Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 297 You Are Out

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

I saw a barefoot man wearing a long brown windbreaker sitting volley on the top of the branches and leaves that shaded the sun, with greasy blue hair hanging down all over his head, behind his vague face and malicious double pupils, and crimson eyeshadow. Extending from the corner of the eye to the temple.

"Spider" Spade!

"Although official statistics show that your hunting targets are all pirates, there are many rumors about your bad behavior."

"Mad Hatter" David Rick scratched the messy hedgehog's head, and looked at Spade with only caution but no fear: "What's the matter with us?"

Spade sat cross-legged in the air at will. Hearing Rick’s question, he grinned slightly, revealing the sharp teeth of White Fang: "Bah Bah Bah... Didn’t I say that? I want to play a game with you guys. . Do you like hunting games? Or guess the coins? Or stay together..."

"Sorry, we don't have time to play this kind of boring game with you. After all, we are all mature adults." Spade was interrupted by Tezolo before he finished speaking.

‘Spider’’s eyes narrowed slightly, apparently he rarely encountered such uninteresting prey.

In the center of the open space below, Tezolo carefully took the peculiar umbrella mushroom'Aizen material' from the chest of the blue gorilla corpse and put it in a special cowhide bag and tied the bag to the waist before looking up into the air. Spade, with a false smile on his face: "Or...you can go back to the kindergarten to find the children to relive the old dream?"

On the branch in the distance, Beth couldn't help covering his mouth and laughed. Jerry and Duntern even crossed their backs and laughed happily, and Rick also smiled and unscrewed the hip flask to take a sip of wine.

"...It seems that you don't know the word "reverence" for [power]."

Spade's eyes glowed with weird red light, resembling a tarantula about to start hunting: "It's a shame that you gave up your only vitality by yourself..."

"Strength?" Tezolo lifted his shoulders and let out a sneer: "Your strength will only be used to bully existences that are far weaker than you. Four years ago, you would be incapable of the'blind man' who spoke up for justice in your life. The guild leader’s presence in person makes you hug your head and dare not raise your head. The guild leader and the blind man are called "strength"!"

With that, Tezolo looked at the companions beside him: "Everyone, who of you plans to play games with this giant baby?"

"No way, we are mature adults." Duntern and Jerry hooked their shoulders together, and Mozart also helped.

"Maybe he longs for maternal love?" Beth, who jumped off the giant tree and came to his companion, said no mercy.

"Sorry dear, but I don't want such a big'grandson', it will really be treated as a joke for a lifetime...hiccup!" As expected of Beth's biological father, Rick speaks more poisonously.

Tezolo sneered and turned his head to look at Spade in the sky, his fist bones covered with gold fingers: "Spider Spader, four years ago, I was not strong enough to stop your atrocities. But now I am not what I used to be. It is useless to say more, let's give it a try, we are not the weak ones who are at your disposal!"

"It turns out that it was the fish that missed the net in the second trial..."

"I promise..." Spade slowly stood up in the air, his back bowed deeply, and the crimson eyes that looked at Tezolo were as thick as blood dripping: "You must die in a particularly painful way!"


The climate in the tropical jungle is humid and hot, and swarms of mosquitoes search for all creatures, but instinctively avoid the gray-haired man under the giant tree on the beach.

There are also those who don't have long eyes. They blasted into small fireballs within half a meter of the gray-haired man's body, and the ashes dispersed with the wind.

Rather than being patient, it's better to say that the person "Shining Liu" Quasimodo hasn't moved at all. He leaned under the giant tree with his arms folded, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, the arbor trees on the east side shook for a while, and dozens of contestants, all blue and blue, walked out of it.

Quasimodo tilted his head and did not speak.

"Examiner... Examiner... Ah there, it's really comparable to invisibility!"

The burly giant headed by only wore thin pants on his lower body. Holding a huge metal anchor with Madara Madara rust in his left hand, he scratched his blue hair with his empty right hand, walked towards Quasimodo and shouted: "Examiner, we I have collected that "Aizen material", so let's calculate the ranking!"

