The few people present are all top powerhouses who have awakened the fruit ability, and they can naturally feel the changes in the environment.

If the people with fruit abilities present before were all exerting their awakening abilities and causing interference with each other, now one of the forces suddenly emerged, eroding the surrounding environment quickly with an invincible posture.

Cracker's awakening ability is closer to making biscuits at long distances with low consumption. It is not as sensitive to environmental impact as Kata Kuri, but even so he felt something is wrong: "Kata Kuri, this is..."

"It's an erosion type! Don't let him complete this trick, do it now!"

Kata Kuri took a deep breath, her fists were enveloped by the energy wave of the semi-fluid glutinous rice gesture. As he raised his fists, the broken slabs and gravel on the ground beside his feet turned into glutinous rice and rolled into two balls suspended in the air on both sides of Kata Kuri. The suspended glutinous rice circle looks like a huge one. Donuts.

"Wushuang Donuts..."

Kata Kuri stretched his right fist backwards, and put his left fist in front of him. The doughnuts on both sides of the body condensed huge and angular glutinous rice arms. The movements are consistent with Kata Kuri's double fists. The whole body is covered by blue-black Armament Haki:

"Weird Rice Cake——!!!"

As Kata Kuri shook his fist violently, the giant rice cake arm beside him made the same gesture every second! The giant fist covered by his incomparable Armament Haki slammed into Victor!

Victor's left-hand Pinto continued to release his ability to transform the surrounding space, and his right index pointed upwards. With his movements, the stratum in front of him suddenly roared as if being pulled up by an invisible giant hand, and the extremely heavy rock turned into a shield to block between him and Kata Kuri.

Immediately after a huge shock wave and roar appeared, the giant rock shield formed by the formation was shattered by Kata Kuri’s strange power rice cake giant fist without even holding it for a second! Crushed stones and mud scattered all over the sky, and Victor lifted up to avoid this fierce straight punch.

But he just flew three meters, suddenly turned his head to look aside vigilantly. A huge donut appeared silently in the midair on his right side, and the corner of Kata Kuri's mouth was raised in the distance, and he shook his fist again!

The big fist covered by blue-black Haki hit Victor! But just like smashing on a soft ball of silk, Victor’s left arm and the left half of his body were all turned into a thin and tough chain, and the temporary shock absorption structure was used to relieve the swiftness of the blow. Anger fist.

"It's now! Cracker!"

Accompanied by Kata Kuri's roar, Victor had not had time to transform his figure back to his original shape in the future, and the surrounding space suddenly darkened. Hundreds of curved biscuits surrounded the space where Victor was located, and quickly gathered to the center.

"Hey, this is a bit unnatural. Have I ever said that I am suffering from claustrophobia?"

Victor habitually pulls a few sentences, and sees the cracks in the biscuit cage that haven't been fully closed and wants to turn into a chain to rush out of it, but the big blue-black hands that are turned into two donuts tightly pinch his chain. The left arm. A strong force came, and Victor, who had just approached the edge of the biscuit cage, was violently pulled back.

"Critter chain, where do you want to go, kid?"

Kata Kuri sneered and said, "Cracker, speed up!"

"Cough... I see." Cracker covered the huge scar on his chest, raised his right arm forward with a pale face, his right palm clenched into claws. As the five fingers were pinched and tightened, the biscuit cage in mid-air quickly closed: "Taste this..."


Within two seconds, the cookie cage was completely completed. Each curved biscuit is glued with super high-viscosity cheese, and the whole is so tightly stitched that even a fly can't fly out.

"Tsk... the rookie is really unreliable!"

In the distance, Akainu, who was fighting with BIGMOM, saw this scene from the corner of his eyes, knowing that once Victor is killed, he will face Four Emperors BIGMOM and his strongest dessert three stars alone, and the chance of winning will be less than 30%. A fierce red light appeared again all over his body, and his right fist, which was completely transformed into lava, continued to zoom in, and the sight was already aimed at the Cracker in the distance. But the fist of magma that burned everything had just taken shape before it was blown out, and it was smashed to pieces by an emperor's sword from BIGMOM.

"Magma kid! Don't be distracted, Mama Mama!"

BIGMOM laughed wildly and constantly wielded the white giant sword condensed by thunder light, and the violent thunder light drew countless arcs of destruction! Whenever Akainu wants to condense into a magma form, it is always split up one step ahead of time. As a last resort, the whole body of magma is converted into hard obsidian covering Armament Haki. He was already trying his best to protect Garp behind him, and he couldn't help Victor at all.

On the other side, the ball-shaped prison in mid-air began to tremble violently, as if there was a fierce monster roaring in it.

"Kata Kuri, hurry up! I can't hold on anymore!!"

Cracker was sweating profusely, his face became paler, and his right hand clenched into claws was raised in the direction of the ball prison. Every time the biscuit cell trembles violently, his face pales a bit, and the corners of his mouth start to spray blood uncontrollably.

Kata Kuri closed her eyes tightly, her forehead was blue. As he tried his best to slowly bend his arms from bottom to top, countless doughnuts appeared in the air, and the sky at Cake Island looked like a scalp-numbing honeycomb from a distance. Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly, and shouted, "It's now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ball-shaped cage exploded in an instant! Victor stood in the air with countless biscuits shattered and splashed, holding a huge cross sword with flames in his hand. Before he could catch his breath, he was stunned to find that countless floating doughnuts appeared in front of him.

"Oh oh oh!!!!"

Kata Kuri twisted all the power in his body, roaring out countless shadows. I won't stop until I knock you down! !

With the movements of Kata Kuri, the donuts spreading across the sky turned into blue-black giant fists at the same time. Roaring and smashing the air and the dark clouds, there is only one target-Victor the Fierce Chain!

Only this man! Let yourself not want to use the air zipper to escape! In the face of the coming bombardment, Victor smiled excitedly instead of fear: "That's it...that's it! Come on, soldiers I'm proud of, crush them!!"

"Chain Nation·Hell Fleet (HellFleet)!!!"

Victor opened his arms in mid-air, and countless silver-white metallic lights gleamed in the sky behind him! Countless V-shaped zippers appear out of nowhere in the sky opposite to the donut honeycomb. All zippers are pulled upward at the same time to form a diamond-shaped space, which is combined in twos and threes to form a piece. With a creak, warships of various shapes and sizes slowly sailed out of it. Coral V-shaped zipper logos were printed on the sides of each warship. The main guns and side guns of the bow all turned forward, and the cables on the empty deck wriggled by themselves.

Every warship seems to have its own life.

This is the [army] prepared by the world's strongest boat crew for their leader! Sixty-six warships full of artillery stayed in the zippered space, waiting for their masters' call at any time. At this moment, it is the perfect moment for them to show up before the eyes of the world!

The blue flagship headed by it is the Beagle. The bow of the ship looks like a flying-winged Victory statue wearing a classical ornate armor, and the steel chain that has been repaired through the chain space stands with one hand akimbo at the bow, looking at Kata Kuri condescendingly.

Under the control of steel chain fingers, the muzzles of all warships were aimed at countless giant fists at the same time. Then, free fire! !

All the muzzles burst into flames, and countless cannonballs locked all the incoming rice cake fists under Victor's terrifying sight and flew away with howling!

The sky over the entire Cake Island was instantly enveloped by dense violent explosions and dazzling fires.

The violent impact caused the Cake Island to vigorously vibrate continuously, and the Cake City began to appear huge cracks from the third floor, and it would have to collapse directly depending on the situation.

Viktor ‘Chain’ VS Kata Kuri’s Star!

The person who survives will have the opportunity to embark on a further path!

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