The first to get news is often the most well-informed forces on the sea.

On an uninhabited island on the Grand Line, there are endless hills. Standing quietly on the top of a hill is a huge hot airship. The airship is shaped like a fat teapot, and the side of the hot air balloon is printed with a big [WE·NEWS].

World Economic News Service.

The "World Economic News", which has been popular all over the world for decades, is the big name of the World Economic News Agency. The countless strong men on the sea have all grown up reading "World Jing".

The spacious newspaper office was full of enthusiasm. The calls of telephone bugs continued to ring, and the sound of typewriters was also continuous, and the members rushed and screamed.

"Hey hey hey... Didn't you make a mistake? Such a blast of heavyweight news..."

In the president's office, a huge white albatross was sitting on the sofa, holding an information sheet with a face full of consternation. He is a huge white albatross with a standing posture, wearing a fancy top hat, an aristocratic shirt, floral pants and a black cloak.

‘Big News’ Morgans, the president of the World Economic News, founded the underground world giant of the World Economic News that was popular all over the world when he was less than 20 years old.

"President, this is not a joke. Do you really want to publish it?" The members standing by are concerned about the Marine heroes of Naval Headquarters and Four Emperors BIGMOM. If a trouble is not good, it will annoy the two worlds. Top power.

Morgans' hands are all wings. He shook the long Ling at the end of the wingspan like shaking his index finger. He laughed: "What are you afraid of! The world government just handed the express mail, and the news of the eyeliner from the BIGMOM Pirate Group Here, what does this mean? Both parties are ready to make this "wedding" extraordinarily grand. I published this news in the World Book, I am afraid they would also like to thank me for warming up the wedding hehe... …"

"So that's it!" The members suddenly realized that Jiang was still hot! As expected of the president!

"Okay guys, get me moving! I will let the whole world see this heavy news on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow morning!"

Morgans patted his wings, and the members immediately rushed away to work. He looked down at the report sheet in his hand again, and his long beak pulled out a humane smile.

This world is about to usher in [Great Changes]!


In the early morning of the next day, it was located on the Ark of Passion in the waters near Long Island, New World.

On the central island ‘Asgard’ stands a beautifully renewed and beautiful castle. The east platform outside the second floor of the castle is a perching area dedicated to the landing and resting of the messenger birds. There are hundreds of exquisite perches, and there is a round table in front of each perch, on which a corresponding number of coins are prepared for the purchase of newspapers, and fresh water bowls and food are also prepared. Because of the generous treatment, many messengers rushed to the Ark to deliver the news.

Victor got up very early today. He was casually dressed in a white shirt and trousers, sitting on a bench near the perch area, and reading the documents from the Snake Nest Secret Room at a leisurely pace.

Suddenly, a coat was draped over his shoulder.

"Robin, why did you get up so early?" Victor said with a smile.

Robin was wearing a black lady's suit, holding a cup of steaming coffee in his hand, and said with a smile: "If you can't sleep, just come to the platform and take a breath of fresh air. By the way, see if today's newspaper arrives. How about you? Victor? Are you waiting for the newspaper too?"

Victor also stopped reading the document, stood up and put his jacket over Robin's thin shoulders, then put his hands in Kabuto and looked at the distant red and black sky intertwined with the dawn and dawn: "Yes, I have a hunch, today's newspaper There will be very breaking news."

"Did [Apocalypse] tell you?" Robin took a sip of steaming coffee.

Victor blinked: "It's [intuition]. Ah, here it is."

A group of messenger birds flew from the sky, and each messenger bird wore a postman hat diagonally across the messenger bag. The bag was filled with newspapers that were rolled into bundles and exuded the smell of ink. They fluttered to the perch area on the second floor platform. First they waved their wings and saluted Victor and Robin. Then they pecked the coins they had prepared and put them into Kabuto on the side of the bag, and put a bundle of newspapers. Take it out of the bag and put it on the round table, and finally start to eat and drink unceremoniously.

