Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 338 Let's play by ourselves

Grand Line, Dark Island, the former site of the Evil Kingdom.

There used to be a powerful country on this island, the Gloom Kingdom, but this country was completely wiped out five years ago. The strange thing is that the ruins of the kingdom have not been damaged too badly, the streets are still tidy and clean, and there are no scattered weapons, corpses and gravel in the battlefield ruins.

Occasionally, a few giant baboons will walk between the streets with their arms high and standing upright. These baboons wore different styles of armor clothing, armed with weapons ranging from long knives to blunderbuss, and even two huge mortars were carried on their shoulders.

And in the northernmost part of the Eternal Kingdom, there is a magnificent castle. Today, this ancient castle is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the home of Mihawk, the world's strongest swordsman [Eagle Eye].

At this moment, in front of the burning fireplace, Hawkeye Mihawk was holding a wine glass with his legs upright, and closed his eyes to enjoy the beautiful symphony from Yinbei, with his fingers in the air following the rhythm of the music.

"Dulu! Dulu! Dulu! Dulu!"

Hawkeye frowned, got up and turned off Yinbei and picked up the screaming phone bug from the phone bug breeding garden next to him, and after turning on the microphone, he sat back on the sofa: "...say."

"It's been a long time, Mr. Mihawk."

The phone worm automatically turned into a handsome and extraordinary face, with a narrow smile on the corner of his mouth: "Aren't you lonely by yourself? Do you need me to find a company for you?"

"Do you have to ask me every time you call?" Hawkeye leaned back on the back of the sofa chair, put his hands and ten fingers crossed on his knees, and said impatiently: "If you want to talk about family affairs, I will find someone else. I'm going to hang up."

"Five Elders has completely torn my face."

Hearing these words, the hand that just got up to hang the microphone back to the volute behind the phone worm paused slightly. A smile full of interest appeared on the corner of Hawkeye's mouth: "Oh? What are you going to do?"

"Although Five Elders vetoed it, I personally think that we should get together at Seven Warlords of the Sea. The last time we met was at the Holy Land Mariejois six years ago, right?"

The telephone worm's unhurried tone gave people a sense of peace of mind.

Hawkeye, who sat back on the sofa, tilted his head: "...Can you guarantee that other Shichibukai can come? I remember new people joined in the past few years, right?"

"Don't worry, all [should be] will come. How about it, are you interested in coming together?"

"Huh... Anyway, I'm idle, count me."

"OK, don't go out recently, wait for me to pick you up."

With a click, the phone worm hung up the phone.

Hawkeye smiled lightly, funny, so funny... I didn't look away back then, this Mafia Victor really surprises himself every time.


Grand Line, Alabasta, rain ground.

Alabasta (Alabasta), is a superpower located on the Grand Line Santin Island. The capital is Albana, and the standing army alone is as large as 600,000. The Nafirutali royal family ruled Alabasta for generations, and Nafirutali Cobra is now the 12th king.

Now it has not rained in this country for a year, and one city after another has collapsed in drying up, and people continue to die. People have more and more suspicion and resentment towards the king, and the number of rebels exceeds 100,000 and is still increasing. But rain land is an exception. This is a green land city known as the "dream city". It has a lot of water resources. People and tourists living here happily feel like they are in a paradise. At the same time, this is also the city where the Seven Warlords of the Sea Sir Crocodile is located.

[Rainbow Banquet], this huge pyramid-shaped building located in the center of the lake in the rainy city is the largest casino in Alabasta, and Crocodile is the owner of this place.

The ‘crocodile feed farm’ on the basement level of Yuyan is composed of a round stone ground and a lot of thick glass for viewing. The ground here is all made of smooth and reflective mirrored marble. Below the thick glass around the ground is a deep underground lake, in which there are a large number of giant banana crocodiles cruising, this kind of giant crocodiles with bananas on their heads that even Sea Kings eat. It is a ferocious carnivore that is a specialty of Alabasta. At the same time, the banana on its head is also the famous and delicious food "crocodile banana", which is ranked 2 dangerous food.

Of course, the banana crocodile is also Crocodile's favorite ornamental pet.

At this time, Crocodile was sitting leisurely in this quiet underground hall "Crocodile Feeding Farm". Exquisite food and wine are placed on the long dining table. This Seven Warlords of the Sea is elegantly holding a knife and fork to taste the food.

"Dulu! Dulu! Dulu! Dulu..."

Crocodile frowned slightly, took a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, then got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass cabinet on the side. From it, he took out a phone worm that was screaming frantically. The phone worm was wearing a golden wig and the volute was engraved on the back. MAFIA'.



Crocodile stood in front of the glass floor holding the phone worm, admiring the banana crocodile swimming in the lake below: "Why would you, a busy man, think of contacting me? I thought you would get rid of it because of the dispute with Beasts Pirates. Don't open your body."

"If you don't talk secretly, I'm afraid you will also wait to see my jokes, old man."

The phone worm automatically imitated the face of the other person, turning into a handsome face and smiling: "I guess, is it because the World government has sent you a letter specifically forbidding you to contact me?"

"Smart." Crocodile lit a cigar and slowly spouted a puff of smoke: "The world government loves you three-point and seven-point hate, but they can't think of you, this guy secretly and other Seven Warlords of the Sea. There is contact between them. Why, if you are asking me to complain, then I am not interested in chatting with you."

"I want to host a private party between Seven Warlords of the Sea. To bypass the World government, let's play by ourselves."

"Huh?" Crocodile frowned, "Are you trying to tear your face with the World government?"

The phone worm smiled softly: "It's time for these old men to see the reality clearly-Seven Warlords of the Sea is not a dog they can come and go, at least I am not."

"Your mouth is really bad."

Crocodile shook his head and sneered, "Are you not afraid that I will stab Five Elders directly?"

The phone worm looked at the king of the desert meaningfully and said word by word: "Your ambition is clear to me. Whether it's worthy of you to join me on my side or not, I'll know if I'm here to join in the fun, right as a holiday. how?"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Crocodile froze for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Interesting! Count me!"

"Very good. I will come to pick you up in the rain in the next few days and hang up."

Looking at the silent phone worm in the palm of his hand, the top of Crocodile's cigar flashed and dimmed, suggesting his restless heart. For a long time, the oldest Seven Warlords of the Sea smiled and murmured: "Interesting. The fierce chain, let me see what gives you confidence that you can openly fight the World government!"

"[Pluton], did it really fall into your hands?"

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