Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 373 The Straw Hat Pirate Group Appears

After the rain was clear, the sea returned to calm.

A small Caravel with a cute sheep's head is rippling between the waves. The previously stowed sails are slowly unfolding. Skeletons wearing straw hats are painted on the sails.

There is no doubt that this is a pirate ship.

A group of people were lying on the deck, looking exhausted. After a long time, a black-haired teenager who was not too tall sat up on the wet deck, touched the straw hat on top of his head and laughed:

"Hehehe! I was almost overwhelmed by the storm!"

"Luffy! Don't you dare to say it!" The beautiful girl with long lavender hair curled up behind her head grabbed the collar of the boy named Luffy and poked the latter's forehead vigorously: "If it weren't for you Willful steer, how can we get caught in a storm and cannot escape!"

"Uh... uh... Carina, stop poking my forehead... although it doesn't hurt."

Luffy's forehead was dented like an rubber by the purple-haired girl, and grinned and said: "I have no problem with the level of steering. It can only be said that there is a problem with Zoro's path."

"You know that the green algae head is a super road idiot, dare you let him lead the way?" Carina was even more frustrated: "You didn't mention this ship when you let me go on board as [musician]. There is no navigator!"

At this moment, a head full of short green hair emerged from the side: "Someone wants to ask for directions?"

"No one asked you!" Luffy and Carina yelled at the same time.

There was another person still lying on the deck. This person was covered in black curly hair, wearing a turban and goggles. His thin body looked fragile, and he had a strange long nose. He muttered to himself in despair: "A pirate group without navigators... What kind of evil did I do to get my head hot and get into this pirate group..."

At this time, the slender and hot Carina decided: "Before I find a regular navigator, the navigation of this ship is left to me, and you and Zoro are not allowed to interfere!"

The green-haired young man known as Zoro had already fully opened the sails at this time, tightened the ropes and walked to the people and sat down: "It doesn't matter, we need a cook more than a navigator, don't we?"

"Yes! It's cruel to eat dry bread and bacon every day!" The long nose sprang up from the deck.

"Oh, Usopp, you didn't faint." Luffy clasped his nostrils and looked cute.

"Thanks to you, almost!" Usopp made a grimace, and then shook his long nose: "The composition of our ship is really biased. Captain, swordsman, musician, sniper... the most important sailing There are not a ship’s chef, a ship’s cook, or a ship’s doctor.”

"There is also a boatman." Carina added: "If it's just East Blue, I can barely be a navigator, but I heard that the climate of Grand Line is completely different from East Blue. We must find a high-level navigator to join us. "

Usopp sat on the deck with arms folded and nodded pretentiously, then asked curiously, "Speaking of... Carina, why did you get into the group by Luffy?"

Carina looked sad: "I, I was a resident singer in the tavern in Orange Town, and I made a lot of money after counting the tip and the wine rake. I didn't expect that the Buggy Pirates invaded and occupied Orange Town, and my career as a singer was also Declared annihilation. When the'Joker' Buggy ravaged the town, it happened that Luffy and Zoro came here and clashed with the big red-nosed idiot Buggy..."

"Obviously you instigated it." Zoro, who was sitting on the mast with his hands behind his head, couldn't help but reminded him.

"Long-winded!" Carina gave Zoro a fierce cry and continued: "We happened to ran into Marine after we defeated the Buggy Pirates. I was also hunted down as an associate of the Straw Hat Pirates, so I could only agree to Luffy's Invitation to join."

Usopp wiped his long nose: "So Zoro joined earlier than you did. How about you Zoro, how did you join?"

"I..." Zoro brewed his thoughts and was interrupted by Luffy grinning as soon as he was about to speak: "Zoro, the big idiot, wanted to join a hunting guild, but he got lost after going out to sea, and finally ran to Schell. The town had a quarrel with the local Colonel Marine and the foolish son. The foolish son was too bad and wanted to kill Zoro, so Zoro and I teamed up to knock them all away, hehe!"

"...What a mess." Usopp said he didn't understand at all.


The bellies of all four of them sounded at the same time, except for Luffy, their faces darkened, and they were about to face the moldy bread and the bacon that was so hard that they were teething. But Luffy doesn't matter, as long as there is something to eat.

Carina was about to get up and go to the kitchen to take a look, but suddenly stopped, and squinted to look at the sea in the distance: "Wait, what is that?"

Everyone looked back and saw a strange-looking [ship] faintly on the distant sea.

