Outside the tavern is the central square of the town of Batirila Island.

At this time, the square has been evacuated from a large area, and the onlookers crowded around and cheered continuously.

The sky was obscured by huge wing shadows, and the giant royal albatross incarnation of Helding hovered and descended, and turned back into human form when it approached the landing. The fourteen contestants on their shoulders also jumped onto the slate ground of the square.

"Okay, it's safe to deliver to the stadium, and then it's up to your own."

Helding twisted his shoulders and turned to leave.

"Hey? Mr. Helding, aren't you the examiner for the third round?" Tezolo asked in surprise, who had been talking to Helding well along the way.

A smile hung under Helding's thick beard: "I'm just sending you to this island of Batirila, and the examiner is someone else... Good luck to you."

After speaking, he jumped to the sky and turned into a giant albatross again, flying towards the distant waters.

The fourteen contestants looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

At this time, a slightly hoarse voice sounded from the top floor of the tavern on the side.

"Participants, good afternoon."

Everyone looked up and saw a burly murloc sitting on the edge of the roof on the second floor of the tavern, sitting in a casual posture. This murloc is wearing a black thunder-print yukata with clogs and a thick lanyard wrapped around his waist. His skin is light mint green seagrass, and his dark green hair is tied in a'updo' style, with both temples. Madara is white with lightning-like eyebrows. He looked around at the contestants below, his mouth full of sharp teeth when he opened his mouth: "The old man is the chief examiner for the third round. If you have no doubts, then..."

"The third round of the game begins here!"

There was a sudden tremor in the huge central circular square, and the entire square was lifted up to a height of 5 meters. Then the inner circle holds up a round platform with a radius of 10 meters and a height of about 1 meter, forming a perfect fighting arena.

Ace, who was watching from behind the tavern window, let out a ‘Wow’, and Kodaz, the lynx lying on his head, also made a cute cry of ‘Glululuu’. Duos leaned next to Ace, while Scarl sneaked out to find other companions wandering around the town.

The contestants consciously stood on the outer circle of the fighting arena. Tezolo's eyes beamed with excitement and said to Mozart beside him: "That person is the Hao Xue of the'Haizatou'! The top three superpowers under Victor Chain! Unexpectedly, he actually came third. The chief examiner of the round, I wonder if he can rub a signature?"

Not far away, the'blind man' raised his head slightly throughout his life, half-opened the pale blind eyes, and muttered to himself: "...so powerful'voice', this is Mr. Hao Xue, the head of the sea. Bar?"

In his senses, the whole world was pitch black. But the "voices" that everyone emits form a distorted and fuzzy human-like shape, and you can "see" their direction of action and general movements.

This is the change brought about by the development of the Observation Haki of the "Blind Man" to a certain extent in his life.

In his opinion, Hao Xue's'voice' is extremely powerful, several times stronger than that of'Spider' Spade! Disdaining to hide or cover up, Hao Xue simply showed her strength in front of everyone.

Hao Xue exerted force and jumped gently from the top of the tavern to the periphery of the fighting arena.

"Don't talk nonsense, I will explain the rules of this game."

He took out a long pipe from his arms, ignited it and spit out a heavy smoke in two puffs, before saying: "This game is the last round of the Hunter Qualification Tournament. The conditions for passing the test are very simple, just need [ If you win one game, you can pass the level."

With that said, on the large wall on the north side of the square, a video phone worm projected a grouping schedule. The table was not arranged in the usual order of choosing one from two and then upwards, but someone had a bye and someone needed to fight. It is divided into group A and group B, with 7 people in each group, marked with their own numbers.

"In this game, the winner does not need to fight again and directly passes the level, and the loser will [promote]. Those who advance to the apex in this group need to duel with another group who reached the apex, and the loser is'unqualified'." Hao Xue Spit out a puff of cigarette, a strange smile hung up on the corner of his mouth: "In theory, only [1 person] will be unqualified."

"I have a question." Rick, the "Mad Hat" standing on the side, pointed to the projection screen in the distance and said: "This grouping seems unfair! Some people have many opportunities, while others only have two opportunities at most. This How are the groups divided?"

Hao Xue hadn't spoken yet, the white clouds and blue sky above her head were suddenly occupied by dark clouds. With a thunder, the clouds and mist gathered around Haoxue and turned into a pretty girl with long orange hair. It was Nami, the ‘Princess of Heaven’.

Nami, with one hand on his hips, looked at Rick: "I will answer this question. Each round will have its own score and ranking, and then the jury will decide the third round of the competition based on their individual scores. "

"I don't understand, can you elaborate more?" Cavendish said, "Priest Pirate".

"The specific scoring method is confidential and cannot be fully disclosed." A voice came from behind everyone. It was the Examiner'Devil Sheriff' Lafayette in the first round. He did not know when he appeared outside the fighting arena, holding the black head on top of his hand. The top hat smirked: "The chairman said that I can talk to you about it, so I'll just mention it. The review criteria are divided into three categories, physical fitness score, mental ability score, and impression score."

"Physical fitness is composed of pure strength, agility, endurance, five senses, and even Haki."

"The mental ability score is composed of adaptability, creativity, personal talent, judgment, and commanding power. The development of Devil Fruit is also included in this score."

"The last is the impression score. This item is not determined by any of the previous scores. To be more specific, it is the talent score of [Hunter]. Some people are naturally suitable to be Marines or Pirates. No matter how strong they are, they will not match hunters. Side. From the beginning of the first round, every action of each participant will influence his personal impression score. Well, that's it."

Many contestants were lost in thought, probably thinking back to what unexpected things they did in the competition.

"Well, if there is no doubt, the old man will talk about the rules of battle."

Haoxue knocked his pipe and said slowly: "The rules of battle are simple and clear. You can use weapons, you can use fruit abilities, and there are no additional rules. The opponent who can say'I admit defeat' will win. If you kill your opponent, immediately. Out of the game, the remaining candidates will automatically pass, and this Hunter Qualification Trial will end there. Not much nonsense, the first round..."

"Tezolo (No. 63) vs. Life (No. 99)!"

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