The ‘Big Anchor’ Ados, a bounty hunter known for his brute force and tactics. The small group ‘Anchor Studio’ he leads not only hunts down pirates, but also sometimes appears as a caravan bodyguard or smuggler. They do whatever makes money anyway.

In the hunter trials, Ados brought his men to try their luck, but they successfully passed the first round of the competition and won the [26] ranking. Unexpectedly, they at the end of the crane would be the first in the second round.

Quasimodo just tilted his head and looked at the blue-skinned guys with spicy eyes one by one. These people were naked like Ados, and they were so blue that they seemed to ruin the childhood version of the Smurfs.

Ados and his "Anchor Studio" were numbed by Quasimodo's sight and had to shout: "Why? Are you not an examiner? According to your request, we served." Aizen "Finally" and successfully came to you alive, the ranking [1] in the second round of the competition is ours, right!"

"The juice of the blue sky cow is hard to drink, isn't it?" Quasimodo grinned, and there was even a little spark between the collision of his mouth full of fangs: "If you don't dare to take the Aizen material, you can replace it with the blue sky cow. It is very innovative. There is still one hour left. If I were you, I would hurry up and look for [Aizen material] again."

The tone is very kind, unlike the ruthless one-star crime hunter in the legend. But this also gave the ‘Big Anchor’ Addos a sense of swelling that he shouldn’t have.

"I said, what we eat is Aizen!" Ados stared into copper bells, and gritted his teeth word by word, "Aizen will dye the surface of the user's body blue. Do you want to deny it? Review the ranking!"

A group of blue men faintly surrounded Quasimodo with weapons.

"Big Anchor" Addos saw Quasimodo not speaking, and slowed down: "It's just a simple exam. We understand what should be understood or not. 20 million Berry, I will wait until the end of the game. The check will be handed out in person. How?"

After showing the muscles, it's the turn to give carrots, which is also the usual routine of "Anchor Studio". Simple, but easy to use.

The Anchor Studio aims at the huge benefits and convenience that the hunter qualification can bring, only 20 million Berry, as long as you have the hunter qualification, you can earn more in less than half a year!

"When you were talking nonsense, another 2 minutes passed." Quasimodo took out a pocket watch with a gold background and a red pattern, and said lightly: "Don't try to bribe the examiner. I will only warn this time. Get out of here. !"

That's how it was said, but Quasimodo took out a small dozing small video phone bug from his arms, with the letter V printed on the back of the phone bug. He placed the phone worm on a big rock less than 3 meters away from him, and clicked the phone worm's head.

The phone worm woke up all of a sudden, and his eyes became a continuously spreading thread, with faint light shining from the eyes.

Seeing that the phone worm started to work, Quasimodo began to move his shoulders and wrists, and there was a dull "quack, quack" sound.

"You guy... have you listened to us!" A bald contestant in Anchor Studio couldn't restrain his irritability, waved the big axe in his hand and yelled at Quasimodo, and walked forward a few times. step.

Then he raised the axe's entire right arm and the axe, all disappeared from the shoulder, and the wound became charred.

The companions looked at the bald head who fell to the ground constantly screaming in horror, and yelled at Quasimodo in a visceral manner: "We, we are the contestants! We are bounty hunters!'Shining Liu', what do you want to do! "

"According to the Examination Officer Regulations, in the face of contestants who have a tendency to attack, try to bribe the examiner, or are found cheating, the examiner has the right to self-defense and counterattack after the warning is invalid."

Quasimodo slowly retracted his right fist, which was still in the shooting posture. There were four red jet holes in the fist bones that looked like spray gun nozzles, and the green flames gradually extinguished. He looked at the dazed "Big Anchor" Addos, with a cruel smile: "Carefully consider your next actions and words. Any overrun behavior will cause me to attack. Ah, by the way... "

"You are out of the second round of exams."

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