear" Jig expressed doubts about some incredible designs in the design drawings-how did your brothers come up with such a sophisticated and advanced design? In this regard, Franky and Bingberg only said that their brains had been opened up as soon as their inspiration came out, and they would not say anything else.

The speed of the Ark of Passion is much faster than before, and its flexibility is greatly increased. If you were manipulating an extremely heavy iron knot before, you are now manipulating a light wooden boat.

The artillery on both sides of the hull adopts a dual-track train gun structure, which is convenient for firing alternately and changing ammunition at any time during battle. In this way, the power of the 400 artillery of the Ark of Passion is further enhanced, which can be called a nightmare for the small fleet.

The storage area at the stern of the Ark was transformed into a war dock to store an increasing number of warships. And Franky built a very huge fish pond here out of evil taste. According to him, he can go to the Flying Shark Islands of the Grand Line to catch [flying fish] and tame it as a flying mount. This is a huge fish. Class, relying on extremely developed pectoral fins, it can fly continuously for five minutes after being out of the sea, and the speed is extremely fast. Flying fish are not disgusted with being tamed by humans and used as mounts, provided that the tamers know the tricks.

Bingberg also built a bird’s nest-like structure on the central island of the Ark of Passion, "Asgard", which will be used to domesticate messenger birds belonging to the ‘coral’ and the Hunters’ Association itself in the future. It is like the seagull of the World Economic News Service and the messenger bat of the World government.

Of course, this is just a preliminary idea. In the future, the messenger bird’s nest may be changed elsewhere, but that will be the future.

What matters now is the second part of the plan, which will greatly increase the firepower of the Ark of Enthusiasm. Bingberg and Franky said that they have some clues, but they still need some time to sort out their ideas.

But the [mobility] of the Ark of Passion has been qualitatively overtaken. It takes only one day to cross the Calm Belt. This is still the case with the help of external turbines. When it comes to West Blue, where the sea breeze is strong, the speed is even faster.

Now, under Victor's order, the Ark of Passion is heading towards Alghero Town at full speed. According to the report of the ‘Devil Sheriff’, Alghero now has several very interesting ‘guests’.

Three days later, the Ark of Passion arrived in Alghero.

The first thing that catches the eye is the horrible south coast. The entire coast is so large that there is almost no place intact, and there are deep pits or deep cracks everywhere.

Not far from the coast, there was a large pile of wood fragments. It seemed that it was supposed to be an enlarged version of a giant pirate ship, but it was chopped into countless pieces.

A little further away, several huge figures were tied together, and they were staring dumbfounded at the giant ark on the distant sea.

The four giant pirates besides Helding were tightly tied together by extremely thick oil-soaked cables. Seeing their yellowish skinny faces and dry and cracked lips, it should have been a long time since they had been fed with rice. And they still have large and small scars on their bodies. It was obvious that they were knocked down and surrendered after a fight, and then tied up here for several days to wait for Victor to come back and send them off.

Really rude style, Mr. Bowness. Victor couldn't help sweating. If the speed of Ark of Passion did not increase, it is estimated that these giants would be thirst to death when they came back.

The four giant captives were not far away from a small pergola with tables and chairs, wine glasses and plates, and even a novel with bookmarks. Lafayette, wearing a black top hat, stood on the shore in a formal suit, and bowed slightly to Victor who had stepped off the Beagle with one hand on his chest, and said respectfully, "Boss, you are back."

Victor nodded. "Thank you, Lafayette. How is Bowness?"

"The little monk was injured not lightly. He is receiving treatment, but his life is not in danger." Lafayette smiled, "Mr. Helding is miserable. He hasn't escaped his life yet. I didn't dare to call the shots without authorization, so I Just let the town’s medical department hang his life and wait for you to come back."

"Um... I'll see this Helding later." Victor groaned, turned his head to look at the giant captives who looked at him eagerly, and couldn't help laughing: "Lafayette, this is not our coral. The way of hospitality. Untie several giants' gentlemen and ladies, and then go to the Ark of Warmth to get some food and fresh water for them to eat."

As he said, he nodded to the giants, smiled and said, "Then, I'm missing."

As soon as the voice fell, Victor's figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Well, that's the famous'Fungi Chain' Victor, and he has an extraordinary bearing..." The giant boatman Statham pursed his shriveled lips, and said dryly: "I think we have been planted this trip, you say Woolen cloth?"

Navigator Rod and the ship’s chef Bagh nodded silently. Seeing that there was no movement next to them, everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the ship doctor Gerd, but saw her flushed, looking at Victor's disappearing direction and muttering: "So handsome...so temperament..."


Not to mention the few giant pirates who were looted after being untied, Victor quickly shuttled most of the island through the air zipper, and arrived at the medical department on the north side of the town.

The giant Helding was lying on his back in the outdoor square of the medical department, his body covered with stab wounds was simply wrapped in bandages, and the slowly overflowing blood stained the ground beneath him, his breath was very weak.

Daz Bowness also had a bandage on his body, but he was in much better condition than Helding. Regardless of the doctor's dissuasion, he insisted on moving a stool and sitting not far from Helding, monitoring this powerful giant pirate day and night, in case he burst out his last strength to destroy Alghero Town.


As a zipper appeared out of thin air and unzipped it on his own, Victor wandered out of the zipper space and smiled and looked at Daz Bonis who stood up beside him: "Bornice, good job. Then wait until you are well. Come on the Ark of Passion, and I will personally guide you the next Haki practice."

"...Yes! Boss!" The cool face of Daz Bonis was no longer stubborn, and he raised his eyebrows with joy, happy and proud.

Reward for merit. Daz Bonis is surprisingly talented and has a very strong willpower. What he lacks is only the guidance from his predecessors. Victor is going to teach his Armament Haki and Observation Haki himself, and believes that Daz Bonis will become an indispensable and powerful cadre of Coral in the future.

"Then it's you, Helding'Giant Mercenary'. I have heard of you a long time ago."

Victor turned his head to look at Helding, who was lying on the ground, who also looked at Victor in silence without saying a word.

Daz Bonis moved the chair he was sitting in behind Victor. Victor sat on the chair and said in a leisurely tone: "It's commendable courage to come to West Blue to attack the headquarters of Coral. Then, tell me... …"

"Who is it that confuses you to trouble me?"

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