Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 273 Bloody Wedding

When the overwhelming team of messenger birds found the Ark of Passion, this behemoth was already in the breeze waters of North Blue.

Yes, in just four days, the Ark of Passion moved from the Totto Land to North Blue across the Calm Belt.

The setting sun gradually sinks, and hundreds of black spots in the faint sunset form a surging black cloud, flying towards the Ark of Passion.

Victor was wearing a simple open striped shirt and black delicate trousers, sitting on the sofa next to the platform of the messenger's bird's nest. There were many ‘coral’ cadres standing beside them, and they looked up at the approaching flock of messenger birds with different expressions.

"Brother, isn't the "World Jing" delivered in the morning?" Perona, holding a small parasol, had a question mark on her face: "Why is it uncharacteristically today and a wave of printing in the afternoon?"

Victor took a sip of steaming coffee and said relaxedly: "After all, the president of the World Economic News Agency also needs to rest for two days. I have to say that this'big news' Morgans really had two things, not only from Akainu at the wedding. Escaped from a large-scale attack, and avoided the impact of the subsequent battle between Kata Kuri and Akainu, and even saved the Queen of the Pleasure District and the King of the Sea. Luck, vision, strength... But there is always one thing. Shortcomings will inevitably die in that hellish wedding venue."

Fluttering! Hundreds of messenger birds landed on the perch in the nest, first bowed their heads respectfully towards Victor, and then took out the ink-flavored newspaper from the messenger bag and placed it on the tray. The money was also confiscated, and the water and food were not touched. They put down the newspapers and flew away from the Ark of Passion and scattered in the other direction of North Blue.

"How did these gangsters turn their sex? Not only did they not eat the prepared food and water, they even confiscated the newspaper money?" Nami was a little curious, but the messenger bird famously didn't see the money and didn't give it to the newspaper. You dare to grab me. Dare to block your area forever.

"Their president Morgans encountered some minor difficulties when escaping from the cake city, so I helped him." Victor took the newspaper that Robin handed him, and opened it as he said, "Morgans swears. To always provide free newspapers within my sphere of influence, it seems that he has not forgotten this oath...very good, I like people who keep promises."

The cadres picked up the newspapers one after another, and when they opened them, they were immediately attracted by the explosive content on the front page.

The headlines seemed to describe the tragedy of the wedding venue in an immersive manner, and focused on the last shocking battle. The text Vice Admiral Victor praised like a god descending from the earth, he blocked the dessert with his hand while strolling in the garden. The three stars joined forces. Cracker and Snague were lightly killed on the spot by Victor. Kata Kuri was also willing to obey Victor’s kingly demeanor. under. Except for these exaggerated descriptions, the other content is not too off-track. In the article, if it is emphasized that the [husband] used trust to kill [wife], and Akainu is described as a murderer who only sneaks and deceives, this wedding is ultimately defined as [Blood Wedding]. The article was signed by ‘Big News’ Morgans at the end, and it seems that almost dying under the magma fist really made Morgans angry.

"Hehehehehe...After the BIGMOM Pirate Group is destroyed, their territory will be swarmed by the scavenging crows."

Gekko Moria folded the newspaper and sat in the corner leisurely with pillows in both hands: "But after this bloody wedding, the Kata Kuri guy will either sink down or soar into the sky. Victor, you just found one for yourself. Trouble."

Victor tilted his head and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "...is it really trouble?"


Grand Line‘ New World’, Wanokuni.

Ghost island.

This is an island resembling a long horned skull, near Wanokuni. The owner of the island is one of the [Four Emperors], Kaido, ‘Hundred Beasts’!

In the huge cave, a very large man was holding a wine gourd and drinking wine, a huge swallowing sound resounded throughout the cave, and a group of pirates with horns on their heads stood silently.

Scattered pieces of torn paper were scattered under the man's feet, and densely packed text messages could vaguely be seen on them.

"Boss Kaido!! There is news! Master Jack's disappearance..." A pirate crawled into the cave and stopped abruptly before he finished shouting. He began to tremble all over, as if being stared at by the existence at the top of the food chain.

The burly man who was drinking put down the wine gourd and looked at the pirate with indifferent eyes. The body over 8 meters is extremely strong and mighty, and there is a cross-shaped scar on the right abdomen. He has black hair in a shawl, a huge horn on each forehead, a long beard like a dragon's beard on his mouth, and a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm. The naked upper body is full of strength and muscles. A purple top is hung on the waist, two gold chains are hung on the hem of the top, and the lower body is wearing dark green wide pants. A huge evil spirit that feeds on people on the hill.

[Four Emperors]! Known as the ‘strongest creature’ that no one can rival by sea, land, or air, ‘Beasts’ Kaido! Bounty of 4.611 million Berry!

"...Say." Kaido looked away, and once again raised the huge wine gourd and drank the wine, the syrup dripped down the corner of his mouth.

"Uh, yes! Lord Jack was attacked by Coral in the Totto Land of IWC, and was defeated by Hao Xue, the King of Zombies, Gekko Moria, and an unknown Zoan."

The pirate swallowed nervously and stuttered.

"Jack... lost?"

Kaido's eyes instantly turned into emotionless, hideous eyes, and a huge sense of coercion continued to escape from his body to the surroundings: "I still lost to the subordinates of Fierce Chain!? This waste——!!! "

boom--! !

The huge fist hit the ground fiercely, the whole cave trembles violently, and the ground cracks every inch!

The surrounding pirates became more afraid to speak, and could only look at the shivering news in silence, with sympathy in their eyes.

"Kill Chain... such a powerful combat power, and also possesses many powerful subordinates. Even the extremely tenacious Gekko Moria surrendered to him!"

Kaido slowly stood up and let out an angry roar. The horrible coercion turned into the impact of the entity, which shook the surrounding pirates, and roared through the island with drunken terror: "Not only that, he also I defeated the king of snakes who had been greedy for a long time!!! Why! Why can't such an outstanding talent be used by me!!!"

The pirate who was the first to bear the brunt burst into tears, and his legs trembled violently. He was about to be frightened and fainted, but he heard a bang!

As the cave trembled violently again, Kaido fell heavily to the ground and snored. The pirates around all breathed a sigh of relief, after all, their boss's wine was really bad.

"You all get back." A cold voice came from behind the news. Everyone looked at it and found that it was a tall and strong man of even figure. He wore a mask and helmet with goggles, black warden costume and black leather gloves, a pair of black feather wings behind his back, no skin left, a knife hung around his waist, and flames surrounded his body.

He is the big sign of Beasts Pirates, the ‘KING’, one of the ‘Three Plagues’!

"Master Jin, Master Jack..." They hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, pick them up into Wanokuni, and I will take care of the others." Jhin's tone was extremely cold:

"The clumsy Jack is so embarrassing, I, a big brother, naturally want to help him clean up the mess."

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