Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 286 Official start!

The ‘City of Yesterday’ Jesteden, the central square ‘Heinholm’.

This is the sacred place where the Hunter Association announced its official establishment, and it is also the starting venue for previous hunter qualification trials.

At this time, the huge square was already packed, and tens of thousands of people poured into the square to watch the upcoming opening ceremony.

The trio of Tezolo was also squeezed into the crowd. Mozart tried his best to protect his moustache, and said breathlessly: "Damn, are there so many people signing up? Laozi's underwear is going to be squeezed out!"

Tezolo's meticulously combed dark green back was already messy. He squeezed the fat man beside him and said with difficulty, "These... these are mostly tourists and local residents! No pirates have dared to come close these years. The waters near Sternen, and the hunter trials are held here at a fixed time every year, so this island has gradually become the most popular tourist destination in South Blue."

Tang Tenn touched his shaved scalp, pushed his arms away from the people beside him, and took the opportunity to pull Tezolo and Mozart forward.

When they got to the front, they discovered that although the square was crowded, everyone spontaneously left enough space on the podium in front of the square.

"That's... the podium where Victor, the evil chain, announced the official establishment of the Hunter Association!" Mozart looked at the podium full of sacred meaning, excited. Not only him, but Duntern was also very excited. Both of them are loyal fans of Victor, the fierce chain.

This is the sixth time Tezolo has seen this podium, and he behaves much calmer than the two.

The huge clock tower in the north of the square pointed at 10:00, and as the huge bell rang, a figure stepped onto the podium.

Seeing that figure, the crowd burst into extremely enthusiastic emotions.

"Oh oh oh oh! It was the president who came to the scene in person!! The president!!"

"President! President!!"

"Master Victor! Please sign me!"

Looking at the chic figure in a black suit and black cloak, Mozart and Duntern opened their eyes and murmured: "That's... [Cruel Chain] Victor!!"

Not only tourists and citizens, but even the contestants were excited. Over the years, Victor's name has gradually become a legend, and every bounty hunter admires and admires him from the bottom of his heart. Who could have imagined that Victor, the fierce chain who has rarely appeared in recent years, would actually come to the game in person!

In the crowd, the "Spider" Spade standing on the ground honestly stared at the figure on the podium, with deep fear and complex yearning on his face. It had nothing to do with the others. It was just standing opposite each other. The admiration of the strong at the top of the world.

The ‘blind man’ kept sticking his wooden staff with his hands all his life, and tilted his head slightly to listen to something.

On the podium, Victor Chain of Violent stretched out his hands and pressed down slightly, and the noisy and chaotic huge square became quiet within a few seconds.

"Everyone here, welcome to Heinholm Square in the City of Yesterday."

Compared to his appearance five years ago, Victor is now close to 2 meters tall, his blond hair is combed back into a meticulous back, his handsome face still has no beard, but he can no longer see the slightest greenness. Exuding a strong personal charm all the time. With his left hand wearing black leather gloves, he held a small and exquisite transmission phone worm on his chest, and his gentle and elegant voice resounded through the amplifier equipment throughout the square:

"Six years ago, I stood here to announce the founding of the Hunter Association to the world. Today, I can be happy to tell everyone that we did it."

"All the bounty hunters are united, and there are no longer only Marines and pirates on this sea."

"Every honorable bounty hunter can proudly claim that he has the entire hunter association as a strong backing. As always, the association will provide the strongest support for all members."

"And we are no longer limited to hunting pirates to get bounties. Our footprints are all over the sea. Music hunters, food hunters, guard hunters, relic hunters, rare animal hunters... The Hunter Association welcomes all talents with unique skills to join. ."

"Want to pursue your dream? Want to go further? Come on, let the world know your abilities through the Hunter Association Qualification Tournament!"

"I hereby announce that the 6th Hunter Qualification Trial..."

"Officially start!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire Heinholm Square burst into an unparalleled enthusiastic sound!

