Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 293 Surrender

"XX, XX raised by XX gang!!"

"Mad Hatter" David Rick takes the lead! While exhaling fragrance, he raised the flintlock in his hand and aimed at Tezolo. As the mouth foam splashed, the muzzle erupted with a dull sound, and a small shock wave surface formed by a white air current appeared at the front of the muzzle.

Almost at the same time, Tezolo in the distance was driven backwards by the huge impact, and at the same time, a cloud of blood exploded on his left shoulder. Mozart and Duntern reacted quickly. The former immediately rushed to Tezolo to hold him, while the latter draped his hands in a straight line with chains around his chest, watching the trio in front of him vigilantly.

"Impossible, how could there be such a powerful flintlock gun!"

Mozart was shocked when he saw the terrible injury on Tezolo's left shoulder. Just now, Duntern was knocked down by such a shot. This kind of firepower is too exaggerated!

Duntern squinted his eyes while holding a spare chain knife. He keenly noticed that the muzzle of the flintlock rifle in David Rick's hand was red and even deformed, and it was obviously no longer usable. ‘Leader’ Beth threw the flintlock in his hand to Rick, then hooked up the gray gun bag under his feet, and neatly took out two flintlocks of the same style and held them in both hands. ‘Spring Hand’ Jerry forcefully rushed towards Don Tenn’s side, very fast!

"It's not the problem of firearms, it's the ability of David Rick!" Duntern said quickly in a deep voice: "Can't let him continue shooting, cover me!"

Having said that, Tang Tern exerted force at the same time and slammed into the ‘spring hand’ Jerry who was rushing straight. With a muffled sound and a cry of pain, Jerry, who had not reacted for a while, was knocked directly to the ground by the big-waisted Duntern, who kept rushing towards David Rick and Beth on irregular trajectories under his feet. go.

"Oh... Jerry!" Beth turned Byakugan: "When I go back, I will tell the end of the summer how ‘heroic’ his father is!"

That's how it is said, but the flintlock in her hand has been aimed at Tang Tern, who is moving and approaching at high speed. Before she can shoot, several bursts of air roared! After a few shots, several lead bullets that were squeezed and deformed by the collision and the same deformed golden spheres clanged and landed on the deck one after another.

Tezolo half-kneeled on the ground and squinted at Bass, keeping his hands in the posture of ejecting bullets. Gold continued to gather between his thumb and index finger knuckles to form new golden bullets, and Mozart was nowhere to be seen. 'Spring Hand' Jerry also got up, wiped the corners of his mouth, and chased after Duntern with blood.

Beth threw away the flintlock that shot the bullet in his hand and was about to take a new one, and the deck under his feet suddenly shattered! The cold flashing Guguli sword danced into a high-speed spinning windmill, rushing out of the lower cabin, and rowing towards Beth's throat. But the golden scimitar inlaid with gems is one step faster and firmly blocks in front of Bass!

Cang——! !

The harsh metal friction sounded through the audience, and a lot of sparks burst out at the intersection of the two knives!

"Little XX...what do you want to do to my daughter?"

David Rick's red eyes were full of madness. Just as he was about to slash his sword towards Mozart, the howling chain knife came right away! Duntern got rid of Jerry's entanglement, and slammed the chain knife in his hand towards Rick!

Rick laughed wildly and allowed the chain knife to wrap around the golden scimitar in his hand. Just as Duntern's hands tried to pull Rick's golden scimitar away with the chain, Rick violently used the momentum to bend the gold. The knife was thrown at Duntern like a javelin!

"Push the Javelin·Golden Knife!"

The golden scimitar instantly accelerated several times, and flew towards Tang Tenn with the heavy chains entangled on the sword! Tang Tern reacted extremely quickly. His pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye in an instant, and he violently pulled the chain in his hand to slightly interfere with the flight trajectory of the golden scimitar. Almost at the same time, the terror javelin turned by the golden scimitar passed through Duntern without any hindrance and slammed through the wooden cabin behind him firmly! The chains were twisted to pieces, and the golden scimitar gradually turned into golden stars shining in the storm and disappeared into the dark clouds on the horizon.

Tang Tern also fell to the ground, a large piece of flesh and blood was taken away from his upper left arm, and the whole was a neat semicircular incision. The intense high temperature burned and smoked the wound, which saved the step of hemostasis.

For this reason, Mozart and others finally figured out the fruiting ability of "Mad Hatter" David Rick. He can apply multiple accelerations to any object he is holding, which is simply to give the object an extra and powerful propulsion.

Paramecia pushes the fruit!

Bullets fired by his guns will accelerate several times. Similarly, the weapons and props he throws can also become terrible deadly weapons. Even the water droplets he spit out and the air currents he spit out can be turned into extremely lethal weapons.

Air flow...Danttern suddenly thought of a terrible ability to use!

"Hahahaha! There is no reason you can think of it, I can't think of it! Let you see the scariest and most stylish high-speed movement skills on this sea! Promote the air flow!!"

David Rick drooled and laughed wildly. With a muffled noise, his figure instantly accelerated into a phantom, and a heavy fist hit Duntern’s abdomen and flew into the cabin behind him. Among the wreckage of wood chips.

"Oh my god...Rick dad!" Jerry and Beth, who were fighting Mozart and Tezolo, turned Byakugan and shouted at the same time.

The corners of Tezolo's eyes twitched, and the original style of death battle changed instantly after Rick used the trick to'push the airflow'. He forced the bass away with a punch and shouted, "He can't use that move continuously! He's not a skunk!"

Mozart didn’t reply, but David Rick, who heard it from a distance, became angry: "Who said I can’t do it!? I’m David Rick! The'mad hat' who surpassed the limit of mankind!! See the trick, Push the airflow!"

With a muffled sound, David Rick's figure blurred into a phantom again. At the same time, Tezolo leaned back abruptly, and the wreckage behind him exploded the sky with debris. Rick fell into the debris and climbed up with difficulty. There were more than a dozen places on his body. Being pierced deeply into the flesh and blood by the wood chips and bleeding outwards, his left arm was in an irregular shape and was obviously fractured.

Beth frowned and looked at the deck under his feet. He saw hundreds of tiny golden balls scattered all over the deck. It was they that caused Rick, who was moving at high speed, to lose his balance.

Tezolo kicked her into the air on the distracted bass with a kick, and the golden ball on the ground climbed up his trouser legs and reunited between his knuckles and turned into a golden tiger.

"Beth!" Jerry ‘Spring Hand’ was shocked when he saw it, and he rushed to the side of Beth who had fallen to the ground and helped her up by being scratched by Mozart’s Guguli knife on his back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I solemnly make a suggestion to you all."

Tezolo closed his dark green hair and smiled:


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