Victor took two bundles of newspapers, gave Robin a bundle, and opened the bundle of newspapers in his hand. The front page news that caught his eye immediately shook him.

" wonder, no wonder I was asked to do it..."

Victor rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

On the other side, Robin just flipped through the newspaper and glanced at the front page headline and was startled. She thought she was dazzled, so she rubbed her eyes and looked at it again, then turned her head blankly to look at Victor: "Victor, this..."

"Although'Big News' Morgans is a habit of lying and not blinking, it is 80% true this time." Victor raised his eyebrows and looked excited: "It's so interesting! Marine hero and BIGMOM? It's just a match made in heaven. 'Ah."

The front page headline of the newspaper in his hand is impressively printed-

[Breaking! Marine hero Monkey D Garp and BIGMOM Charlotte Linlin are married! 】

Victor sat on the bench, slowly flipping through the newspaper, and said to Robin: "I originally planned to end the vacation and head to North Blue in two days. Now it seems that the plan is about to change. Robin, let the Intelligence Department give out the news. The ark of enthusiasm that says'coral' is temporarily stationed in the waters of New World's Furnace Long Island."

"Victor?" Robin looked at Victor in a puzzled manner.

"Otherwise I'm afraid [the guys] can't find the location of the Ark of Passion."

Victor leaned back on the back of the chair and raised his legs comfortably: "If you want to participate in a fair way, how can you do without an invitation?"

On the same day, exclamations from all over the world came and went one after another.

Dark Island, the former site of the Evil Kingdom, the palace.

Hawkeye Mihawk sits on the sofa by the crackling fireplace, holding a stack of newspapers in his hand, and raising a weird smile on his lips: "Interesting...There are weirdness everywhere, [you] will definitely go there too. ?"

Santin Island, Alabasta, is an oasis called ‘Rainland’.

Crocodile, the "sand crocodile" replaced by a golden hook in his left hand, bit his cigar and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the luxurious mansion, slowly emitting a puff of smoke, holding the newspaper in his right hand intact: "A boring farce. However, it seems very interesting. Maybe you can make time to go there."

Grand Line, a certain autumn island.


‘Whitebeard’ Edward Newgate, known as the world’s strongest pirate, casually threw the empty barrel aside, wiped the wet corners of his mouth, and looked surprised: "What did you say?"

The "phoenix" Margau standing opposite him helplessly wiped his face full of drinks, and then handed the newspaper to Whitebeard: "Daddy, you'd better read it yourself."

‘Whitebeard’ Newgate took the newspaper and glanced at it, and suddenly laughed: "Gum la la la la la la la la la la! Is that fat lady fulfilling her wish back then? Garp, you also have today!!"

"Daddy, do you think this is true?" "Diamond" Joz sitting on the steps held his arms and looked serious: "Is Marine crazy?"

"Marine must have a handle in the hands of the BIGMOM Pirates."

The captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates' Foil, Bista pointed the orchid finger and twisted his beard with a beard, and smiled: "But it's hard to imagine the sacrifice of'Marine hero' Garp... "

"Regardless of whether the matter is true or false, I can argue the truth when the fat lady sends out invitations. Saatchi, bring the wine!"

Whitebeard threw the newspaper to the "phoenix" Margau casually, and then shouted: "It's rare to encounter such an interesting thing, how can you not drink it? Saatchi, Saatchi?"

"Papa, Saatchi has been invited to participate in the explanation of the rotation fishing tournament on Long Island." "Diamond" Joz reminded.

At this moment, a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Group ran over in a hurry: "Daddy! Daddy!"

"What's the hurry, speak slowly." "Philadelphia" Margau motioned for him to breathe well before speaking.

The member calmed his breath for a while, then said to Whitebeard:

"The BIGMOM Pirate Group has sent a messenger, bluntly asking to see you!"

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