The turbulent ocean tide formed a huge Uzumaki leaning forward, and the surging seawater that continued to spread was swallowed and torn apart.

Among Uzumaki, Haoxue, who described the withered, slowly shifted his gaze to S·W not far away. The scarlet pupils were like the vertical pupils of sea beasts, and they were full of violence and murder.

S·W swayed his head slightly and quickly inadvertently, making a series of chucking noises.

Haoxue let out a terrifying roar, and picked up the water mass in the Uzumaki tide next to him. The water mass began to boil violently in his webbed palms and then hurled towards SW. At the same time, it exploded directly in front of him. Violent sonic boom.


S·W raised the index finger of his right hand and pointed it forward. A translucent golden Sabaody bubble emerged in front of it, and a continuously boiling water ball was suspended in the center of the bubble.

Deprive [speed]! Deprived [Shock]! Deprive [Haki]!

Upon seeing this, Hao Xue roared and rushed towards SW directly out of the ocean tide. And S·W lowered his head slightly, his bright green eyes instantly turned into dangerous scarlet, and dozens of large and small Sabaody bubbles appeared around his open arms.

Nami, who was watching the battlefield from afar, saw that he was determined, and he pulled Ace by his side and rushed towards the town to the north.

"Oh, oh, white cloud girl, slow down!" Ace only had time to hold the orange cowboy hat on his head, and Nami pulled him off the ground. "What's the situation with that silver-white robot? Looks so cool! "

"That's the strongest existence in Master's chain double! As long as it is there, it's okay. Today's S·W is very serious." Nami's lower body directly turned into a cloud and flew forward quickly, without looking back. He said: "Also, don't always call me by the nickname "White Cloud Girl", it's rude! I have a name, call me'Nami'!"

"Oh! My name is Ace, please take care of me!" Ace, who was pulled in mid-air by Nami, pressed the cowboy hat on his head and said politely and sincerely.

Tezolo, who was struggling to catch up with his two legs in the back, only felt tears in his heart. Can you take me with you when you two run? Logia really hates it the most!

To the north of the town, the'drought' Jack spotted Nami and Ace rushing towards him from a distance. A fierce color suddenly appeared in his small eyes, and he directly raised a thick elephant's nose a few meters in diameter towards Nami. Sweep away fiercely!

"[Dry up crane]!!!"

The huge trunk brought a violent air current, and everything it passed was turned into dust! Nami and Ace, who were within the attack range, were directly swept to pieces, leaving no remnants.

Jack grinned twice, full of pride. But the ‘Spider’ Spade standing on top of his head narrowed his eyes slightly, and his cold, triangular eyes with dark red narrow eye shadows were full of suspiciousness.

Do these two little ghosts think that the form is too good, so they can fly up and rush up to give away their heads?

Spade is different from Jack. Although his Armament Haki is far inferior to Jack, he is much better than the latter. He keenly sensed that the two Logia imps weren't dead... Hell, he broke through the sights in the battle, and escaped Jack's attack by elementalization in advance?

Over Jack and Spade, white clouds drove the airflow to form a wind hovering at high speed, and some flames re-strengthened with the help of the wind and turned into flame Uzumaki. Flames Uzumaki's central location is surging with hot waves, and a pillar of fire that penetrates the world suddenly rushes out of it, blasting towards Spade and Jack!

"[Yan Ring·Fire Pillar]!!!"

Spade screamed and immediately swayed away with the help of the spider silk, leaving only Jack, who was stunned in place, directly swallowed by the huge pillar of fire. The huge pillar of fire continued to bombard downward through the center of the high-speed rotating flame Uzumaki, and Jack was suppressed for a while so that he could not raise his head.

"Bah! Grow up in battle? What a terrible kid... [Wild Leech Line·Adenoid Bomb]!"

Spider silk gushes from the fingertips, and quickly ejects in the direction of the flame Uzumaki. As soon as the spider silk was released from the hand, it was quickly wrapped into a ball shape. Dozens of spider silk bullets shot at the flame Uzumaki transformed by Ace at a high speed. These spider silk bullets contained special poison that would not be afraid of direct spread of infection due to high temperature. 3 seconds The bell can poison an elephant.