This is a three-tiered giant brig, the bow and the tail are shaped like fish heads and tails, which looks very magnificent.

"The sea restaurant'Barrati'? Why did you get here without beginning and end?"

Carina looked surprised, and then realized that it might have been disrupted by the previous huge storm and brought to the sea by the storm and waves.

"Dinning room?"

Luffy was keenly aware of the key words, and his eyes flashed with his eyes: "This is a restaurant? A restaurant on the sea? It's so cool!!"

Saying that he was about to run to steer the direction of the restaurant ship, but Carina immediately stopped him with a panic expression: "Luffy, you can't go."


"It is rumored that the Chinese maritime restaurant Barati has something to do with Coral." Carina said with a straight face: "It is not that there are no pirates who want to make trouble and take the ship there, but without exception, all of them have died. The pirates are going to patronize that restaurant."

"Coral?" Zoro's arm stiffened, as if thinking of something.

"We're not going to make trouble there, just have a meal! Right? Right?" Luffy didn't listen at all, just looked at Carina expectantly. The latter was directly defeated by his eager puppy eyes, and had to let him go. Who made Luffy the captain?

When they sailed the ship near the sea restaurant Barati, they discovered that there was a small Marine warship moored there. It seemed that Barati was also here to enjoy the food.

Carina is not too worried about this, because Barati is a famous "neutral zone", who dare to ask the fierce fighting chefs in advance if they agree or not, even if Marine meets the pirates here. Open one eye and close one eye, at least wait until you leave this sea area before you start. The bounty hunters are subject to rules and will not do things casually here. Tourists can enjoy the food here without worrying about their lives.

After opening the door, the restaurant on the first floor with elegant decoration was greeted with almost full seats. The waiters shuttled between the tables with plates, and introduced the restaurant’s recommended recipes to customers in a gentle and low voice. Bottles of fine wines were placed in a pile of ice and chilled, the aroma of food filled the hall, and the clash of knives and forks was particularly pleasant in the ears of the hungry.

Who could think that this is still at sea?

Luffy's eyes were almost staring out, and if it weren't for Zoro and Carina to grab him, I'm afraid he would have rushed in to find a seat.

"Welcome, dear customers. This is the sea restaurant Barati, no matter who the visitor is, we will serve you the most delicious meal."

The blond curly-brow young man in a black suit leaned slightly over his chest with one hand, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth with a cigarette in his mouth. But before this calm and steady appearance lasted for two seconds, his gaze was firmly attracted by Carina, and his right eye, unobstructed by the blond hair, became exaggeratedly peach-hearted:

"Ah! The sea! Thank you for letting me meet her today! Ah! Love! Please make fun of me who is suffering in pain! If you can be with her, even if you are a pirate or a demon, I Also willingly!"

First, there was a sour chanting opera voice, and then the blond young man gently lifted Carina's slender hands and pulled her to a vacant dining table, opened the seat for her, and said softly:

"The dishes recommended for you today are the assorted fruit salad made by myself, and the mandarin sweet wine. I hope you will like it, my Royal Highness. Oh, by the way, please forgive me for not introducing myself. I am here. Sanji, his sous chef."

"You are really a gentleman, as elegant as a prince." Carina's voice is like a tactful lark, which is her capital as a top singer: "But your Royal Highness..."

"Yes, please tell me."

"The dishes here may be a bit more expensive for others..." Carina flipped through the recipe, then looked at Sanji with a shy expression on her face.

"Of course it's free!" Sanji replied without saying a word.

Zoro focused his attention on Sanji's waist and asked, "That on your waist is..."

Luffy and Usopp looked over and found a beautiful calfskin gun bag tied around the waist of Sanji's black suit, in which a gorgeous black revolver was quietly placed.

"[Hunter]'s gun?" Carina was so knowledgeable, she was shocked.

Zoro held the three samurai swords around his waist, with a look of excitement on his face: "Only the official [Hunter] can have this style of revolver... Are you [Hunter]?"

Sanji smiled slightly and waved his hand: "Are you pirates? Don't worry, my revolver comes from a fair and honest, but I am not [hunter], but the sous chef of this sea restaurant Barati, so I can rest assured."

"Oh? This kind of revolver will be specially made for each [Hunter] and has its own number. Do you want to say that this gun was given to you by someone else?" Zoro is not letting his guard down, it is because of [Hunter] The name is too terrible, every [Hunter] is said to be a terribly strong monster.

Sanji laughed at the words:

"You are right, it was indeed given to me by someone else."

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