The dark red thick clouds in the sky stirred the deep Uzumaki, and from time to time there was a dull roar that blew deep in the clouds. The scorching wind gradually increased, and the raging sea of ​​fire on the top of the cake city looked like a huge torch towering in the sky, exuding a cruel and evil beauty.

"Critter chain!"

All the people present were shocked. Today, this blond young man has grown into a powerful existence that no one in the room can ignore. No matter which side he joins, the confusing victory and defeat will become clearly visible.

"Finally figured it out? I thought you were going to fall asleep in the sky."

Akainu snorted, but there was a rare ridicule in his tone.

Garp laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Victor, if you join us, our elderly team will be able to average the age class hahaha!"

Victor always kept his height in the air, and Kabuto shrugged his shoulders with his hands in the air, "Mr. Garp, Mr. Sakazuki, if I kill these high-reward wanted criminals, can I also share some bounty?"

On the other side, the hearts of the four members of the BIGMOM Pirate Group were slightly overshadowed.

Others don't know, but the BIGMOM Pirate Group knows very well that the fierce chain can easily retreat without injury after being able to compete with BIGMOM in an angry state. Just by looking at this, it can be concluded that his strength is comparable to that of Kata Kuri!

"Cruel chain! You shameless villain with perfidy!! Mom obviously promised to let Garrett marry you in exchange for your neutrality, and now you actually regret it!?"

"General Star" Snug was the youngest and most uncomfortable, and couldn't help shouting in Victor's direction.

"Okay Snug, don't complain like a little girl. Too hopeless!"

Unexpectedly, BIGMOM was unusually calm. She stared at Victor coldly, with a sharp tone: "Victor, since your kid chose to help Akainu and Garp, it means that the [agreement] is broken, right?"

"Hehe... there has never been any [agreement], BIGMOM."

Victor's mouth had a cold smile: "Please, don't you think that I'm really the type that is calculated and hit the door and still be a dog? Injured Moria, designed to ambush me... I originally wanted to figure this out. I only came to IWC Totto Land. The timing is just right now. Let the BIGMOM Pirate Group completely destroy this cake island today!"

"The brazen boy! Forgot the tragic experience of being beaten and fled by my old mother last time!?"

The angry BIGMOM yelled, slammed the Emperor's sword in his hand, and issued the command to start the war: "Kill them for me!"

The war has begun.

Kata Kuri takes the lead! He put the spear "Mole" upside down on the ground in front of him, and lifted his hands up with virtual grips. The ground from his feet was all turned into a soft rice cake shape, and it was facing the opposite side in the turbulent wave of the sea. The three attacked.

Fruit awakens!

The Cracker on the other side coughed twice and disappeared behind a certain biscuit soldier. Hundreds of biscuit soldiers gathered their shields and rushed towards the enemy, and the number was constantly increasing!

"You two get out of the way!" Akainu rarely reminded him. As soon as the voice fell, a dark red lava flow appeared all over his body. The whole person was like a volcano about to erupt. Formation injection.

Victor flew to a high place immediately, and Garp stepped on the Moonwalk and jumped into the air instantly.


Akainu's ground showed a huge gap after another with him as the center, and an unknown dark red spouted from the gap. Soon, when the crack spread to its limit, it exploded! The surface melted, and a large amount of magma jetted out toward the flood of rice cakes and the army of biscuit soldiers——


The entire central square instantly turned into a lava purgatory! There are rivers of magma formed by dark red lava flows everywhere, and the environment here is no longer suitable for any creatures to survive.

Even though the first wave of biscuit soldiers was covered with Armament Haki, the biscuit soldiers evaporated at the moment of contact, and the army of biscuit soldiers, which had reached two thousand in size, fell by 15 in an instant! The tide of rice cakes made by Kata Kuri was also destroyed by lava.

"Magma Imp, you found the wrong opponent! Emperor Sword·Thunder Blade!!"

BIGMOM saw the magma hit in its direction, grasped the emperor's sword entwined with electric light in his hand, and then slammed it towards the magma tide! Unlike Elbaf’s spear, this fierce slash drove extremely strong wind pressure and instantly dissipated the incoming lava tide.

The violent flying slash set off a large tract of lava-eroded stratum, and directly chopped Akainu, who stood in place and continued to supply lava to the ground, into two sections. Akainu's whole body turned into two sections and fell on the ground, but there was no blood flowing out, and the two sections slowly turned into lava flowing out.

BIGMOM narrowed his eyes and immediately understood that Akainu was covering the two heavenly fellows! She dragged the Emperor's sword upside down, her long hair turned into a blazing flame, wrapping her whole body into spiral flames Uzumaki.

Almost at the same time, Victor and Garp's attacks fell from the sky!

Victor's huge cross sword "Lei Wanting" erupted with an ultra-high frequency buzzing chainsaw, dragging a long stream of flames across the dark red sky and slashing towards the top of BIGMOM's head. At the same time, Garp stepped on Moonwalk to turn a sharp corner from the sky, his right fist bone covered with a deep iron color, and slammed toward the other end of BIGMOM's head.

Cang——! !

Before the magic sword Lei Wan Ting could hit BIGMOM, he was stuck tightly by a black spear. The instantaneous shock wave shattered the surrounding ground and the remaining cooling lava, and dazzling sparks continued to burst at the place where the two weapons touched.

"The fierce chain... I won't say anything like [I should have killed you in the food town] such silly words."

Kata Kuri clenched his long spear'Mole' with complex expressions in both hands, and the hard and unmatched gun body was sawed and trembling constantly by the ferocious giant cross sword on the opposite side: "I am very happy to fight you. But today's victory. It will only be our BIGMOM Pirate Group!"

Victor's blond hair was thrown into a mess by the fierce wind pressure, and the rare handsome face showed a dazzlingly excited smile: "Mr. Kata Kuri! We're finally fighting, let's... fight together!"

The weapons of the two separated instantly, and a violent spark was drawn, and then hit it fast! In just a few seconds, the two played against each other in an instant with dozens of moves! The magic sword and the black spear roared at each other with a roar of metal rubbing.

And Garp and BIGMOM are also fighting hard.

Without Victor's cover, Garp's iron fist was cut by the BIGMOM flame Uzumaki and then easily blocked by the latter. Snug, "Jianxing Star", immediately raised his sword and rushed forward to give Garp a cruel shot, but was hit by the opponent's backhand punches in the chest and abdomen. He almost spit out the cake he had eaten last year, his eyes bulging. Flew to the ground fiercely.

Garp was waiting to be pursued, but was stopped by BIGMOM swinging the Emperor's sword.

"Garp!! You damn heartbreaker!! Die to me!"

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