Among the flying petals of Sakura flowers, the dancing blond hair is like holy light, and the black cloak is like a silent night, like the king of black swan wearing a golden crown slowly swimming in the sea of ​​flowers.

Whether it is the people hiding behind the doors and windows like quail, the Orochi Royal Court Fanzhong and the Kuangshi Lang family, even Kurozumi Orochi and Oiran Xiaozi have such a moment of loss of consciousness.

Stepping into the flowers, the god-like face with a relaxed smile, as if facing the stranger who happened to meet at the reception is not the person in charge of Wanokuni.

"He, he is..."

Several of the members of the Orochi Royal Court suddenly trembled, and the'Shadowless Bird' with long black hair dancing like flames went back a few steps palely, and the Wind Blade Thunder Blade brothers were even more unbearable. The mount fell to the ground on his back, paralyzed on the ground and trembled endlessly.

"Goemon?" The ninja Daikoku, who was covered in black samurai armor, was puzzled.

"That guy is the leader of Coral,'The Fierce Chain' Mafia Victor!"

Goemon's face was pale: "Isn't he fighting Master Kaido? Isn't it..."

At this moment, Kurozumi Orochi suddenly said: "You are the ‘Ferocious Chain’ Mafia Victor?"

"If there is no one with the same name, then it should be me." Victor stopped at a position about 20 meters away from Kurozumi Orochi, and Victor said gently and gently.

"Widow doesn't know what method you used to bypass Kaido's pursuit of the beast and went straight here, but Widow is always magnanimous and willing to give you a chance."

If you don’t look at the cold sweat on Kurozumi Orochi’s face, his unhurried words are indeed a little convincing: "As long as you and your subordinates retreat, the widow can persuade Kaido to stop chasing you, and you can be safe. Leave Wanokuni."

The oiran Xiaozi, who was held in the arms by the Kurozumi snake, did not change his complexion, but his two slender hands were tightly clasped together.

Victor showed surprise on his face and smiled lightly, then turned to look at Wu Hongji: "Xiao Wu, he is the Kurozumi snake from [Stealing the Country], right?"

"Yes, that's him." Wu Hongji looked at Kurozumi Orochi with undisguised hatred in her eyes.

"You, you are the remnant of Bai Wu [Yuyue]'s family!"

Only then did Kurozumi recognize Wu Hongji. He yelled with fear and pressure: "The old widow kindly forgives you Yuyue's leftover seed. You are not grateful for Dade's allegiance to this general, but you have taken a foreign country. People are coming to invade your hometown, Wanokuni!? You damn traitor! Yuyuewu Hongji!!"

"Kurozumi Orochi, since you know the surname of your concubine, dare you to tell us why our Yuyue family perished?"

Wu Hongji's eyes were full of grief and indignation, and her voice was slightly trembling: "It was the conspiracy and cruel tactics of your Kurozumi family that made the Yuyue family gradually wither, and in the end only the young concubine was left on the street. Fortunately, the Kozuki family took in the concubine. Master Oden and Madam Shi treated their concubines as if they were a daughter to raise and teach, but...when the happy time just started, Master Oden was harmed by you and Kaido! Madam also died there when the concubine was like a mother. One night, even Hihwa, who was regarded as a sister by her concubine... she was, and she was a six-year-old child at the time! You thief who deserve to go to hell, all deserve to die!!"

Listening to Wu Hongji's crying and bloody accusations, the young people suddenly realized that Kurozumi's method of getting the position of general was so unbearable? Those people who had experienced the grief of the whole country 16 years ago have bowed their heads.

"The concubine doesn't care about the title of'traitor', as long as you can pull you, the despicable villain who used vicious means to steal the position of general from the Kozuki family from the throne, as long as you can be loved by Lord Oden and Mrs. Shi. This Wanokuni restored to its former beauty and vitality, even if the concubine dedicate her life, she will never hesitate!"

Wu Hongji drew out her treasured sword, Hongxue, and pointed to Kurozumi Orochi with a frosty face: "Are you ready to go to hell? Kurozumi Orochi!"

Kurozumi Orochi panicked backwards several steps and fell to the ground, relying on the oiran Kozi to support him so that he did not completely collapse to the ground.

The Orochi Royal Court Fanzhong and the Kuangshilang family stepped forward and stood in front of Kurozumi Orochi, while Fulushou and Kuangshilang were the first to stand in the open space between Wu Hongji and Kurozumi Orochi. The former had a serious face and the latter was full of faces. sinister smile.

"Yuyuewu Hongji, say a thousand words and ten thousand, Lord Snake is a [legally] obtained general position, now you take a foreigner into the flower capital is already a heaven-defying sin that cannot be redeemed, not to mention Attempt to overthrow the general's throne!"

Fu Lu Shou said slowly with a sharp glance: "Do you really want the ancestors of the Yuyue family to be dug out of the cemetery and abandoned corpse wilderness, and then carry the eternal infamy of'traitor'? Think about it. Just retreat. You will not lose anything, the Yuyue family can still be enshrined in the Baiwu Yuzhantang to enjoy eternal peace."

"Hehehe...yes, Wu Hongji." Kuangshilang put his index finger on the knife and stroked it lightly, and his voice was as smooth as a snake: "You brought people from outside the sea to Huahua to overthrow the rule of the general? [Unknown teacher] Ah, girl."

The oiran Xiaozi, who was holding the Kurozumi snake, suddenly brightened his eyes and said softly, "Look, general, the sword in Wu Hongji's hand is the national treasure'Hongxue Zuowen' that was stolen more than 20 years ago? She really found it. NS?"

"What?" Kurozumi Orochi was shocked and found the national treasure that had been lost overseas for many years.

"Not only Hong Xue left the text, with the help of the coral leader Victor, the concubine also recovered the dragon horse and his sword "Autumn Water"!"

Wu Hongji's words instantly stirred up a thousand waves. Not only the big snake, but even the people hiding behind the door couldn't stay any longer. They walked out of the house and looked at Wu Hongji expectantly.

People who are not Wanokuni can't understand the meaning of [Ryoma] and [Autumn Water] to Wanokuni.

According to legend, a long time ago, Wanokuni was called the "land of gold" by the world. The pirates who covet gold are trying to dominate Wanokuni's world nobles... Ryoma has let these invading enemies from overseas see his extraordinary power, and the world rushes to praise [There are samurai in Wanokuni]! Even beheading the dragon that appeared above the capital is just one of Ryoma's many legends. Regardless of any competition, he can cut off his opponent in a flash, and he is a great swordsman who has never lost his life.

The dragon horse roars, and the whole country regards him as the [sword god]. Together with the national treasure [Black Sword Autumn Water], it is offered to the temple and worshipped. It is Wanokuni's most precious treasure. The body of Ryoma was stolen together with Qiu Shui many years ago, and the whole country was distraught. Did Wu Hongji even find Qiushui back?

A black coffin with [RYUMA] printed on its surface slowly floated from the zipper that emerged from the ground. As the coffin opened on its own, the body of the'Dragon Slayer' Ryoma was exposed to everyone's eyes, and the national treasure'Black Sword Autumn Water' Lying quietly in Ryoma's arms.

At the same time, a second extremely huge black coffin emerged from the ground in the same way. Only a few words were printed on the surface of the coffin lid--


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