In the crowd of voices, Mozart's eyes flashed with tears of excitement. He who has always been arrogant suddenly felt that he had an extremely firm goal of conviction-to become a real hunter! Be sure to successfully pass the trials to obtain qualifications!

Victor's figure disappeared from the podium at some point. Accompanied by the deafening wave of human voices, a white dove wearing a black top hat fluttered and landed next to the phone worm on the podium, groaned twice before speaking:

"Cuckoo... can everyone hear you clearly? OK! Contestants, I believe you have already got your own number when you sign up. Please keep the number plate properly. This gadget will affect your success. Pass the trials."

Mozart suddenly remembered that he did get the number plate marked with number 367 when he signed up. It turned out that there was another use for that thing... He touched his pocket and found that the number plate was still there, but fortunately he didn't throw it away. Tang Tern's face turned pale next to him, and he began to frantically dig his pockets through his backpack.

The square gradually calmed down, and the pigeon Lafayette pushed the black top hat on top of his head and continued: “As the examiner of the first round of the competition, I announced the content of the examination-successfully arrived at the uninhabited island of Rafham. The time limit is within 48 hours. Friendly reminder, your performance in the game will be included in the total score. Then... let’s see you in Rafam Island!"

After speaking, the pigeon fluttered and flew away.

People watched the pigeon Lafayette leave in amazement, and it was quiet for a while before suddenly a violent roar erupted.

"Rafam Island? What the hell is this! Isn't the official even giving me any coordinates?"

"Who knows where Rafam Island is? I will pay for it! 100,000 Berry!"

"I pay 200,000!"

"What about the boat! All the competitors are present, and the boat cannot be destroyed! Go to the dock!"

"Fool, buy supplies first is the key!"

The Mozart trio sneaked out of the crowd and found a relatively quiet alley to study countermeasures.

"It's that simple in the first round? Just arrive at the island?" Don Tenn touched the back of his head and said slyly.

Mozart leaned on the moss-covered wall with his arms folded and said with a frown, "It won't be that simple. First, raise the number plate to make everyone aware of each other's competitors, and then give a name but no nautical chart and The islands in the coordinates...Should we say, was it so difficult in the first round?"

"Each game has its own unique assessment direction." Tezolo squatted on the ground while rummaging in his backpack and said, "If you guessed it correctly, the first round of this competition should be a test of the participants. Sailing ability, teamwork ability and ability to search for targets. After all, we all eat together on the sea, and if you want to sail, one person is not enough."

Don Tern couldn't understand even more: "Then, what should we do now?"

"No, there is no information about Rafam Island recorded on the nautical chart." Tezolo lay down on the ground and spread the nautical chart carefully to compare the icons: "Which one of you has a better ship?"

"I, I came on a merchant ship..." Tang Teen lowered his head in shame.

Mozart twisted his mustache and smiled and said, "My'Love Sachs' is a brig, and its style and specifications are all imitations of the great ship'Beagle'. The supplies will last for about one month. Stock."

Tezolo thought for a while: "Then use Mozart's old boat. Don Tern goes to the dock to protect the boat. We have about two hours to collect information about Rafam Island."

"2 hours? Too little!" Mozart twirled his mustache faster.

Tezolo slammed out of the alley, only to see the running contestants everywhere. Everyone is frantically rushing to buy supplies, or buying information about Rafam Island at high prices.

The whole Jesteden was plunged into a frenetic atmosphere.

"Trust me, from the moment the competition started, the behavior of all our contestants has been included in the [rater]'s vision."

Tezolo lowered his voice and said, "And even if it is safe to arrive at Rafam Island within the time limit, I am afraid that the time sequence of arrival will also be an important scoring criterion."

"Score? What's that?" Duntern felt that his brain was not enough.

"I will tell you about the scoring thing when I get on the ship, let's take action!"

Tezolo clapped his hands, and the three of them moved immediately.

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