"Don't look at me with that look, I know what you are thinking. We have said that we are not pirates and robbers, why don't we just believe it?"

Victor tilted his head, dismissing Enel's guarded eyes at all: "Do you think that your'property' is hidden? I've found out on the way there, so many'voices' gathered in the clouds." Next, if you think about it, you can know that you are not having a bonfire PARTY."

Enel is stunned, the other party also has a "heart outline"? This, isn't this [God Empowerment] that only a handful of Sky Island talents have?

"But I am really interested in Sky Island, no, it should be said that Birka's secret air and sea technology is very interesting."

Victor raised his eyebrows: "Using power technology, it can also build a flying ark. It seems that you are not as worthless as you think, Mr. God."

"Yes, Damn it! Why stop me!! It is only two years away. Give me two more years to completely complete the Ark's Proverbs, and then I will be able to ride it to the Infinite Land!!"

Enel was not reconciled, his ambition was shattered like this.

Gan Fuer was a little puzzled: "You invaded the air sanctuary, chased me away and replaced it, captured all the original soldiers but didn't kill them. Now it seems that you don't even care about the island of God... Enel, what is your goal? what?"

Enel had completely let go, and simply turned over and sat cross-legged on the ground, wiped the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's [return], Ganfor."


"Yes, I have a place I want to go." Enel raised his head and looked to the sky: "In Birka, where I was born, people think [there] is the place where [God] exists. People call it the place where [God] exists. [The Infinite Land] There is an endless land! There is the dream world I seek, and it is the land that best matches me!"

His gaze swept across Sandia's warrior and Ganfor one by one, with a mocking look on his face:

"Like the Island of Gods, it’s boring to keep fighting for this insignificant piece of land for hundreds of years! Think about it, it’s not a cloud that can be born in the sky, or a bird that can live in the sky and take root in the sky. The Sky Island is against nature at all! The soil returns to the soil, man returns to man, and God returns to God. Each has its own destination. Once the Ark’s “Proverbs” is completed, the country will be completely destroyed, just like Birka four years ago. , I didn’t expect that the Blue Ocean people who were killed halfway would ruin the whole situation. It’s... Yehahahaha!"

"What a lunatic..." Ganfor was speechless for Enel's crazy remarks. Without these blue sea people, the scene two years later is simply unimaginable!

At that time, I am afraid that the entire aerial sanctuary...no, even the Island of Gods will be completely destroyed. All Sky Island people will either be buried in the thunder, or fall desperately toward the lower realm like a bird that has lost the ability to fly.

"Enel said about the infinite land, the little monk had also heard Master talk about it."

Urouge, who had been silent, suddenly said: "When the night sky falls, the infinite earth will appear above your head. The people of Birka fear it, worship it, and worship it as a god. But the myth is a myth after all, Enel, you are too crazy. NS."

"Yehahahaha! Your master Mo Yunseng's rhetoric is different from yours, Yamato Shang!"

Enel had no repentance. Instead, he clapped his hands and laughed: "That bad old man... originally planned to take him to this white sea, but turned down the invitation from me as a [God] and returned Rory. He tried to interfere with me. Then I had no choice but to send him to see his'Buddha' hahaha!!"

"This world...there is no [God]!" The former [God] Ganfor shouted loudly: "The name of [God] is nothing more than the title of the leader of this country!"

"No, Ganfor..." Enel sneered at the corner of his mouth: "There is [God] in this world..."

"that's me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the large island cloud beneath everyone's feet exploded suddenly! Thunder light suddenly appeared, and the violent thunder sound resounded across the sky!

Seastone didn't tell him... when? The Shandia warrior Webber who fell towards the ground only had time to think of this sentence, and saw Enel turned into a thunder light of the limit, rushing towards the island of gods in the lower realm!

Although flying upwards is a bit strenuous, it turns into [Thunder Light] to move downwards or horizontally at high speeds, but Enel is good at it.

His goal is very clear, to make a surprise attack and blow up the island cloud that carries the golden clock. This golden clock is so important to those in the blue sea. They must be struggling to cope with the tens of meters high and extremely heavy golden clock to prevent it from falling into the white sea, even if the damn blond boy can fly and wants to hold it. The heavy golden clock will also consume most of his power. As long as he is absent, he is the existence of [Invincible]! !

There is only one thing I have to do now-immediately return to the Ark’s ‘Proverbs’. Although the floating system has not yet been completed, the thundercloud generating mechanism within the "Proverbs" has been completed. As long as you have this, your ability will be multiplied, and even if that kid is back, he won't be his opponent anymore!

Thinking of this, Enel couldn't help but glance back.

As a result, this eye almost scared him out of a heart attack.

The tens of meters high golden clock connected to the bottom base is disappearing out of thin air! ? Upon closer inspection, it seemed that a strange zipper appeared in the sky, and the opened zipper space was incorporating this giant clock into it.

The guys who fell were all pulled into shape and stopped in mid-air... Damn it! It's that blond boy who did a good job again! But it doesn’t matter, [Ray] is faster! The Blue Ocean people would be very wrong if they wanted to play ‘air combat’ with himself, the god of the sky.


Very close! As long as you rush to the Ark's "Proverbs" first, you will win!


Um? what sound? What a strange laugh...

Enel couldn't hold back his curiosity, turned his head and glanced again. I saw that girl with pink hair and round eyes was holding a small parasol next to her, and also flew downwards at super high speed.

"Hmm... There is a way in heaven, you dare to chase me alone?" Enel was not surprised and rejoiced: "Are you his woman? Just kill you, and that blond boy will be messed up!" "

"One hundred million volts·discharge!!"

Enel turned into a violent thunder light and exploded around, and Perona's figure was instantly swallowed by the thunder light.

Kill it! Enel was overjoyed and was about to continue on his way. Suddenly, a mysterious and mysterious feeling came from the bottom of his heart. Seeing him in mid-air, he regained his human form, and he curled up into a ball and cried: "My earlobes are so long that I don’t deserve to be called [God], so I might as well let the sparrows peck me to death! I’m so troublesome for everyone. You deserve to die! Wow wow wow!!"

Watching the huge ghosts clutching Enel, who was curled up and crying loudly, Perona, who reunited on the other side, turned the small parasol and tilted his head triumphantly:

"[Negative Phantom] You won the first battle! Unlucky for you, big earlobes!"

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