Grand Line ‘Paradise’, Torchvar Island.

This is a typical large autumn island. Compared with Spring Island, the climate does not get rid of the heat of late summer, but it is very suitable for the growth of fruits and vegetables. Moreover, Torchvar Island is a central island that runs through several large trading cities. Relying on its unique geographical location, the Torin Kingdom on Torchvar Island can be regarded as a prosperous and prosperous nation.

The port town of ‘Moxi’ in the Kingdom of Thorin, near the fourth avenue of the port.

Because it had just rained, the wide stone road leaning upward was still a bit slippery. After the rain, the sun shines on the remaining water on the ground to reflect the golden warmth. Residents and tourists stroll along the street. Among the neatly arranged houses along the street is a slightly special building.

This is a two-story coffee house made of pure wood. The surface of the house is painted in dark blue and white. Only the necessary pillars and supporting points are left on the first floor. The remaining walls are made open. The interior of the first floor There are a lot of round tables, a long bar inside, and more than a dozen round tables and a large number of seats on the street outside. An old wooden signboard hung on the upper right side of the front door, which was made into a half-shuttered door. The front and back of it were painted with a cat's face with a big mouth and a tongue out laughing.

This is the most famous cafe "Cat Tongue" in Moshi Town. Although it is a cafe, the chocolate syrup cakes and frosted donuts baked by the proprietress are superb. Therefore, business is booming all year round, and even the sightseeing round tables placed on the street are full of people.

Sitting at a table on the side of the street is an unusually tall man. He is wearing a black leather jacket. His short black and red hair is slightly messy, and the half of his face above his nose is full of heroism. Underneath was the horrible face with fangs, but he didn't care to show this face to the outside.

"Sura" Charlotte Kata Kuri, formerly the highest cadre of the "BIGMOM Pirate Group", now the captain of the "Nuo Tuan Pirate Group", is offering a bounty of 1.367 million Berry!

At this moment, a large stack of frosted donuts was placed in front of Kata Kuri. But his mind was rarely put on his beloved donut, but instead focused on the newspaper in his hand. For a long time, he slowly exhaled: "The fire disaster... Sooner or later I will face him."

"Brother, is Victor really okay?" Sitting across the table was a big beautiful woman with a bumpy figure. She was wearing a dark red one-piece short skirt, with a large furry fur cloak on her shoulders, and long burgundy hair scattered on her shoulders, her beautiful face showed a worried look. Charlotte Garrett, the deputy captain of the ‘Nuo Tuan Pirate Group’, this Paramecia Butter Fruit ability has been working hard to exercise his strength over the years, and is now a strong bounty of 459 million Berry.

Kata Kuri put down the newspaper, picked up a donut that was drizzled with semi-solid cream and sprinkled with icing, took a big bite, and then closed his eyes and tasted this peerlessly delicious donut. It took a long time to reply to Garrett. :

"Don't worry, the flame disaster is definitely not the opponent of Fierce Chain. Since the horrifying'big incident' of Fierce Chain and Red Hair two years ago, the world has never seen him make an all-out effort again. It's hard to imagine, he has What level has it reached now..."

Garrett patted the towering chest and let out a sigh of relief: "The big event two years ago, now it makes people shudder when I think about it. Speaking of which, red hair is officially on the throne of the [Three Emperors] because of this. Woolen cloth."

Kata Kuri killed a donut with icing sugar in twos or twos, and then picked up a donut wrapped in thick chocolate sauce: "The peak battle at West Blue was simply unbelievable. I don’t think about the duel between the red hair and the eagle eye in the past. People don’t know why the fierce chain fought with the red hair club and why the war ended. But it is undeniable that the fierce chain has indeed touched the level of the [Three Emperors]. Heh... the distance between me and him seems to be getting farther and farther."

For Victor, Kata Kuri's mood is quite complicated. On the one hand, Fierce Chain was indeed one of the culprits that led to the destruction of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, but on the other hand, he also rescued those younger brothers and sisters who were relatively weak and had no blood in their hands.

Katakuri sees Victor as his lifelong enemy, and this man deserves his best to chase and surpass.

"There is no such thing, brother." Garrett gently shook Kata Kuri's hand, her eyes full of support and trust:

"You are the captain we are most proud of."

At this time, a loud and exaggerated shout came from the table next door, attracting the attention of Kata Kuri and Garrett.

"Hey boss, did you really escape from that fierce chain? That's a super fierce man who can face the [Three Emperors] head-on!"

Turning to look around, I saw five people sitting on the table next door. A tall and thin man with curly hair dyed colorfully looked at the man next to him admiringly: "Tell us, what kind of person is the murder chain? Do you have to eat several living people every day?"

Several others echoed, looking expectantly at the touted man.

I saw that the man was not short, but because of his size he looked like an enlarged version of the short fat man. He has a big belly, long hands and short feet. He is open in a purple fur trench coat with a stand-up collar. His black hair is combed into a fox ear-shaped split head, and the inverted eyebrows and triangular eyes have unusually conspicuous chrysanthemum red noses. .

I saw him wave his hand pretentiously, and said in a voice that was deliberately lowered to appear deep: "I have to say that Victor is indeed a man, and he deserves to be my lifelong rival. Five years ago, I broke into it single-handedly. His lair enthusiastic Ark beat that'death surgeon' into a crying wolf howling. Who knows that the young one came to the old, the fierce chain was not angry that his proud disciple was beaten, and he appeared and fought with me for three days and three nights. That scene Heh! That kid’s zipper fruit is really amazing, but my Demon fruit power is not blowing!"

Kata Kuri turned her head and looked at Garrett in surprise, and then continued to listen to the man's bragging.

"Boss, are you still Demon fruit power?" Long Tao's admired look: "What fruit can compete with the zipper fruit called "Invincible" by the world?"

"Ehhhhhhhh...then you have to listen well!"

The split head suddenly jumped up from the table, posed a weird and shameful posture in the strange gaze of the pedestrians on the street, and shouted: "Laozi is the'silver fox' Foxy! Zoan is in the form of a'fox'. Super! Fox! raccoon! People!"


There was an awkward cold field, and several dragons looked at each other and immersed themselves in a cup of coffee in silence.

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