But all the spider silk bullets were pierced by a sudden Yun Shuo before they were even close to the flame. The spider silk bullets that were hit were directly corrupted and decomposed in the air, leaving no residue.

Spade was furious, and screamed: "Asshole girl, don't think I dare not kill you because of your master here! I...puff!"

Before he finished speaking, Spade, who was hanging between the buildings with the help of spider silk, received a solid punch in the face! In the slow motion, the whole face was directly deformed. Two broken teeth mixed with blood and saliva spurted out from the corners of the mouth, and the whole person directly smashed into the outer wall of the nearby building and fell into it.

Tezolo, who fell lightly on the ground, was well-proportioned and strong. At this moment, the muscles were bulging and he was going all out. He rewarded Spade for the punch just now.

"The hatred four years ago, the resentment of those contestants who died tragically in your hands... let me figure it out with you one by one!"

Tezoluo squeezed his fist bones and knuckles, and walked step by step into the huge hole with billowing smoke and dust.

Spader was paralyzed among the rubble, amazed. What's wrong with these guys? One by one, they are growing rapidly in the battle, so forget about "Fire Fist" Ace and "Princess Weather" Nami, even this Gilder Tezolo!

Damn you guys! Spader gritted his teeth and climbed up, the windbreaker behind him agitated eight chelate limbs with sharp bristles, piercing at an angle towards Tezolo who was just about to rush into the building.

"[Gravity Knife·Huwuya]!"

The gravity field falling from the sky condensed into a precise blade shape, and the whole building and Spade’s eight chelating limbs were neatly and neatly divided into two! Then the ground trembled and roared, and even the ground under his feet appeared bottomless. The huge cut cracks.

Blood was gushing from the cheeks, and Spade couldn't help letting out a screaming scream. I saw a large piece of floating stone floating directly above him. The'Blind Man' bowed his body and maintained the posture of drawing a knife all his life, and said in a deep voice, "Thanks to the efforts of other contestants, there are no civilians in this area. Now. Then you can give it a try..."

"[Fire Festival]!"

There was a crisp knife-drawing sound, and a large purple gravitational wave soared into the sky and flew towards the extreme high altitude. Then a few rumbling roars came, and several meteorites wrapped in raging flames appeared in the sky! There is only one target targeted by these meteorites-‘Spider’ Spade!

Spade screamed and turned into a prototype giant mountain spider, and instantly shattered the building he was in. But before he got rid of the rubble, he desperately found that the meteorite had come to his head.

"Using a gravitational field to pull meteorites out of the sky to strengthen gravity and lock the position? My life brother, I'm still down!"

Tezolo was about to flee with his head, but found that he was surrounded by purple gravitational ripples. He looked up and found that the "Blind Man" also had this type of gravitational ripples throughout his life.

At the moment of the meteorite bombardment, the terrifying impact and fierce flame immediately swallowed this area. All the stones and flames that touched Tezolo were all applied with a strong reverse force by the gravity defense field to achieve perfect protection.

In the flames, the ‘Spider’ Spade’s sharp bristle barbs soared into cloud-like hairs, trying to absorb the huge impact and the high temperature of the flame. But this is really a drop in the bucket. The combat power of the "Blind Man" at this moment in his life is almost heaven and earth compared to four years ago. Spider's sharp mouthparts were constantly spewing dark red blood, the eight scarlet compound eyes flickered and flickered, and the regrowth limbs trembled slightly.

"Just let me see you off..."

The ‘blind man’ held the handle of the wand knife upside down all his life, and the knife body was instantly stained with the Armament Haki, which was a mixture of purple and black, which exudes terrifying pressure. Then the floating stones under his feet blasted to pieces, and with the help of his momentum, he drew his knife and rushed towards the huge spider below, and the purple knife light made a silent blow!

"[Thousands of Songs]!"

Landing steadily, the blind swordsman held the wand knife and scabbard in his right hand and placed it at his waist, while holding the hilt in his left hand, slowly retracted the knife into the scabbard. With a clear sound of closing the sword, the swordsman slammed behind a heavy object, and then the giant headless corpse of the spider shook twice and fell to the ground.


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