Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 327 Victor has been bitter, the Pirate in the World!

Regarding Victor the ‘Ferocious Chain’, Jhin’s impression of him at first was just a hairy kid who was good at camping.

But time and time again, big events started because of him and ended because of him. Gradually, the world began to focus on him, including Jhin of course.

Until that [Blood Wedding] big event.

"Drought" Jack and "Beast Hunter" Swink, who were supposed to be the backstops to contain Marine, were defeated by the men of the Fierce Chain on Cake Island, killing and wounding one another. Jhin was shocked to realize that the forces under the fierce chain had grown to the point where he could wrestle with the Four Emperors.

Jack is one of the "Three Plagues" with his own reputation, and Svenk is the first of the six volleys second only to the Three Plagues. Both of them are the top abilities of the ancient Zoan species of Devil Fruit, and they have completed [ Awakening]. Such a powerful combination can even slaughter a country easily! But they stumbled hard, Jack was not only seriously injured, but also lost his entire left arm. As for Svenk, he couldn't even save the body!

The younger brother suffered a big loss, and Jhin naturally wanted to find a place for them. Without saying hello to Kaido, he directly transformed into a toothless pterosaur and flew out of the locked Wanokuni, and soon found Victor and his party who did not hide their whereabouts.

Fierce fighting broke out on a winter island in the Grand Line ‘New World’. After four hours of fighting, Jhin was defeated by Victor, but escaped to heaven by virtue of his powerful mobility.

At that time, Jhin believed that Victor was indeed very strong, and he could even surpass himself, a big pirate who offered a bounty of 1.2 billion Berry. But if there is a gap between him and Kaido's boss, there is a huge gap.

Four Emperors, compared with normal people, are no longer creatures of the same concept.

Jhin found a Beasts Pirates in the secret base of the Grand Line to recuperate and exercise hard after injury, and set out again a year later to seek revenge on Victor. He believed that his strength could surpass Victor.

Then, another fiasco!

This time it was worse than the last time. Victor almost killed Jhin in only 20 minutes, or the latter broke out desperately. The power of the ancient Zoan erupted at an astonishing speed and barely escaped.

This guy, the growth rate is almost like [monster]!

And now, Jhin felt miserable in his heart. The airtight offensive on the opposite side made him breathless. The big pirate who is offering a reward of 1.2 billion Berry is no different from ordinary little pirates in the eyes of the fierce chain at this time?

Cang——! !

It was another heavy slash, and Jhin used all his strength to hold the handle of the knife with both hands to avoid being smashed into pieces. The tiger's mouth under the black leather gloves was already bloody and bloody, and the dense small knife wounds on his body reminded Jhin every moment that the other party was playing a cat and a mouse game.

Taking a moment to look down, Jhin sadly discovered that Jack and Spade were both dead on the spot.

Damn it... If it weren't for Fierce Chain to spoil the situation with his chain doubles, this raid would have been perfect! Jhin gritted his teeth and stared at Victor, who was leisurely carrying the chain knife opposite, filled with unwillingness.

Suddenly, an extremely fierce fire rushed all over his body, and the flames entangled around him in a solid form, like blazing red clouds. At the same time, the body of the famous sword "Yatara" in his hand was also covered by solid flames, and the entire flame blade more than doubled, and the shape of the sword changed from [Tachi] to [Tachi].

"Huh... [Garuda Luo's body]!"

Jhin's head turned into a pointed spindle-shaped toothless pterosaur beak. The front of the beak and the back of the skull were condensed with incandescent flames. His eyes turned orange-red. When the long beak opened and closed, fierce fire would gush out from it: "It seems that I was planted again, and planted in your hands. You guys are really the natural enemy of pirates!"

"Obviously." Victor yawned, and the back of the chain knife on his shoulder tapped gently on his shoulder: "I'm tired of your trick. Can I end it soon? I want to go quickly. Let me comfort my lovely subordinates."

"Let you see something new..."

The blazing red yarn began to flow at high speed, and the black wings behind Jhin had turned orange-red, exuding an ominous and dangerous light: "Just let you see the stunts I specially cultivated to deal with you..."

Vic lifted his interest, and Kabuto put his left hand in Kabuto on his shoulder with a knife in his right hand, and watched the performance of "Inflammation" Jhin with enthusiasm.

boom! !

The violent flames erupted fiercely, and the radiant flames formed countless red bands of light bursting into the sky with astonishing heat waves. The wings behind Jhin directly turned into flames, and shouted: "Take it! Fierce chain! "

"[Fast Speed·Flame Crow]!!!"

The wings only flapped once, and Jhin flew towards the distant sea at an unimaginable speed! Breaking through the speed of sound even brought up a violent shock wave surface, leaving a rumbling sound from near to far in the air.


Victor stared blankly at the distant figure that had turned into a little red dot, only to realize that he had been tricked. Standing high in the air for a while, Victor smiled and shook his head. His own problem of playing with cats and mice really needs to be corrected, or he will suffer sooner or later.

Chasing it, definitely doesn't need to think about it. It is estimated that Jhin will definitely not slow down before flying back to New World. Don’t doubt that the ancient Zoan species has such an enviable pervert stamina, and Jhin is the top existence among them.

Victor easily broke the chain knife into the original zipper income space, and fell into the town below.

The originally peaceful and peaceful town of Batelila is now devastated, and the destructive power of the top masters is too great. Fortunately, those who did not participate in the battle and the members of the Pirates of Spades teamed up to help the villagers escape to a relatively safe dock area, with few casualties.

The steel chain finger walked silently to Victor's side. He was carrying Lafayette with burns on his shoulder. Victor scanned the whole island with his sights before the battle and found his traces. After being swallowed up front by Fenfeng Lafayette wrapped all Armament Haki around his body to form a thermal barrier, and then fell heavily near the coast. He looked badly injured but had a uniform breath, but he fainted because of the excessive consumption of Haki.

The other contestants were all wounded, rescuing civilians in the battlefield of many strong men. This was a desperate act for them, but none of them flinched. As for the four contestants who ran away at the beginning, they had been affected by the attack of "Spider" Spade and died tragically on the spot.

The members of the Pirates of Spades looked at each other's bruises and couldn't help laughing. But soon they couldn't laugh, because they saw that Ace, who was seriously injured and fell into a coma, was carried out of the ruins by Tezolo, and walked in the direction of Victor.

Pirates, in the hands of the boss of the bounty hunter, can they still have good fruit to eat? Even though they were trembling with fear, the members of the Pirates of Spades gritted their teeth and walked towards Victor.

Even if you die, you have to die with the captain anyway!

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