"One hundred million volts Indra Vajra!"

The violent lightning flew in all directions, and then gathered and formed. Double-headed and three-stranded, the treasure is solemn, a peculiar magical artifact formed by re-melting and condensing a golden trident appears impressively!

The intense high temperature radiated from it, and the destructive thunder light enveloped the entire shrine ruins. The surviving god soldiers were all swept by the edge of thunder and turned into coke and ashes, and the scene was extremely tragic.

Originally, according to Enel's character, dealing with the enemy only needed a simple and rude direct bombardment of thunder light. But the blond man in front of him was so strong that he was not afraid of thunder and lightning, and he had to use his ability to press the bottom of the box.

As soon as he grasped the vajra pestle, solid electric blades suddenly emerged from both ends of the magic weapon, and after dancing a few times, they slammed into Victor.

The infinite thunder light slashed towards him, but Victor was only when the breeze was blowing his face. He held the nylon chain knife horizontally in front of him, and the middle finger of his right index finger was close to the blade and stroking it. The chain knife instantly showed a black aura shaped like a flame.

"Come and not be indecent. Then I will show my hands..."

"Chain Knife·Ming Wang Ling is so hot!"

The chain knife swung, and the wonderful black flame on the knife surged. The terrifying thunder light that struck was not even close to 5 meters in front of Victor, and was firmly blocked by the invisible force field. Afterwards, the black flames rolled back like a raging frenzy, and Enel was swallowed up by the violent black fire without even screaming.

"Brother's armed color is too terrifying, it can actually turn into a black flame."

In the relatively safe sky in the distance, Perona was observing the battlefield with a small and gorgeous binoculars, saying something in her mouth: "That guy who calls himself [God] is terrible."

"Have you forgotten the new combat system developed by Victor?"

Wu Hongji sits steadily on a small island cloud floating in mid-air: "[Tang], [Extreme], [Practice], [Fa], and have corresponding high-end application skills."

"[Wrap], let Armament Haki slowly flow and cover the whole body, playing a stronger protective effect than usual."

"[Absolutely], completely condensing one's own aura so that Kawasaki and Armament Haki can quickly reply."

"[Practice], the Armament Haki burst out suddenly, causing the instant attack power to rise sharply."

"[Fa], controlling Armament Haki out of the body is a great method for physicists and snipers who lack long-range means."

"A genius creative, but Victor insists that he was only guided by [Apocalypse], saying that this is the originator of this combat concept and someone else." Robin smiled and said, "He is quite shy."

Of course Victor will be shy, because this is really not his original technique, but from the mainstream combat system in a manga named "Hunter X Hunter" in his dream.

In that manga, the masters use a fighting technique called [reading ability]. This is the ability to manipulate life energy, and you can freely manipulate the life energy aura emitted from the body. This force used for attack or defense is called mind.

In the past, after Victor obtained the Chain Fruit, he developed the Chain Fruit in accordance with the "Four Major Actions" of mental ability and achieved remarkable results.

The ‘four major actions’ are point, tongue, exercise, and hair.

Point---Let your heart focus on one point, stare at yourself, and set goals.

Tongue---translate it into language.

Refining --- prompting the will.

Send it to action.

Victor discovered that as long as he has enough creativity and willpower to unswervingly imagine and develop Paramecia Devil Fruit in that direction, Paramecia Devil Fruit will give him endless power.

I have to say that he is indeed on the right path. Those who have developed Paramecia Devil Fruit to an incredible level have taken this path without exception.

Not only the Big Four, Victor has developed a series of techniques for using Haki.

In the Hunter Qualification Tournament, the technique of ‘Burning Stream’ Quasimodo to hide his sense of existence and form a similar invisibility is one of the techniques called [Hidden]. This is a technique to further constrict one's own'voice' and even the breath of life. In short, it is to eliminate the sense of existence.

And the advanced Armament Haki similar to the black flame used by Victor is also an application of advanced techniques. [Burning], Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki are mixed together, and refined into almost substantial external Haki.

[Apocalypse] Tell yourself that those top powerhouses can also do this. Whitebeard, red-haired Shanks, and Kaido, these top powerhouses with Conqueror's Haki all have similar skills.

And he finally stepped into this level.

The ruins of the shrine had long been dilapidated, and the black fire burned for a moment and then dissipated like a phantom bubble, leaving only Enel, who was tragically burned, lying on the ground.

Of course Victor kept his hand. He cleverly controlled his strength and did not completely kill Enel, nor did he damage the island cloud under his feet.

He still has something to ask Enel.

Enel is of course not stupid, what else can he do if he can't fight with all his means? Shock! He reluctantly stood up and coughed twice and said hardly: "You, what do you want? Gold? God's position? This land?"

Victor carried the chain knife to Enel and squatted down, and said gently, "No, no, what I want is not so superficial, Mr. God. What I am looking for is a huge stone monument that is extremely hard. , A stone stele that cannot be destroyed by any means and is engraved with words that no one can understand."

"...Stele?" Enel's white turban had been burned, revealing the curled hair that resembled an aunt's shape inside. He tried hard to think about it, but still had no clue: "I haven't seen the kind of stone monument you mentioned. There is no such thing here!"

"Yes." Victor said categorically, "Don't fool me, just take a look, don't grab you."

"Really not!" Enel felt bitter in his heart. He was beaten and killed almost all his subordinates indirectly, just for a non-existent stele? Brother, can you ask a question before you start the fight?

Victor gave a ‘tsk’: "Don’t look like you are wronged, Mr. God. You have killed countless people. Even if I kill them, there shouldn’t be any complaints."

Enel suddenly remembered that the opponent had mentioned ‘Birka’ before starting the game, and couldn’t help asking, "You came for the Birka who was destroyed by me?"

"NONONO." Victor shook his fingers, and then compared his thumb behind him: "It's not me, but an avenger who is full of anger at you."

Over there, the giant human standing dog "Holy" was lying on the ground and was sticking out his tongue frantically. It was really exhausted.

Urouge looked at the shrine that was almost razed to the ground with a look of shock, and the former god "Gan Fuer" behind him was even more stunned: "What, what happened?"

Within ten seconds, the warriors of Sandia also jumped onto the island cloud of the ‘Sanctuary’. They just wanted to speak but were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Enel glanced dullly across these new characters, then hesitated and asked:

"...It seems that they all have grudges against me, which one are you talking about?"

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